Heroic Public Benefit Corporation

How I prepare for Heroic Investor chats… ✍️ 📄 (Want to see my notes?! 🤷)

Published on Jun 18


Brian here with another (kinda) quick note. 

Today I want to share how I prepare for 1-on-1 chats with big prospective Heroic Early Stage Investors. 

Quick context before we get to work…

This is email #9 out of lucky #13 as we have fun seeing if we can put a few more million bucks in the Heroic bank account as we take the next steps in forging an antifragile business so we can change the world together.

First: THANK YOU to everyone who has already invested. 

We can’t do what we do as powerfully as we are committed to doing it without YOU so thank you. 🙏

Special shout out to Scott McIntosh and his family who recently invested another $300,000 to bring their total investment to $500,000.

(Goosebumps typing that.)

Bless you, Scott. 🙏

Scott also created this LinkedIn post on WHY he invested that you may enjoy. (He links to this blog post.)

Second: Here’s the quick links to the preceding emails in this series:

The Fighting Irish, the Bulls and YOU!!, Why I do what I do…, You + Us > 1-5-10-25-50-100-250+ Years, the science of BIG GOALS, The Heroic Investment Deck, Want to cry? Then watch this, Heroic Education: Training the next gen of Heroes, and “The Way of the Warrior Kid!” 📕

Today I want to chat about how I prepare for my 1-on-1 chats with accredited investors who are considering putting in $25,000+. 

I have had a number of these calls over the last couple weeks and have two calls with prospective investors today.

Let’s get straight to work. 

As you know if you’ve been following along, I love to target swipe my 3-minutes of Heroic strategic vision journaling. 

Here’s my journal from this AM.

I also like to hit my Target: “Focus on WIN!”


I have a LOT of WINs right now, including a couple of Top Secret workshops for some incredible organizations later this week. 🫡 🇺🇸!!

And, of course, we have our open crowdfunding round. 


This morning, after doing some prep work for the upcoming workshops. I did some prep work for my couple of investors chats today. 

Here’s the one-page distillation of what I like to make sure I discuss when I chat with prospective big Heroic Early Stage Investors.


Here’s the quick walk-through of that one-page summary of how I think about raising money.

You’ll notice this at the top…



In every.single.one of my chats, I tell a prospective investor that I don’t want a SINGLE DOLLAR they are not prepared to LOSE and/or have illiquid for 5-7-10 years. Period. 

The fact is most businesses like ours fail and I don’t want anyone’s money who’s going to get freaked out when things inevitably don’t go according to plan.

I’ve raised $30M+ over the course of my career and I can assure you that some investors were better than others 😉 and I’m very clear on the mission-aligned, wise, disciplined, loving, courageous, long-term thinking type of investor I want in our Heroic Public Benefit Corporation. 


Right after I tell the prospective big investor that I don’t want any money from them that they aren’t prepared to LOSE and/or have ILLIQUID for an extended period of time, I tell them that I’ve NEVER lost anyone’s money in my prior businesses (for which I raised over $10M+) and that I don’t intend to START that habit now. 😉

That’s when I talk about how my #1 job right now is to protect their “DOWNSIDE.”

To be blunt: I want to do everything I can to eliminate the risk of their investment turning into a zero. 

That’s what “$0” and “ELIMINATE ZERO” is referencing. 

Of course, we can’t ever entirely eliminate that risk, but the fact that we have a product that has already received broad adoption from a broad array of (elite!) individuals and (elite!) organizations while producing significant revenue points to our ability to mitigate this risk. 


The fact that they will be investing in what’s known as a convertible note with seniority over prior investment ALSO mitigates downside risk.


After I emphasize my commitment to doing EVERYTHING I can to make sure I don’t lose their money, we’re ready to talk about how I intend to MAKE them money. 

Note: I always tell them that if I were in their position, one of the things that would influence me the most is my tattoo.

