Heroic Public Benefit Corporation

A Brief History of Heroic and a Quick Look at How We Intend to Forge an Antifragile Business and Fulfill Our Mission

Brian Johnson

Published on May 22, 2024

My Dear Heroic Investors, Coaches, Partners, and Community!

This is Brian. šŸ‘‹ šŸ™

On behalf of Alexandra, Michael, and the entire Heroic team, Iā€™m excited to give you an update on the last fifteen months. Itā€™s been an exciting time for Heroic. 

I know weā€™re both busy so letā€™s get straight to work. 

Note: Thereā€™s so much to cover that one of my biggest challenges with this update letter was deciding where to start and what to discuss! (šŸ˜³!! šŸ¤Æ!!)

Another challenge was finding the space to slow down and go DEEP as Iā€™ve been incredibly busy on a number of fronts since the launch of our book in November of last year. As Iā€™ve joked many times, Iā€™ve traveled more in the last five months than I had in the prior five YEARS. šŸ˜†

We have been blessed to have the opportunity to serve an extraordinary array of individuals and organizations and Iā€™m excited to share some of the highlights with you.

Another decision I had to make was the style of this letter. I decided to approach this like I tend to approach ALL of my writing: as if I was blessed to have a chance to sit down and have a 1-on-1 chat with youā€”or, better yet, to have a chance to have you out to the olā€™ Johnson Ranch and go on a nice, long Trail walk with you.


This was originally going to be an ā€œAnnual Letter.ā€ It has evolved into ā€œA Brief History of Heroic Plus a Quick Look at How We Intend to Forge an Antifragile Business and Fulfill Our Mission.ā€

(Download the Letter as a PDF here.)

My primary intention with this letter is to follow the wisdom Marcus Aurelius gives me every morning when I seek his counsel in my AM Heroic meditation: to play my role well as the Co-Founder & CEO of our Heroic Public Benefit Corporation (and one of the leaders of our Heroic movement!) by doing what Jim Collins describes as THE #1 responsibility of every leader.

As Collins brilliantly puts it in Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0: ā€œThe function of leadershipā€”THE number-one responsibility of a leaderā€”is to catalyze a clear and shared vision for the company and to secure commitment to and vigorous pursuit of that vision. This is a universal requirement of leadership, and no matter what your style, you must perform this function.ā€

I repeat, my primary intention with this letter is to ā€œcatalyze a clear and shared vision for the company and to secure commitment to and vigorous pursuit of that vision.ā€

With that in mind, I want you to know that I am writing this letter with multiple stakeholders in mind. 

Of course, Iā€™m thinking about our Heroic Founding and Early-Stage Investors. We are now blessed to have over 3,000 Heroic Investors from over 75 countries. I begin each day recommitting to serving YOU and to making you proud to be a part of our movement. 

(In fact, Iā€™ve hit this Target 877 times since we launched the Heroic app: ā€œI Recommit to My Sacred Vow (101 x 1M = 1B = $1B => 51|2051)ā€ šŸŽÆ!)

Hereā€™s the Sacred Vow I made the day I accepted our initial $5M from our first 2,400+ investors when we made history as the first company ever to raise $5M via the new SEC crowdfunding regulations as part of what became our $10M Seed round.

Once again: THANK YOU for your belief in and investment in me, our team and our Heroic Public Benefit Corporation.  šŸ™

Note: At the end of our recent Heroic Workshop Instructor Training/Activation Weekend event (in which we trained our first 100+ Heroic Workshop Instructors from 33 states and 13 countries!), we helped everyone create their own Sacred Vows.

Check out these two 101s for more:

How Weā€™re Going to Change the World Together 101:

ļ»æHow to Forge a Heroically Confident Mind 101:


As Michael shared at the end of my talk on how weā€™re going to change the world together (right after I celebrated him!), hereā€™s HIS Sacred Vow:

I, Michael Balchan, solemnly swear to see and honor the divinity within myself and every other being, appreciating and elevating the sacred gift that is our shared conscious experience. I will do the work to forge myself into a more and more disciplined and clear conduit for infinite love and creative power, using my life in service of our collective humanity and working to create and maintain a flourishing world, together. I will strive to be excellence embodied, humbly submitting to and playing the roles assigned to me to the absolute best of my ability, while encouraging, empowering, and supporting others to do the same. I will embrace reality and all of its facets, including both the pain, uncertainty, and constant hard work alongside the joy, laughter, awe, and love. I will inevitably fall short, fail, and make mistakes, but I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever stop trying: to be the best man I can be for myself, the best husband I can be for my wife, the best father I can be for my daughters, and the best student, partner, and leader I can be for Heroic and our world as we activate our collective potential, fulfill our collective destiny, and change the world together.

Iā€™m also writing this letter for all of our prospective investors. At the time of this writing, we have an open crowdfunding round. 

If you would like to join our movement as a Heroic Investor by investing as little as $100 or as much as $1M+ (we have investors at both ends of that spectrum!) you can do so by visiting Wefunder.com/Heroic.

Note: If you are an accredited investor interested in investing $25,000+, you can let us know here: https://heroic.us/accredited.

We have been blessed to receive support from 150+ accredited investors who have invested over $25,000. And, over 50 of those investors have helped catalyze our movement by investing over $100,000. THANK YOU for your Heroic support. (Seriously. Thank you. šŸ™)


As the CEO of a Public Benefit Corporation (that is also a B Corp), I have a legal, fiduciary responsibility to serve not just our investor/shareholder group but ALL of our stakeholders. 

In fact, this fiduciary responsibility is ingrained in this paragraph in our corporate charter:

ā€œWithout limiting the generality of the foregoing, this Corporationā€™s role in helping people optimize their lives may include, among other things, providing access to wisdom from optimal living teachers; creating an online community to engage with other individuals committed to making a positive difference in their communities; promoting other tools and services to help people be the change they want to see in the world; and optimizing this Corporationā€™s relationship to each of its stakeholders, including without limitation customers, employees, partners and society.ā€

Note: Weā€™re effectively identical to a C Corp with the exception of THAT additional paragraph in our charter that makes us a Public Benefit Corporation. 

That commitment to all the stakeholders of our businesses was inspired by wisdom from John Mackey and Raj Sisodia

In Conscious Capitalism (sub-title: ā€œLiberating the HEROIC Spirit of Businessā€; emphasis mine šŸ˜‰), they tell us that a conscious business is, among other things, purpose-driven and committed to serving ALL of the stakeholders of its business.

Mackey and Sisodia use a handy-dandy acronym to capture the stakeholders we want to keep in mind as we lead our conscious/Heroic businesses: ā€œSPICE.ā€

SPICE is short for Society, Partners, Investors, Customers, and Employees.

I like to make it SPICEY to include our most important stakeholder: YOU.


It is with that in mind that I am also writing this letter for our broader Heroic community that includes all of our Heroic ā€œCustomersā€ we are blessed serve, our Heroic Coaches with whom we are blessed to serve AND all of our other Heroic Partners with whom we are blessed to do the work we do.

