Heroic Public Benefit Corporation

Want to cry? Then watch this…

Published on Jun 12


Brian here with email #6 (of) lucky #13 !) as we approach the closing date for our current fundraising!! 😉

We started with The Fighting Irish, the Bulls and YOU!!, then Why I do what I do…, and then You + Us > 1-5-10-25-50-100-250+ Years!

Then I talked about the science of BIG GOALS and why I have the process goal of sending a certain number of emails to have the best shot at hitting our current BIG GOAL which is throwing a couple more (million!) bucks in the bank so we can most powerfully take the next steps in forging an antifragile business over the next 2.5 years so we can fulfill our Mission over the next 2.5 decades!! 🫡!!

In yesterday’s email, we shared the Heroic Investment Deck. 

You see it yet? CHECK IT OUT HERE!

In that email, I playfully shared my belief that we just made history again with an investment deck that included a (remarkably jacked!) near-naked guy getting out of a cold plunge with a tattoo of his company on his chest. 😆 💪

See slide #54 in the deck here. 🤓

That guy?

That’s our President and Head Coach, Michael Balchan. 

Today I want to chat a little more about that special human. 

I’ll use a text we received over the weekend from our biggest investor, Marty Bicknell. 

Marty is the CEO of Mariner Wealth Advisors. He has invested over $1M into Heroic and is also our largest corporate partner. 

I’ll be sharing more about what we’ve done to help his team activate their Heroic potential and all we are up to with Heroic Enterprise soon. 

For now…

In the text, Marty told Michael and me that he just watched the keynote I gave at the end of our Heroic Workshop Training event in Austin last month.

That talk was called “How We’re Going to Change the World Together 101.”

Note: If you want to know my latest thinking on how we’re going to change the world together 😉, THAT talk is a must-watch. 

It’s a complement to the (very) long letter I wrote that I ALSO highly encourage you to read if you want to know how I’m thinking about things. 

It’s called: A Brief History of Heroic and a Quick Look at How We Intend to Forge an Antifragile Business and Fulfill Our Mission.

You can read it on Wefunder here and download the PDF here

Two things for today. 

First: Our current round is closing SOON. (Details on when here on Wefunder!)

On that note…

I had a chat with a prospective investor last week. It was fantastic. He plans to invest. Awesome. 

At one point during the chat, he told me that we’ve raised a lot of money. 

I asked him if he knew how much Calm and Headspace have raised. 

He said he didn’t. 

I asked him to guess how much Calm has raised. 

He guessed $20M (which is about how much we’ve raised to date).

I said nope. 

Add a ZERO. 

Calm has raised over $200M. So has Headspace. (BetterUp, an enterprise focused coaching business I admire and strive to emulate in many ways? They’ve raised well over $500M!!)

According to the Business of Apps articles here and here, those companies were worth $2B and $3B, respectively, at their last rounds in 2020 and 2021. (BetterUp was valued at $4.7B.)

Then I told him that, although I’m glad our business isn’t dependent on raising $200M more dollars to flourish, I’d LOVE to have $200M more dollars to invest in our team, product, marketing, and international expansion as we look to create a multibillion dollar enterprise value company that has impact at scale.

Our next fundraising target after we close this convertible note, as discussed, is a $10M+ Series A at a valuation over $100M—which, if we can hit that in the next 2.5 years (insert legalese and emphasis on “IF” as always…) would be a potential 2x+ step up on the current round.


It’s time to chat about the main thing I want to highlight today which is WHY Marty texted me and Michael. 

He told us that he cried for 3 straight minutes when he watched me (and Alexandra) celebrate our beloved Michael during my “How We’re Going to Change the World Together 101” talk. 

It was a VERY VERY VERY special moment for me and Alexandra. 

As a member of our community, you need to know this…

Michael is a VERY VERY VERY special human being who has played a HUGE role creating Heroic alongside me (and Optimize and our Coach program before that) and it was about time I publicly recognized his contributions.

He’s an incredibly hardworking, humble, Heroic human being. He’s ALSO a Harvard-educated (behavioral economist!) who has helped create everything from our scientifically proven Heroic Coach program to our (scientifically proven!) Heroic App. 

If you want to see just that segment of me celebrating Michael, you can watch this clip—although, I repeat, if you’re interested in following along with what we’re up to, please watch the entire 101.

That’s all I’ve got. 

With love and gratitude and some tears in my eyes I say…

Let’s go!



P.S. Speaking of that investor chat I had and the international expansion I can’t wait to do with more capital in the years ahead…

You ever see this video of me chatting in 25+ languages?!

AI is insane. 

Imagine what we will be able to do in the next 3-5-10-25-51 years…

P.P.S. As always… Since we have our crowdfunding round open right now, our attorneys remind us that we need to include this bit of legalese on emails like this, so here we go…

  1. Marty Bicknell is a Heroic investor.
  2. Marty Bicknell has not received any incentive or consideration of any kind in exchange for their comments relating to, or endorsements of, Heroic.
  3. The comments, endorsements of Marty Bicknell are included with their express permission.
  4. The comments and/or endorsements of Marty Bicknell are not, and should not be regarded as, investment advice. Individuals considering an investment in Heroic should consult an investment professional before making an investment decision.
  5. These materials may contain forward-looking statements and information relating to, among other things, the company, its business plan and strategy, and its industry. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to the company’s management. When used in the offering materials, the words “estimate,” “project,” “believe,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “expect” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management’s current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the company’s actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The company does not undertake any obligations to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after such date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.