I say that while holding my arm up and rubbing my forearm as I tell them: “This doesn’t rub off. I’m ALL IN. And I am never (ever ever ever!) giving up.”


After establishing my commitment to mitigating their downside risk and rubbing the ol’ Heroic tattoo, I tell them that I am unapologetically ambitious. 

I want to 10x their investment.

That’s what “10X” and “ADD A ZERO” are referring to. 🤓

OBVIOUSLY doing that will be extraordinarily hard as most businesses FAIL let alone fail to create a billion dollar enterprise value company. (See legalese below!)



I didn’t dedicate my life to the Mission of helping create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing with the intention of creating a nice little mom-and-pop business. 

I am (and Michael and our team are!) FIERCELY committed to creating a business that impacts the world at scale and, as a measurable result of the value we create in the world, creates a significant return for our investors (and ALL stakeholders) that reflects that impact. 

So, that’s the Target. 


Which begs the question as to HOW we intend to do that which leads to the next part of my prep notes. 

I talk about this in depth in my letter, A Brief History of Heroic and a Quick Look at How We Intend to Forge an Antifragile Business and Fulfill Our Mission, so I’ll skip details, but we intend to dominate the three phases of Jim Collins’s model on how enduringly great businesses are formed. 

We’re currently in Phase II: Antifragility.

Over the next 2.5 years (2024/2025/2026), we are committed to creating an antifragile business that is defined as a business that is EBITDA+ on an accrual basis, 2x-ing each year ($6M/$12M/$25M) and has 2+ years of capital in the bank. 

We believe that if we can hit the 2x-ing and EBITDA+ targets, we’ll be in a position to raise a Series A financing of $10M+ at a valuation of $100M+. 

That would, essentially, give us the 2+ years of capital in the bank and check the box on hitting our Phase II targets of Forging an Antifragile Business.

Then I tell the prospective investor that this would ALSO be a 2x return on their prospective investment. 


All of that leads us to the NEXT part of my prep notes which talks about HOW we will move from an antifragile biz to a truly great business that has a shot at 10x-ing their investment. 

Again, I talk about this IN DEPTH in the letter called A Brief History of Heroic and a Quick Look at How We Intend to Forge an Antifragile Business and Fulfill Our Mission.

Check that out for more.

Short story…

By the year 2030 (at the end of the third phase of our biz!), we want 1 MILLION people on our platform with a Soul Force score of 101 such that we have 1 BILLION virtuous targets hit every year which we believe will lead to a business worth over $1 BILLION which will put us on track to fulfill our Mission of 51 | 2051. 

And that’s the (kinda!) quick look at how I prep for chats with prospective Early Stage Heroic investors. 

Want to join us?

For investments ranging from $100 to $25,000, cruise on over here: wefunder.com/heroic

For investments from $25,000 to $100,000 to $250,000 to $1,000,000+ (we’re blessed to have investors at every range!), let us know here and we’ll schedule one of those 1-on-1 chats: heroicpbc.typeform.com/Accredited


The round closes in 16 days on July 4th, so if you’re feeling it, let’s go!

With gratitude and love and hope and ALL IN joy, I say…

Heroes unite!

We’ve got a world to change together. 


P.S. And as always… Since we have our crowdfunding round open right now, our attorneys remind us that we need to include this bit of legalese on emails like this, so here we go…

  1. Scott McIntosh is a Heroic investor.
  2. Scott McIntosh has not received any incentive or consideration of any kind in exchange for their comments relating to, or endorsements of, Heroic.
  3. The comments, endorsements of Scott McIntosh are included with their express permission.
  4. The comments and/or endorsements of Scott McIntosh are not, and should not be regarded as, investment advice. Individuals considering an investment in Heroic should consult an investment professional before making an investment decision.
  5. These materials may contain forward-looking statements and information relating to, among other things, the company, its business plan and strategy, and its industry. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to the company’s management. When used in the offering materials, the words “estimate,” “project,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The company does not undertake any obligations to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after such date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.