Speaking of ā€œPartnersā€ā€¦

I started typing this from a hotel room in Tampa Bay, Florida. I flew out to attend SOF Weekā€”an international gathering of over 20,000 (!) special forces operators (from over 70 (!) countries) and the industry and academic professionals who serve these elite forces who play such a vital role in preserving the freedoms on which our flourishing are so dependent.

General Bryan P. Fenton, the four-star general who leads the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) and his Command Sergeant Major Shane W. Shorter gave the welcome keynote.

During that talk, General Fenton repeatedly emphasized the importance of global PARTNERSHIPS among special forces operators around the world to preserve our freedoms during this ā€œdecisive decade.ā€

To make his point, he discussed what he called a ā€œSOF proverb.ā€ 

We actually talked about it in a recent +1 called ā€œGo Fast AND Far.ā€

As I said in that +1, I took 10 pages of notes while attending a SOCOM First SOF Truth event at which I gave a keynote on Resilience. (See SOCOMā€™s brief of my talk here.) 

(See additional +1s gleaned from my 10 pages of notes from that day on the power of relentlessly trying to improve (page 1), how a normal person vs. a Special Forces Operator responds to a challenge (page 7), and our new definition of resiliency (page 8) for more.)

This wisdom will be indelibly tattooed on my consciousness for the rest of my life and influences how Iā€™m approaching this letter (thinking about the Heroic PARTNERSHIPS that will help us fulfill our Mission).

In the +1, I saidā€¦

ā€œYou know how people say that if you want to go FAST you should go alone but that if you want to go FAR you should go together?


Thatā€™s a nice sentiment and, of course, thereā€™s a lot of wisdom in that perspective.


Iā€™m going to go with General Fentonā€™s perspective on this one.

As he was wrapping up the day, he said that they, as U.S. Special Forces Operators, are committed to going fast AND far.


How do you do THAT?

Well, first off, you need to be willing to (and able to!) step back half an inch from what most people are thinking and notice when you might be limiting your perspective by accepting an apparent, unnecessary either/or dichotomy.

As Ray Dalio says in his BRILLIANT book Principles (check out those Notes), when youā€™re faced with an apparent either/or decision, slow down, step back, and think harder about how you can have as much of BOTH as possible. 

For our purposesā€¦

Letā€™s do the hard work to optimize our lives so we can GO FAST.


Letā€™s remember that we are forging that strength so we can be of service as we strive to set and maintain a fierce pace and GO FAR with others who are equally committed to serving Heroically.

THAT is how elite operators show upā€”striving to BE WORTHY of their fellow Heroes and those they serve.

And THAT is how we will change the world, one person at a time.


Starting with YOU and me and all of us.


Hereā€™s to setting a brisk pace.

As we all hustle to keep up.

Going fast AND far."

Why is that relevant for our purposes? 

I repeat: If we are going to have a shot at fulfilling our Heroic Mission to help create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051, we MUST GO FAST AND FAR TOGETHER.

I am honored to have your support and we are fiercely committed to being worthy of creating an enduring Heroic Partnership with you in whatever form that takesā€”from Heroic community member to Heroic Coach, organizational Partner, and/or Investor!

All of which brings us back to the primary intention of this letter that I will deliberately repeat one more time before we FINALLY wrap up this very long prelude and get to workā€¦

ā€œThe function of leadershipā€”THE number-one responsibility of a leaderā€”is to catalyze a clear and shared vision for the company and to secure commitment to and vigorous pursuit of that vision. This is a universal requirement of leadership, and no matter what your style, you must perform this function.ā€


With that context-setting prelude out of the wayā€¦

Letā€™s officially get to work.

Iā€™m going to frame up this discussion by leaning on some more wisdom from the great business strategist Jim Collins. 

As you may know, Collins has written a number of great books including Good to Great, Great by Choice, and the book we already quoted, Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0. (I still need to do Notes on all of them!)

In Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0, he tells us that an enduringly great company goes through THREE phases. 

Every great company starts as an ā€œIdea.ā€ Then it needs to become a ā€œViable Business.ā€ Then (and only then!) does it have a shot at becoming an ā€œEnduringly Great Company.ā€

I repeat: Idea ā†’ Viable Business ā†’ Enduringly Great Company

Of course, we intend to make Heroic Public Benefit Corporation an enduringly great company.

Thereā€™s simply no other appropriate standard by which to measure ourselves if we are serious about fulfilling our Mission of helping to create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051.

And I can assure you that Michael and I have never been more fiercely committed to playing our roles as humbly yet Heroically well as we can to help create that world and fulfill that Mission.

To create an enduringly great Heroic Public Benefit Corporation, we will need to go through those three phases.

I like to frame up Collinsā€™ phases like this: Idea ā†’ Antifragility ā†’ Greatness.

In fact, nearly every morning I write this down during my quick strategic journaling session:

Then I addā€¦

I believe that each of those first three phases will take us about three years to complete. 

From that vantage point, we *just* completed Phase I of our Heroic Quest. 

Our focus for 2024 (and over the next three years) is to dominate Phase II as we strive to FORGE AN ANTIFRAGILE business that will give us the best shot at creating an ENDURINGLY GREAT company that will give us the best shot at fulfilling OUR AMBITIOUS MISSION to help create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051. 

Longer chat butā€¦

I choose to focus on ā€œFORGING ANTIFRAGILITYā€ rather than merely establishing a ā€œviable businessā€ because (a) it sounds a lot more Heroic šŸ˜‰ and (b) helping super-elite performers (from military officers, athletes, coaches, executives and YOU!) forge antifragility is such a central theme of our work. 

(Plusā€¦ ANTIFRAGILE CONFIDENCE is my most recent tattooā€”which weā€™ll talk about in a moment when I share ALL the Heroic tattoos our community has gotten over the last couple of years! šŸ˜³)

With those three phases in mind, letā€™s start with a (very!) Brief History of Heroic, then weā€™ll chat about How We Intend to Forge an Antifragile Business and Fulfill Our Mission.

Note: In terms of my rough ā€œthree yearsā€ for each Phase of our Heroic Public Benefit Corporation quest, I like the way Matt Higgins frames it up in his great book Burn the Boats (check out those Notes!).

He tells us: ā€œYou need to structure your big bets in life to give yourself time to be right. Itā€™s hard enough to be right, itā€™s impossible to predict when youā€™ll be right. ... I tell people it takes at least three years for a startup to stabilize, five to reap the harvestā€”and almost never less, no matter the product.ā€

Phase I: The Idea

The First Three Years: 2021, 2022, 2023

Iā€™m going to skip the details on our origin story as Iā€™ve shared it many times in various contexts but hereā€™s the quick recap then some highlights from the last 15 months.

On December 19th, 2020, I sent out a long email-letter to our community, sharing the vision for Heroic and inviting them to help us change the world together by investing in Heroic.

Within 24 hours, we were blessed to have $5M of expressed interest in investing. Within 100 hours, we had $10M of expressed interest in investing. 

(I always get goosebumps typing that and feeling into the Heroic support we received from our community. šŸ¤— šŸ˜² šŸ¤Æ !!!)

