Let your community invest

Raise $50K to $5M+ from hundreds of customers, fans, and friends—all in one line on your cap table.

Substack CEO Chris Best

We’ve raised $797M for community⁠-⁠led founders

  • Double quote image

    "My favorite co-investor is the community. Startups that align incentives with customers, fans, and stakeholders have an inherent advantage."

    Talia Goldberg

    Talia Goldberg

    Partner, Bessemer Ventures

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    "If users love a product so much that they invest in it, I consider it a positive signal. I support founders who offer ownership to their community."

    Andrew Chen

    Andrew Chen

    General Partner, a16z

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    "Treat your community like investors. Every community-driven startup should share ownership with their most valuable members."

    Justin Kan

    Justin Kan

    General Partner, Goat Capital

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    "We wanted to give ownership to the community, so that when we’re successful, they’re successful."

    Immad Akhund

    Immad Akhund

    Founder, Mercury

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    "The next generation of founders will raise community rounds to access a broader & more diverse set of investors who can add value alongside traditional VCs."

    Gale Wilkinson

    Gale Wilkinson

    Managing Partner, Vitalize Venture Capital

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    "This is going to become the new normal for a majority of great startups."

    Alexis Ohanian

    Alexis Ohanian

    Founder, Seven Seven Six

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    "I hate convincing someone who doesn't believe what I'm building is valuable, when I have 100,000 people who are buying my products to let me know that it's valuable."

    Kim Lewis

    Kim Lewis

    Founder, CurlMix

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    "It's nice to be able to tell 207 people, 'This is your restaurant too. Promote it! Bring your parties here!' People feel so proud to be owners."

    Yuka loroi

    Yuka loroi

    Founder, Cassava

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    "I've always found benefit from having angel investors, so why not have thousands of them?"

    Amjad Masad

    Amjad Masad

    Founder, Replit

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    "Turning users into owners is the ultimate way to create alignment. We look forward to investing alongside users in the next generation of world-changing brands."

    Gautam Gupta

    Gautam Gupta

    General Partner, TCV

More than just a capital raise

Now you have hundreds of angel investors who will go to bat for you.
Just ask, and they might...

Take total control of your raise

Set your own valuation, terms, and narrative on your campaign page. Our team will support you with anything ranging from fundraising strategy to legal.


Create Pitch

A single link and source of truth for your raise.


Private Launch

Give early access to your friends, supporters, and angels.


Legal Setup

We will help you every step of the way.


Public Launch

Fill up your round by giving everyone access.


Get Funds

Receive a single wire, or draw down in tranches.

From tomorrow’s unicorns to local coffee shops

Put your community on your cap table, no matter what your industry, stage, or goals.

Browse by industry

Browse by founder

Browse by backers

Browse by stage

The most founder-friendly platform

Designed so you can focus on your community, and we can handle the rest.

One line on your cap table

We consolidate hundreds of investors into a single line on your cap table.

Set your own terms

Take control of your raise using the VC industry-standard tools and terms.

We do all the grunt work

You galvanize your community. We handle everything else you need.

We charge a flat fee of 7.9% of funds successfully raised and an annual fee of 0.5%, capped at $1,000 each year for funds successfully raised. Pay nothing until you successfully raise money.

Built by founders, for founders

We're fellow founders. We've got your back.

Ex-President Barack Obama signing a paper

We petitioned Congress to make Community Rounds legal in 2012...

...and got invited to watch President Obama make it real in the Jobs Act!

We're the first & largest

We've delivered the most money to founders via Community Rounds out of any competitor.

We created Community Rounds

We petitioned Congress to legalize Community Rounds in 2012. Before that, only the wealthy were allowed to invest in pre-IPO companies.

We're a Public Benefit Corporation

We believe in the scrappy and hungry who put it all on the line to move the world in a better direction. Win or fail, we all benefit.

We eat our own dog food

We've only raised money through community rounds. Since our founding, over 6,700 investors have invested $20M.

Ready to let your community invest?

Turn hundreds of supporters into angel investors on your own terms.

In <2 minutes, we can tell you if it's a good fit!