
Uber for Kids

Last Funded April 2024


raised from 285 investors


585% YoY growth (Q3 2023 vs. Q3 2022).
>$500K Revenue since Fall 2022 operational launch
Revenue-generating, operating in 8 states (CT, VA, PA, TX, AZ, NC, NE, FL); More states in progress
VC-backed; >$2.5M raised previously, from Tusk Venture Partners, Harry Campbell

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Our Team

In 2018, after three years at home with my young children, I received an opportunity to return to a career I loved, producing reality/doc TV. But after an extensive search, I couldn't find someone to drive them to school and activities each day. Devastated, I was forced to turn down the job. I sought to understand this problem and how to solve it.



For working parents, the impact of this problem has had devastating implications, including divorce, early or forced retirement, stress in the household and at work, an impact upon job performance and growth opportunities, lost wages and more.

The effects are especially devastating for working moms, and this problem has only been exacerbated by COVID. In fact, a stunning 43% of highly qualified women with children leave their careers or take a career break due to daily childcare responsibilities. Over time, this contributes significantly to gender inequality, pay gaps, missed promotions, and long-term financial impact. The impact of the day-to-day childcare transport responsibilities that fall on, largely speaking, women, are now understood to have set working moms back decades. 

Not all families can afford nannies, and school-provided transportation options, if available, lack flexibility. Other children's transportation options have opted to operate B2B in most areas and are largely tied to school-district based geographies and schedules, making them unavailable options to most interested working parents nationwide.

With a lack of choice, some parents today are even forced to depend on Uber or Lyft to transport their children from schools and extracurricular activities, even though these traditional ride-sharing companies not only have policies against minors traveling alone, in most cases*, but also are simply Just Not Safe.*

*In 2017, Uber piloted a program to allow some teens in a limited number of selected areas to schedule Uber rides. The pilot program was quickly shuttered due to safety issues. Please see article below. They have recently attempted to try this again, citing the enormous demand for rides amongst teens and youth as a rationale for attempting to retry the program. Uber has not and does not plan to change their safety and driver-vetting process, and several other factors, we consider critical for such a program. Whether this effort is successful or not, we do not expect Kidcaboo's clientele to be affected. It appears that in the areas Uber is offering this program to select teens ages 13-17, parents will allow only teens who are generally larger, mostly male and strong, and appear older, to use Uber. This was the case even before the official program launched. ARTICLE:

With few, if any, options, though, most working parents are left to transport their children to and from school and activities themselves, while also working. A personal experience with this problem is at the heart of Kidcaboo.


After years of fine-tuning and testing our operations, Kidcaboo officially launched in Texas in mid-2022, seeing incredible growth over our first year in the state.

Designed by a mom for other working parents, Kidcaboo became an instant hit!

Adoption of our well-designed mobility solution for school-age kids that allows parents to be present at and focus on work, during work hours, has taken off. Overwhelming, word-of-mouth-driven demand has quickly gone nationwide, all with no marketing dollars spent.

Since mid-2022, we've expanded across eight states, with many more in the works!

In 2019, after taking three years away from work to have and be at home with her two children, Rebecca Lock was ready to return to her fifteen-year, well-paying career as a reality and documentary TV producer. With her children both now headed to school, the timing seemed perfect. Despite an exhaustive search and well-paying offer, Rebecca had to turn down the job, since she couldn’t find someone to drive her children the short distance to and from school and their other after-school activities. She knew in her heart that, in doing so, she was also losing a likely last chance to return to the "young person's" career, in which job opportunities were rare. It was a career she loved and counted on for her family's financial future. Devastated and scared, Rebecca became determined to ensure no other moms go through what she did.

After initial research within her community and then nationwide, Rebecca realized the pressure on families to drive children around was deep-rooted and without any solution. Working parents cannot be in two places at once. So, in almost all cases, a sacrifice was required, either a parent's job was compromised or lost, or a child had to drop a beloved enrichment activity. The demand for a solution was enormous, and the market -- almost fully unmet. 

To understand the needs and gaps in mobility solutions for children, Rebecca jumped in at the deep end. She drove young children from 6 AM until late at night, often with her kids in tow. She interacted with families to get a picture of what parents expect from kids’ car services. Most importantly, she realized a vast and untapped opportunity, with huge national demand and need, was staring right back at her. 

Within a few months, Rebecca had completed 800 rides, driven 10,000+ miles, and worked with 80+ families! With a strong grasp of the problem, it was now time for a SOLUTION.

Bringing in key partners along the way, an idea moved to reality over four years of full-time, daily work and wide-scale beta periods.

The result? Kidcaboo.

Kidcaboo is a rideshare for children, which utilizes cutting edge technology, a stringent ride monitoring system, heavily vetted and trained driving nannies, proprietary user communication channels, and other well-honed policies and procedures, developed over years, to guarantee peace of mind or parents and the utmost safety of our drivers and passengers.

At the heart of our operations are two self-developed Kidcaboo apps - one for drivers, one for parents - and an extensive back office, which offers Kidcaboo the ability to monitor rides, track our drivers to ensure timeliness and much more.

Our drivers are fully background checked, heavily vetted, pass an interview with Kidcaboo's Driving Nanny Hiring Team, must have childcare experience and are trained by and remain in regular contact with Kidcaboo's Driving Nanny Operations Team.

We're so proud to have completed thousands of rides safely across many states!

And we’re thrilled to have seen the incredible impact our solution has had for parents, especially working moms.

Kidcaboo and our Driving Nannies quickly proved to be a tried, trusted, proven, flexible, safe and reliable solution.

As a result, repeat users, over years of beta and now active operations, scheduled regular rides, often for a whole year. Almost all returned year-after-year.


Entry barriers to the children's transportation space are increasingly sky high. Kidcaboo has obtained exhaustive, difficult to secure insurance policies, which are a key competitive advantage and key entry barrier to competition.

Our indirect competitors include traditional rideshares designed for adults, school transportation companies, and B2B children rideshare options. Unlike school-connected, indirect competitors in the children's transportation space, Kidcaboo's unique B2C operations scales rapidly within and across states.

We anticipate being in around ten states or more by the end of 2023 and plan to grow nationwide from there. Given the enormity of our market, which is largely unmet, Kidcaboo could thrive even with competition in any one area, due to enormous and growing demand.

With an enormous, almost fully unmet market, we anticipate adoption and growth to continue exponentially over the next several years and are excited to explore all options regarding Kidcaboo's future as they increasingly are presented.

We have raised ~$2.3M, including $379K from Wefunder investors prior to our full launch, and from other unrelated investors. Most of this early private investment comes from industry insiders, such as Harry Campbell, the Rideshare Guy, one of the foremost, relied-upon experts in the rideshare industry, prominent investment groups, like She's Independent, and professional investors working at VC funds, who come with incredible connections to support future raises.

We also have a game-changing partnership with Tusk Holdings’ Pericles Group, the group that was pivotal in supporting and growing early Uber and other new model companies, such as Lemonade and FanDuel. Interested in getting into the childcare and children's transportation space, this industry-insider group opted to work with Kidcaboo over others in the space when having that choice.

We appreciate your time and consideration of this mission and opportunity and hope you'll join us on this journey to change the lives of families today. Thank you. 

Our Greatest Appreciation, 