On March 24, 2021, with the support of 2,432 (!) Founding Investors from 75 (!) countries around the world, Heroic Public Benefit Corporation made history as the first company to ever close a $5M equity financing via the new Crowdfunding Regulations as part of what became an $10M Seed round. 

You can check out over 1,000 notes from our community on WHY they decided to invest on Wefunder here. Here are a couple of my favorites from our communityā€¦

And here are a few of my favorites from a few of my friendsā€¦

Shortly after we made history, we partnered with one of the best product teams in the worldā€”the same team that built Slack, Tinder, Uber Eats and many other apps that went on to change the world. 

We spent a year working on the Heroic appā€”which we proudly launched on April 9th, 2022. 


As warm and fuzzy as all that is, we need to make sure we talk about our first Mount Everest-caliber snow storm thatā€™s an important part of our origin storyā€¦

TWO DAYS (!!!) before we launched the app, we received a letter from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission letting us know that they had opened an investigation.

At the time, we were well into the process of raising our next round of financing. And, although I knew we had strived to do everything at the highest possible level of excellence, and the investigation is now closed (note: we navigated the SECā€™s process in 8 months. The average duration of one of their investigations is 24 months; if we didnā€™t set a record for fastest to resolution we were close!), their investigation significantly affected our fundraising efforts and forced us to restructure our business as we accelerated our focus on making money rather than just raising money.

At the time, my mantra was ā€œNavigate the Storm, Emerge Stronger, Fulfill the Mission!ā€ 

Iā€™m proud of how our team navigated that process and I believe we emerged stronger as a businessā€”I know I did as a leader.

Fun fact: The world-class law firm (Quinn Emanuel) we hired to help us navigate the process with the SEC hired me to keynote their partner meeting later that year to share our Heroic philosophy (and how we navigated that process with wisdom, discipline, love, courage, gratitude, hope, curiosity, and zest!). šŸ¤“

Hereā€™s Michael Liftikā€™s gracious introduction highlighting his experience working with us:


Thatā€™s a VERY quick look at the first two years. šŸ˜†

Now itā€™s time to talk about the last fifteen months and how we plan to forge an antifragile business en route to fulfilling our Mission.

To frame THAT up, I want to bust out THIS MORNINGā€™s one-page strategic journaling. Weā€™ll use THAT as the guide for the next part of our discussion.

Here it isā€¦


With rare exceptions, every morning I spend at least three minutes journaling our vision for Heroic and our strategic plans to fulfill that Mission. (This morning took me 11 minutes.)


Basically, because world-class well-being researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky told me to do it. (Hah.)

More specifically, in The Myths of Happiness, Sonja tells us that journaling for as little as TWO minutes can change your life.

Hereā€™s how she puts it: ā€œWhether our optimism is big or little, many of us waver in our expectations of the future. Fortunately, numerous research-tested activities have been shown to boost positive thinking. The most robust strategy involves keeping a journal regularly for ten to twenty minutes per day, in which we write down our hopes and dreams for the future (e.g., ā€˜In ten years, I will be married and a home ownerā€™), visualize them coming true, and describe how we might get there and what that would feel like. This exerciseā€”even when engaged in as briefly as two minutesā€”makes people happier and even healthier.ā€

Although I have been VERY consistent with showing up and journaling my strategic thoughts, HOW I have journaled has evolved over the years.

The most recent iteration in my journaling was inspired by Dr. Nate Zinsser and wisdom from his GREAT (!) book The Confident Mind

Iā€™ll walk you through that one-page Heroic Confident Mind journal page in a moment. 

First, letā€™s set some quick contextā€¦ 

Dr. Zinsser is one of the worldā€™s best mental toughness/peak performance teachers and coaches. Heā€™s worked with three generations (!) of soldiers at West Point and other elite performers for decades. His book, The Confident Mind, is now my all-time favorite book on the subject. (I HIGHLY (!) recommend it. Check out the Notes, etc.)

Dr. Z defines confidence as, in short, CERTAINTY that you have what it takes to do what you aspire to do.

Of course, at Heroic (and in our book AretƩ!) we define confidence as INTENSE TRUST that you have what it takes to do what you aspire to do AND that you have what it takes to meet any and all of the challenges life throws at you in the process of activating your Heroic potential and fulfilling your destiny in service to something bigger than yourself.

When we bring all that together and get in the habit of doing what needs to get done whether we feel like it or not (correction: ESPECIALLY when we donā€™t feel like it!) we forge a special type of confidence: antifragile confidenceā€”such that we eat challenges like energy bars and (literally!) get stronger with every challenge we face.

To help us cultivate our absolute CERTAINTY/INTENSE TRUST to do what we aspire to do at THE highest possible levels, Dr. Z encourages us to CONSTANTLY make deposits into what he calls our ā€œpsychological bank accounts.ā€

He encourages us to do that on three time horizons: the past, the present, and the future.

To make big deposits in your confidence-boosting psychological bank accounts in the PAST, he encourages us to think about (and write down!) TEN of the things you have achieved in your life that you are MOST proud of that are related to the next big thing you want to do.

Note: Insecure individuals spend time ruminating about all the things that went WRONG in the past. On the other handā€¦ Once theyā€™ve squeezed the win or learn juice out of their mistakes, confident people think about the things that were AWESOME in their past. 

To mine the PRESENT for deposits, Dr. Z tells us we need to use AFFIRMATIONS. 

Frankly, I used to be ambivalent about affirmations and still have an allergy to the way theyā€™re typically presented. Dr. Z convinced me of their scientific efficacy when done right. Now Iā€™m ALL INā€”which is why I changed nearly all my Heroic Targets to be AFFIRMATIONS and also why I am basically repeating affirmation-mantras ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Itā€™s also why I write down some affirmations in my one-page strategic journaling right after I feast on some Hero Bars

Then, once weā€™ve strengthened our Heroically Confident Minds with deposits from the PAST and from the PRESENT, weā€™re ready to create MORE positive moments in the FUTURE and, more importantly, CONFIDENTLY CRUSH IT in the future when that present moment arrives.

To make psychological deposits in the FUTURE, we need to get clarity on what we WANT to see come to life then SEE IT as if it is already hereā€”then, of course, go do the HARD WORK to make it a reality.

I repeat: To create a Heroically Confident Mind and forge the CERTAINTY that we have what it takes to activate our Heroic potential and fulfill our destinies, we want to make deposits into our psychological bank accounts on three time horizons: the past, the present, and the future.

Itā€™s with THAT wisdom in mind that I crafted my new Heroic daily journaling process.

Letā€™s go back to THIS MORNINGā€™s journal (May 9th, 2024) and use it as a guide for our discussion of how Iā€™m thinking about Heroic.

Weā€™ll start at the top.

