
Part 2: Soft launch in Australia and New Zealand and what's new since campaign

Published on Jul 30, 2017

In this update, Alfred lets investors know how their soft launch in Australia and New Zealand has gone so far and when they are planning to launch House Flip with Chip and Jo globally. fun-gi also recently added a lead engineer from Disney to beef up their already mega team. Watch the video and subscribe to our Youtube channel to keep up with all the video updates! 

Read the full transcript here: 

Tell us about House Flip's soft launch.

House Flip with Chip and Jo is currently soft launched in Australia and New Zealand. We soft launched just before Christmas, which is very close to when we launched our Wefunder campaign. And soft launch meaning similar to how restaurants have soft launches, in a safe environment where there's very low risk where you bring enough people but the sample size is good enough to make sure that you have enough data to say this is what you should change and update. We've driven close to 70,000 downloads, which is pretty decent for a small market like Australia and New Zealand. 

And we soft launched in those locations partially because we knew there was a great alignment with the Western markets. But also because Chip and Joanna have a market there. And also it's a pretty aggressive market place. A lot of game companies soft launch in New Zealand and Australia. We're approaching 6-7 months of soft launch now and most games of our caliber soft launch for 8-12 months. So we're about half way through our soft launch and we're going to have our global launch towards the fall of this year. 

The game and what we want to capture, there is this sort of Americana that Chip and Jo represent so we want to have our game have presence in those countries where people want to experience that Americana. 

I think our strategy will initially be about targeting countries where Chip and Jo have presence. Beyond that, we might be the spearhead for Chip and Jo in other emerging markets. 

What's new at fun-gi since the Wefunder campaign? 

A lot has happened since the Wefunder campaign, even from launch to the point of close. The soft launch did so well that we grew a lot of confidence that finding additional investors would be easier and easier.

For us, we felt so much confidence that we decided to close the Wefunder campaign as soon as possible because we thought, "The money's going to be there. Let's put the capital to good use and continue to grow the product and the team." And that's exactly what we did. 

The game has gotten better and better. The amount of monetization we're earning exceeds how much we spend. We've already proven out that we have a hit on our hands. And in that process, we've continued to grow the team. We added artists and most recently an engineer who ran engineering at Disney. Because the soft launch did so well, we know what kind of scale we're going to get. We want to do everything that we can to prepare for an onslaught of players that's almost most certainly going to come into our game.