Every morning I write a short-hand for our new tagline that captures what we help people do: ā€œForge Excellence. Activate Your Heroic Potential. Fulfill Your Destiny. Change the World with Us.ā€

Then I write the shorthand for our ultimate Mission to create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051: ā€œ=> 51 |2051.ā€

Then I write my little mountain with a flag at the top of it (yes, thatā€™s a mini Heroic mark on it šŸ˜‰) representing our Heroic quest. Then I put an ā€œXā€ in the middle reminding me that I REFUSE to get stuck in the middle of that rugged mountain and settle for mediocrity as I write: ā€œARETƉ = HEROICā€! 

(See this +1 on Mediocrity vs. Excellence and this +1 on Arambhashura: Letā€™s Be Heroes All the Way to the Summit for more.)

That takes me 90 seconds.

Then I get to work systematically making deposits in my psychological bank accounts via my PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE.

I start with some of the Hero Bars that give me confidence as both a Philosopher (represented by the ā€œĪ¦ā€ symbol) and as a CEO.

I quickly write down a one-word summation of some of my most confidence-boosting Hero Bars.

I canā€™t share some of the Top Secret confidential things (goosebumps as those things give me THE MOST (!) pride and ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE in our ability to fulfill our mission) but, at the risk of being immodest with the intention of showing you how I do it while using this as the context to share some Heroic highlights from the last 15+ months, Iā€™m excited to give you a quick look at some of the Hero Bar highlightsā€¦ 


Iā€™m sharing this as a way to capture some of the Heroic highlights I am proud to have created with YOUR support and with the support of our INCREDIBLY hard-working, dedicated Heroic team. 

Please forgive me for running the risk of being immodest as I shine a light on a small sample of the things that deepen my confidence in the momentum of our movement!  šŸ«”


ā€œGEN FENTONā€ is the very first thing I write down after noting our commitment to helping people forge excellence, activate their Heroic potential, fulfill their destiny and help us change the world so we can fulfill our Mission to help create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051. 

I write this down for a number of reasons. First, there are VERY few living human beings I DEEPLY admire. General Bryan P. Fenton is one of them. His embodiment of our Heroic ideals is ineffably inspiring for me.

I have been blessed to spend time with him and his command team and to feel the love they have for one another, our great nation, our international partners, and the freedoms they so fiercely protect is something that inspires me to be a better man and leader such that we can play our roles well to win the ultimate war between vice and virtue in this "decisive decade" and beyond. 

It is also a sacred honor to know that General Fenton and members of his command team use the Heroic app to activate THEIR Heroic potential. (I literally just got tears in my eyes typing that.)

I also had the opportunity to connect with General Fenton and his team at that recent SOF Week event. Here we are after the USSOCOM awards ceremony that General Fenton kicked off and Admiral McRaven anchored with an incredible keynote.

(Yes, I do occasionally wear something other than my Heroic t-shirts. šŸ¤“)

ā€œSOCOMā€ is short for ā€œU.S. Special Operations Commandā€ and captures the invitation I received from General Fenton to speak to hundreds of his top commanding officers on the subject of resilience/antifragility. 

Again, it was a sacred honor to serve these elite warriors who play such a pivotal role in protecting the freedoms on which our flourishing is so dependent. (See their summary of my briefing here.)

This distillation of Heroic is phenomenal:

ā€œNSWā€ is short for ā€œNaval Special Warfareā€ and captures the invitation I received (after giving that SOCOM talk) from Rear Admiral Keith Davids, Commander of Naval Special Warfare Command (WARCOM) and the Force Master Chief of WARCOM, Walter Dittmar, to speak to their top 50 commanding SEAL officers.

Once again, it was a sacred honor to serve these elite warriors who play such a pivotal role in protecting the freedoms on which our flourishing is so dependent. (Check out the gift they gave me as a thank you. That trident, my Heroic friend, was not a carry onā€”I checked that guy in! šŸ˜³šŸ˜†šŸ«” šŸ”± šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø !!)

ā€œSEALsā€ represents the opportunity we have been blessed to receive to work with NSWā€™s leadership development team to introduce Heroic to all SEALs, SWCCs (Special Warfare Combat Crewman), their command support personnel, AND their families. 

Yet again, itā€™s not possible for me to articulate how humbled and privileged I feel to serve these elite warriors. 


ā€œIKEā€ captures my trip to serve Captain Chris ā€œChowdahā€ Hill and his Sailors on the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER while they were battling Houthis in the Red Sea. 

This trip was especially humbling and inspiring. Itā€™s hard to put into words just how moving it was to see just how hard these Heroic Warrior Sailors work to serve our families and protect our freedoms. 

(Check out Captain Hillā€™s Tweet along with this Heroic social post I made after the trip. That Ike bust sits on my desk and stares at/advises me all day every day. Plus, check out recent +1s I shared on the trip: The CAT Launch, The Reenlistment Ceremony, Whatever You Doā€¦ Do THIS!)

ā€œGHWBā€ captures my trip to Norfolk to serve Captain Dave Pollard and his command team as we rolled out Heroic on his aircraft carrier: the GEORGE H.W. BUSHā€”which recently defended Ukraine.

Check out the Heroic Social post I made on that trip along with one of my all-time favorite +1s reflecting on wisdom from one of the warriors I met: Packing Parachutes with Purpose

And, here are a couple inspiring pictures from thatā€¦

One additional Heroic Military thing I didnā€™t note this morning, but that I think about every morning, is the fact that we had the sacred honor of rolling out Heroic with the Cadets, Faculty, and Staff of the United States Military Academy at West Point. (See this post for more.)

Then I writeā€¦

TFC | Bulls | Heat

ā€œTFCā€ represents the Major League Soccer team, Toronto FC. Their new head coach, John Herdman, is a dear friend and long-time student of Heroic. He won Olympic medals with the Canadian Womenā€™s National Soccer Team before leading the Canadian Menā€™s National Soccer Team to their first World Cup appearance in over 35 years.

Then he was hired to take over Toronto FCā€”which had the highest payroll in the league but the worst record last year. What did John do on the VERY FIRST day on the job? He gave the 75 people on the team behind the team a copy of our book, AretĆ©.

Michael and I had a chance to work with him and the team behind the team in the pre-season and then the team (and the team behind the team again!) the day before their home opener. They won. I happened to be on the Jumbotron celebrating with John. It was awesome. šŸ¤“ šŸ™Œ

ā€œBullsā€ and ā€œHeatā€ represent the fact that BOTH the Chicago Bulls and the Miami Heat gave their team a copy of AretĆ© as Christmas gifts for the players. šŸ€ šŸ˜² šŸ¤Æ

I was blessed to meet Gina KarniÅ”ovas at our Chicago book launch event and have since spent time connecting with her and her husband ArtÅ«ras KarniÅ”ovas (who happens to be the Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations for the Chicago Bulls). So, I knew they gave the players our book. (Thank you! šŸ™)

Butā€¦ I didnā€™t know Coach Spo and the Miami Heat gave AretĆ© to THEIR players as well until a friend (thanks, BG!) sent me this video:

Note: Coach Spo was recently the highest paid coach in North American sports history. He is committed to creating a ā€œculture of excellenceā€ and thought our book would be a way to help do that. (Letā€™s go, Spo! šŸ™Œ)

Note: Gina recently attended our Heroic Workshop Instructor training. This is what she had to say about itā€¦

ā€œI work with athletes, coaches, high level sports executives, etc., and I wanted to be able to grow my practice, and learn some new tools/strategies. I got so, so much more than I bargained for with that in terms of my own personal development and moving forward with the growth of my business as well.

My experience was absolutely incredible and quite honestly, life changing. I was fortunate enough to be in the Heroic Workshop trainer certification program, and I had a phenomenal teacher named Adam who led our group. I was surrounded by 10 other absolutely phenomenal people that were in my group as well. Together, we supported each other through a process of growthā€”in terms of growing our own confidence to present in front of other people, to activate our own goals, and to create a roadmap to move toward those goals.

Heroic is really something special. It gave a framework that provided literally a cheat code for personal and professional development and mental performance mastery.ā€

(Note: Want to attend our NEXT Heroic Workshop Instructor Training? Awesome. Weā€™re currently planning our next Heroic Workshop Instructor Training eventsā€”one will be in North America and one will be in Athens, Greece! Join us!!)

Other sports highlights that didnā€™t make it on that journal but are worth briefly highlighting include this video featuring Brian Oā€™Connor, the NCAA National Championship winning Head Coach of the University of Virginia Baseball team, on an American Baseball Coaches Association Podcast in which he offers some extraordinary praise for both AretĆ© and Heroic. (Thanks, Coach!)


Every time I reflect on those sports highlights I ALSO think about the fact that the New York Yankees were (literally!) the VERY first people to get the VIP Box with our book and t-shirts, etc.

Sean Casey (a dear friend, Heroic Coach and Heroic Investor!) was their hitting coach for the second half of the season. On the VERY last day of the season, he gave them our book and told them: ā€œGuys! Youā€™re a Yankee because YOU LIVE WITH ARETƉ!!ā€ (Love you, brother!! šŸ™Œ!)

Oh! Sean also connected me with his buddy, Jim Rome. Romey and I hit it off and his podcast interview of me is my ALL-TIME favorite. 

If you havenā€™t listened to it yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. Itā€™s ALSO a REALLY powerful way to introduce a friend or loved one to me and our work with Heroicā€”especially if theyā€™re into sports and/or not that into self-development! šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜œ

The whole interview was amazing. I especially (!) loved the ā€œQuick Trip to Hellā€ exercise we chatted about at the end. 

Here it is:


Hereā€™s a fun snippet of Romey going off recommending AretĆ© as part of some ads we placed on his podcast:

(Yes, we paid for that sponsorship, but he went WAY beyond the call of duty to deliver THAT message! šŸ˜² šŸ¤Æ !)


The night before I did that podcast with Jim Rome, I gave a talk to the U.S. Menā€™s National Soccer Team. It was awesome.

Their head coach, Gregg Berhalter and I hit it off. He was gracious enough to introduce me at my book launch event in Chicago. Heā€™s HILARIOUS. Check out his intro (and my full hour-long chat with Matt McCall!) here:

Finally, weā€™re also honored to be working with Coach Marcus Freeman, the head football coach at Notre Dame.

We met through a mutual friend. Heā€™s an extraordinary (!) human being and Iā€™m fired up that Michael and I will have the opportunity to spend some time with him and his team in South Bend on Day 1 (literally!) of their preseason camp this summer. 

Weā€™ll be introducing the Fighting Irish to the Heroic philosophy and app while supporting them in their mission to forge excellence on and off the field en route to winning a National Championship!!! šŸˆ šŸ€


After I spend 10 seconds quickly jotting down those sports Hero Bars (that definitely deepen my certainty that weā€™re on to something! šŸ¤“ šŸ™Œ) I writeā€¦

SCIENCE SAYSā€¦ | 35 YRS | +23% | 53rd -> 70th

ā€œSCIENCE SAYSā€¦ā€ represents the two research studies we have done with Sonja Lyubomirsky. Sonja is one of THE most respected well-being researchers in the world. (Check out our Notes on two of her books: The How of Happiness and The Myths of Happiness.)

In this letter she drafted sharing her thoughts on the study she did on our 300-day Heroic Coach program, she said that, in ā€œ35 YRSā€ of research, she had never seen results as positive as what we created with Heroic Coach.

ā€œ+23%ā€ and ā€œ53rd -> 70thā€ represent the randomized controlled trial research study we did with Sonja and her team in which we studied the Heroic app and a training program we do for corporate clients. 

In short: The research showed that if you go through our Heroic App training, youā€™ll move from the 53rd percentile on THE accepted scale of flourishing to the 70th.

Note: Thatā€™s REALLY exciting data for us for ALL future organizational partners!!

We KNOW we can help THE MOST ELITE performers become BETTER while helping more ā€œnormalā€ performers become even better while also helping people who are contemplating ending their own lives find meaning and hope to endure and create a life of meaning and purpose.

I got tears in my eyes typing that, thinking about these two Heroic womenā€¦


The research ALSO showed that if you hit just ONE target on the Heroic app, you were ā€œ+23%ā€ more Energized. In JUST THIRTY DAYS!


That scientific data is at least tied for first as THE MOST POWERFUL ā€œdepositā€ I make into my ā€œpsychological bank accountā€ every morning. 

Iā€™m honored that some of THE MOST ELITE performers in the world see the value in what we offer. Andā€¦ That scientific data quantitatively establishes the fact that the Heroic App and Heroic Coach program can change lives. 

Now we just need to bring our Heroic app and Heroic Coach program to the world at scale. (Weā€™ll talk about HOW we intend to do this in a moment.)


Thatā€™s one line in my journaling. It represents my Top Hero Bars as a Philosopher. It takes me another 90 seconds to write that down.

(Note: Weā€™ll have a series of +1s soon in which I walk through this process and encourage YOU (and your loved ones!) to do something similar. Iā€™ve already done it with Emerson for his Chess Grandmaster quest! Itā€™s super powerful.

Andā€¦ A big part of our Heroic Activation Weekend workshop was focused on helping you create your own version of this. Check out How to Forge a Heroically Confident Mind 101 for more.)

The next line captures my Hero Bars as a CEO and includes ETEAMZ and ZAADZ and HEROIC. I wonā€™t bore you with those details but those capture the prior businesses I built and sold and my ability to create a vision and execute.

On that row, I write down our three phases to anchor that coherent narrative in my mind: 

From there, I make some Confident Mind-inspired deposits in the PRESENT. 

I do that by writing down a couple sets of affirmationsā€”one for me and one for Heroic.

First, I write:

(Bonus points if you knew that ā€œIDWISIWDā€ is an affirmation (ā€œI Do What I Say I Will Do!ā€) for James Kouzes and Barry Posnerā€™s leadership mantra from The Leadership Challenge: ā€œDWYSYDā€ or ā€œDo What You Say You Will Do.ā€)

Then I write:

(NOTE: Since we have an open crowdfunding round at the time of publishing this update (learn more at Wefunder.com/Heroic!) I need to point you to the legalese in the Endnotes below and also point out the fact that, although we WERE cash-flow positive in Q1 2024 with approximately $1.43M of top-line revenue (which COULD put us on track to 2x our revenue this year and depending on how well the next number of months go, could mean we already have 2 years of capital in the bank), those statements are AFFIRMATIONS of our aspired-for reality; not an accurate reflection of our current reality! We also have to point out that while EBITDA is a measure we use for our own management purposes, it is not a GAAP metric. And whatever happens in Q1 may not be an indication of future results, and may be subject to adjustment, possibly significantly, in the audit process in the future.)


THAT leads us to how Iā€™m defining ā€œANTIFRAGILITY.ā€

From my current perspective, we will be ANTIFRAGILE when we have THREE things in place:


We are fired up to see if we can get cash flow positive in 2024 and EBITDA+ on an accrual basis over the next 2-3 years. 

Our current focus is on cash flow positivity and I am THRILLED (!) that we were cash flow positive in Q1 on $1.43M of revenue which ALSO, if we are able to continue driving revenue at that pace over the course of 2024 (emphasis on ā€œIFā€!) , would put us on track to 2x our business in 2024. 


This means we are doubling BOTH our REVENUE and our IMPACT. 

On a cash basis, we did approximately $2.75M gross sales (cash-basis) in 2023 Our target is $6M of revenue on a cash basis in 2024. Again, the $1.43M of revenue in Q1 2024 is roughly what we need to average throughout the year to double our cash-basis revenue. Weā€™re ALL IN on striving to create the value that will drive that revenue. (While positioning ourselves to double AGAIN next year. And the year after thatā€¦)

We measure our impact via ā€œAnnual Recurring Virtueā€ which measures the total number of Heroic virtuous targets we are on track to hit in the upcoming 12 months. If weā€™re going to change the world, weā€™re going to do it one person and one VIRTUOUS ACT at a timeā€”which is why we measure this and hold ourselves accountable to increasing it alongside our revenue as a measure of our impact. 


As I imagine you guessed šŸ˜‰, this means that we are targeting having at least two years of capital in the bank. We intend to maintain this focus on cash flow positivity while also creating a bigger capital cushion to forge a deeper sense of antifragility while giving us flexibility to invest in growth initiatives in the months and years ahead.

We intend to close our current round of fundraising soon. 

Once again, if you would like to learn more about becoming an Early Stage Heroic Investor, cruise on over to Wefunder.com/Heroic.

If you are an accredited investor considering an investment of $25,000+, please let us know here so we can set up a 1-on-1 Zoom with me: https://heroic.us/accredited.


After I spend 90 seconds on my PAST (Hero Bars!) and another 60 seconds on my PRESENT (Affirmations!), I spend another 120 seconds on my/our FUTURE.

I initiate this by writing one simple lineā€¦

1M x 101 = 1B = $1B => 51 | 2051

Hereā€™s what that means for meā€¦

Note: Again, I need to throw legalese asterisks around all this. Everything Iā€™m going to talk about is, OF COURSE, by definition (!) ā€œforward looking.ā€ See legalese in the Endnotes for the fact that I (obviously!) canā€™t assure any of this will come to fruition.


I CAN assure you that I didnā€™t TATTOO MY BODY with these EXACT TARGETS thinking I was going to give up when it gets hard. šŸ¤“

I repeat the joke Iā€™ve often sharedā€¦ Science says that if you write down your goals youā€™re something like 42% more likely to achieve those goals. A lot of people write down their goals and put them on a Post-It note on their bathroom mirror. I decided to put the goal(s) to which I have dedicated my life somewhere Iā€™ll never miss it.


EVERY.SINGLE.MORNING as I capture my Hero Bars from the past and affirm some awesome things in the present, Iā€™m strengthening my confidence in my ability to create the FUTURE I want as I FEEL my past successes and present affirmations fueling this futureā€¦

As I write ā€œ1M x 101 = 1B = $1B => 51 | 2051,ā€ I SEE and FEEL the pathway to fulfilling our Mission to help create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by 2051.

We will do so by getting 1 MILLION people to a Soul Force score of 101.

To get to a Soul Force score of 101 in the Heroic app, you need to hit at least THREE Heroic targets per day (one for your Energy, Work, and Love!). When 1 MILLION people do that every day, we will hit 1 BILLION virtuous Heroic Targets together every year.

THATā€™s what I imagine when I write: ā€œ1M x 101 = 1B.ā€

When we do that (insert legalese asterisks again, of course!), I believe we will ALSO have a shot at creating a business with a SIGNIFICANT enterprise value. My unapologetically ambitious target is to create an enterprise value for Heroic Public Benefit Corporation that is greater than $1 BILLION.

And, THATā€™s what I imagine when I write: ā€œ1M x 101 = 1B = $1B.ā€

Note: Iā€™m unapologetically ambitious with all of this because I believe we MUST create a SIGNIFICANT business that SCALES if we want to have a shot at fulfilling our audacious (nearly impossible!) Mission of helping create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051.

Andā€¦ THAT is what I imagine when I write: ā€œ1M x 101 = 1B = $1B => 51 | 2051ā€

That all begs the question: ā€œHow are you going to get 1 Million people to a Soul Force of 101, Brian?ā€

To which I say: ā€œGreat question!ā€

Letā€™s continue with the journaling for the answer.

As you can see, at the bottom of my journal page, I write ā€œHEROIC COREā€ and that circle with an arrow represents our core business flywheel. 

Hereā€™s the short storyā€¦

We have a systematic way of serving our community. We have a ā€œFreeā€ offering, a ā€œPremiumā€ Heroic app offering, and a ā€œCoachā€ certification offering. Each has a different price point. We also have our new book (highlight: sold our first 50k+ copies in the first 6 months!) which Iā€™ll tell you more about soon, through which more people are finding us. And, many of our Coaches are now becoming ā€œLocalā€ leaders and certified workshop instructors while some ALSO become Heroic Investors.

Jim Collins talks about ā€œThe Flywheel Effect.ā€ Weā€™ve been working hard on optimizing our Heroic flywheel (we call it ā€œThe Heroic Flowwheelā€ šŸ¤“) and are excited to go next level with it in 2024 and beyond.

Next to that you will see ā€œHEROIC COACHā€ and a dot with arrows shooting out of it.

This represents our Heroic Coaches who we believe are our FORCE MULTIPLIERS.

We are incredibly proud of our Heroic Coach certification program and our relationships with our certified Heroic Coaches. We believe that this program and our Heroic Coaches will be THE core drivers for our success in the years ahead. 

Youā€™ll also see another circle with ā€œHero ā†’ Guides ā†’ā€ which represents the fact that we train Heroes who become Guides who then train Heroes (who then become Guides who train Heroes whoā€¦).

This is how we will change the world. I talk about the Hero becoming a Guide in my letter for Heroic Coach, which you can check out here.


When I draw those lines emanating from the center, I start by drawing the dot in the middle. I briefly think of the ONE Heroic Coach we are committed to training as well as we canā€”helping them forge excellence so they can activate their Heroic potential and help others do the same.

Then I draw the lines emanating out representing their impact as force multipliers.

I ALWAYS start by drawing a line up. Then down. Then to the left. Then to the right. As I do that, I think of the directional points on our Heroic Virtue Compass and imagine our Coaches spreading Wisdom, Discipline, Love, and Courage in their communities. Then I draw the sub-directional points as I imagine our Heroic Coaches spreading Gratitude, Hope, Curiosity and Zest.

As I draw each of those lines, I ALSO imagine the global impact our Coaches will makeā€”to the North, the South, the West, and the East.

We have already served 10,000+ people from 100+ countries via our Coach program and we are fiercely committed to continuing to scale our impact in the U.S. and around the world.

Which leads us to the bottom right of the sheet where you will see:

1K x $5K = $5M

10K x $5K = $50M

100K x $5K = $500M

      x 100 = 1M

Thatā€™s a measure of the progression of Coaches we intend to serve and a napkin-level accounting of the prospective revenue we could generate with that many Coaches signing up at that price point.

Note: Hereā€™s the ā€œreasonable testā€ I use to assess whether training 100,000 Heroic Coaches is an appropriate target. According to their website, Integrative Nutrition (a similar coach certification company we admire) has 160,000 coaches from 175 countries around the world.

Quick asideā€¦

Hereā€™s what a graduate of both IIN and our Heroic Coach program has to sayā€¦

Weā€™ve also received testimonials like this:

ā€œWanted to let you guys know that I am absolutely loving this program. I have already gotten so much from the wisdom, energy and spirit of service, and I canā€™t express my gratitude enough for what you are all doing and the community you have created. I already have 2 coaching certifications, but this course is indisputably the most valuable I have taken ā€“ for me personally and for the people I work with. So, thank you again!ā€ 

ā€” Barb Ostrander, Human Potential & Functional Medicine Coach, Coach Class I

From an IMPACT perspective, 100,000 Heroic Coaches who, on average, help 10 individuals activate their Heroic Soul Force at 101 would get us to the 1 MILLION number I tattooed on my body.

We believe that THAT is the most direct pathway to 1M x 101 = 1B = $1B.

And THAT is our obsession right now. We are continuing to develop our Heroic Coach certification program such that it is THE BEST COACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAM IN THE WORLD. 

We intend to achieve that by being the absolute best in the world at doing THREE THINGS: 

  1. Client #0. We like to say that our Coaches need to start by coaching themselves. They need to be ā€œClient #0.ā€ The scientific, quantitative data AND the qualitative testimonials we have received have proven that our program is VERY effective at delivering on this promise. We will continue to get even better.
  2. Client #1. We also need to train our Coaches on how to use the Heroic protocol to coach their clientsā€”from ā€œClient #1ā€ to Client #101! We made HUGE progress on this in Q1 of 2024 and intend to continue enhancing this training.
  3. Dollar #1. Finally, it is important that we continue to help our Heroic Coaches get paid to coach. We continue to expand the training we offer while providing additional opportunities for our Coaches to get paid doing what they love training Heroes.

Thereā€™s so much more we can talk about but this is already obnoxiously long so Iā€™ll leave it at that. Check out Heroic.us/Coach for more and read the Coach introduction letter from me and Sonjaā€™s letter for more.

Note: If youā€™d like to learn more about our Heroic Coach certification program by connecting with one of our graduates, you can schedule a time to chat with them here: https://www.heroic.us/book-a-call.


Finally, at the very bottom of my journal you will also see ā€œHEROIC ENTERPRISE.ā€

Although the Heroic Core flywheel is our current obsession (Free > Premium > Coach!), the Heroic Enterprise side of our business has tremendous potential and we are excited about early momentum.

Heroic Enterprise includes the work weā€™re doing with Corporations, the Military, and Sports organizations. 

Our flagship Corporate client right now is Mariner Wealth Advisorsā€”the company with whom we did the randomized controlled trial study I mentioned above.

Marty and Cheryl Bicknell, the CEO and COO of Mariner, are Level 3 Heroic Coaches and, since we partnered with them with Heroic Corporate, they have become $1 Million+ Heroic investors. 

Our partnership with Mariner/Marty and Cheryl and their wonderful team has been an incredible opportunity to learn how we can best serve our enterprise partners. We are VERY excited about the possibilities to create revenue and IMPACT via these channels.

Hereā€™s what Marty had to say about our partnership:

ā€œOur experience and partnership with Heroic has exceeded my expectation. Personally, I entered the coach program 4 years ago and am now completing level 3. It has changed my life. So, I wanted to bring that experience to as many people at Mariner as possible. When we launched, I was hopeful based upon my personal experience. I have been blown away by the personal comments I have received from our associates.

ā€˜Marty: I just want to thank you for introducing me to Heroic. Iā€™ve hit my goals every day and [Heroic] makes me do the little and big things consistently. My wife has noticed it and now wants to join Heroic. That is a big leap for her and a testament to how it is making me a better person, husband and Mariner team member.ā€™

How can you beat that? Thatā€™s just one example of the impact of the program. Early on, I thoughtā€¦ ā€˜If we can impact just one person the way Heroic has impacted me, then it will be a success.ā€™ Now I want to impact hundreds. As a leader, the decision to bring Heroic into our organization was the easiest decision Iā€™ve made.ā€

ā€” Marty Bicknell, CEO, Mariner Wealth Advisors

Note: Weā€™d love to help you and YOUR organization forge excellence. If youā€™d like to learn more about how we can integrate Heroic within your organization, please let us know here: https://heroic.us/enterprise.

Schew. It just took me a few hours of typing to walk you through my 11 minutes of journaling. HAH.

Although weā€™ve still only barely scratched the surface of all the things we could discuss, I think weā€™ve covered more than enough for now.

Thatā€™s ā€œA Brief History of Heroic Plus A Quick Look at How We Intend to Forge an Antifragile Business and Fulfill Our Mission.ā€

Once againā€¦

THANK YOU for your Heroic support.

We simply couldnā€™t do what we do without YOU.

I am deeply grateful for you and all you do to help bring our vision to life so we can fulfill our Mission to create a world in which 51% of humanity is flourishing by the year 2051ā€”starting with YOU and me and all of us, TOGETHERā€¦ 


With tremendous Gratitude, Hope, Courage, Zest, and Love, I sayā€¦.

Heroes unite!

Itā€™s Day 1. 

Weā€™re ALL IN.

Letā€™s go!


P.S. One of the questions we are often asked by existing and prospective Heroic investors is, to paraphrase: ā€œHow will I be able to sell my shares/make money when/if I want to?!ā€

That, of course, is a VERY good and a VERY important question.

Hereā€™s the short answer.

First, I always start by reminding our prospective new investors (and existing investors!) who ask me that question that I donā€™t want ANY money from you that you are (a) not prepared to lose AND (b) not prepared to have illiquid for an extended period of timeā€”7 years was how I framed it when we first started raising money.

Weā€™re playing the long game and I always like to keep both Jim Collinsā€™s wisdom on the three phases AND Epictetusā€™s wisdom on the time required to create something great in mind: ā€œNo great thing is created suddenly, any more than a bunch of grapes or a fig. If you tell me that you desire a fig, I answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit, then ripen.ā€


To be blunt: My primary target right now is making sure you donā€™t LOSE your money.

The fact is that the VAST majority of startups FAIL. Itā€™s very challenging to move from Jim Collinsā€™s first phase (idea!) to his second phase (viable business!).

As I have shared before, I raised $10M for my prior businesses (eteamz and Zaadz) that I built and sold. I have never lost anyoneā€™s money and I donā€™t plan to start that habitā€”which is why we are so ruthlessly and relentlessly focused on doing everything we can to create not just a ā€œviable businessā€ but an ā€œANTIFRAGILE BUSINESSā€ that can withstand any and all challenges we may face in the years and decades ahead.

As we discussed, I believe we have completed Phase I of our Heroic quest to try to create an enduringly great company that fulfills our Mission.

Over the next three years, we intend to create an antifragile company that is profitable and scaling with years of capital in the bank.

If we are able to forge a strong business and create significant value in the world (measured by revenue and impact), I believe we will have opportunities to return your capital at a premium.

Our potential options range from doing a public offering to repurchasing shares at a premium to creating a private secondary market and, of course, selling the business (although that is not our intention).

In summary: There are MANY ways through which we can create a positive return for you. Our primary challenge and focus right now is making sure we donā€™t lose your money while we work hard to forge an antifragile business that gives us the best shot to create the positive returns we all desire!

P.P.S. Another HUGE thing from last year? Our book!!

As you know if youā€™ve been following along, we launched AretĆ©: Activate Your Heroic Potential on November 14th, 2023. 

Andā€¦ With your incredible support, weā€™ve already sold over 50,000 copies! 

THANK YOU (goosebumps) to ALL OF YOU who so generously supported our launch. Youā€™re ASTONISHING.

As weā€™ve discussed, we formed a strategic partnership with Blackstone Publishing such that we effectively created our own publishing imprint: Heroic Blackstone Publishing.

Josh Stanton, the CEO of Blackstone, and his ENTIRE team (thank you Stephanie, Anthony, Amy, Sarah, Isabella, Courtney, Ananda, Rachel, Rebecca, Saresa, and everyone else!) have been extraordinary partners. (Bless you, all! šŸ™)

Weā€™re REALLY excited about the success of AretĆ© so far and have plans to release the AretĆ© Workbook and a series of Heroic kids books in the coming year.

More soon on all that!

P.P.P.S. Although not our next WIN, international expansion will be fun when the time is right. Weā€™re already in discussions with potential partners in different international markets. Andā€¦ The power of AI to help us expand globally is ASTONISHING.

Check this outā€¦

P.P.P.P.S. I almost forgot about the collection of Heroic tattoos!! šŸ˜² šŸ¤Æ

Check these outā€¦

Weā€™ll start with my favorite Heroic tattoo. This is our Heroic President and Head Coach Michael Balchan getting out of the Wim Hof-inspired cold plunge we all did at our book launch party. (We had 3,000+ pounds of ice!! šŸ§Š šŸ„¶!)

Yes, Michael practices his philosophy. Hah! Heā€™s also done a PHENOMENAL job running the day-to-day execution of our business and leading our incredible team. (Bless you all!!) Weā€™re blessed to have Michaelā€™s ALL IN commitment and leadership. I simply couldnā€™t do what I do without him and his fierce commitment. (Love you, brother!)

Check out my celebration of him in our How Weā€™re Going to Change the World 101 closing keynote (Big Idea #9: Saint Michael + Our Team of Protectors) for our workshop from last weekend.


If you think MY Heroic tattoo inspires me to fulfill our Mission you are, of course, correct. 


THESE Heroic (and AretĆ©!) tattoos take my level of commitment to an EVEN HIGHER level. 

šŸ˜² šŸ¤Æ !!!

Bless all of you who have gone so Heroically ALL IN.

We love and appreciate you and are FIERCELY COMMITTED to making you proud to be such an important part of our Heroic movement! šŸ™ šŸ™Œ !!!

P.P.P.P.P.S. Hereā€™s the backside of this morningā€™s journal with our Heroic Big 3ā€”capturing who I am committed to being to activate my Soul Force and do my best!


  1. Arturo Brillembourg, Juliana Uto, Matt McCall, Katherine Collins, Tal Ben-Shahar, Sean Casey, Wendy Holt, Marty Bicknell, Cheryl Bicknell, and Michael Litfik are all Heroic investors.
  2. None of Arturo Brillembourg, Juliana Uto, Matt McCall, Katherine Collins, Tal Ben-Shahar, Wendy Holt, Marty Bicknell, nor Michael Litfik received any incentive or consideration of any kind in exchange for their comments relating to, or endorsements of, Heroic.
  3. The comments, endorsements, and/or likenesses of Arturo Brillembourg, Juliana Uto, Matt McCall, Katherine Collins, Tal Ben-Shahar, Sean Casey, Wendy Holt, Marty Bicknell, Cheryl Bicknell, and Michael Litfik are included with their express permission.
  4. The comments and/or endorsements of Arturo Brillembourg, Juliana Uto, Matt McCall, Katherine Collins, Tal Ben-Shahar, Wendy Holt, Marty Bicknell, and Michael Litfik are not, and should not be regarded as, investment advice. Individuals considering an investment in Heroic should consult an investment professional before making an investment decision.
  5. These materials may contain forward-looking statements and information relating to, among other things, the company, its business plan and strategy, and its industry. These forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to the companyā€™s management. When used in the offering materials, the words ā€œestimate,ā€ ā€œproject,ā€ ā€œbelieve,ā€ ā€œanticipate,ā€ ā€œintend,ā€ ā€œexpectā€ and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements reflect managementā€™s current views with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause the companyā€™s actual results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they are made. The company does not undertake any obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after such date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.
Liked by Calman Hilkert, Kevin Beck, Sam Song, and 13 others

This is the most INSPIRING investors letter Iā€™ve ever read šŸ“–šŸ™ I am ALL IN, Itā€™s Day One. Letā€™s gooooo Heroes!!!! šŸ”„šŸ¤©šŸ’ŖšŸ«µšŸ‘šŸ˜
Thank you Brian.
Excellent! Day 1. All in. Let's Go!
This is where it's at. Day 1 let's goooooo!
Thank you Brian. It's so reassuring to know that we, as a heroic community are moving forward into the future. It is exciting to be a part of heroic and I'm grateful for all the hard work and the dedication of everyone working for heroic to reach the goal of 51% of humanity flourishing by 2051. All in Day 1 let's go! Harry
So inspiring - thank you, Brian! Blessed to be part of the Heroic movement!
Fantastic! Truly motivating to be a part of integrity and virtue in action in such a heroic way. I am a true believer, and I'm going to double up on my current investment. ALL IN, LFG!!
Day 1, All-In, Letā€™s Go!