Bison Venture Partners

Our First $50k | Use of Funds

Published on Nov 22, 2021

Hello, Investor Community!

In anticipation of the upcoming holiday, we wanted to check in and provide a few fundraising updates regarding our initial goals.

Our first $30,000 raised will be used to acquire a PopShop robotic storefront, cover software costs for 1 year, and manage the operation of our machine. We've already made a deposit and are in the process of exploring small business partners, as well as placement options in Washington D.C. 

Additionally, we'll be covering costs to participate in the Global Startup Studio Network's next cohort to begin building out our own innovation studio while learning from leaders in the industry. Participation in the program, in addition to GSSN membership, will total roughly $10,000. This program kicks off in February 2022.

The remaining funds would be used for Wefunder's platform fees and other legal expenses. If we exceed our initial $50k target, we will update our campaign with further details explaining our operating and growth strategy.

We'll need all the help we can get to spread the word and achieve our fundraising goals, so feel free to share far and wide throughout your networks!

As we continue to "Test the Waters" and gain interest from the community, we'll be updating our campaign with more details, new partnerships, and additional team members. Be sure to "Watch for Updates!"

Legal Disclosure: We are 'testing the waters' to gauge investor interest in an offering under Regulation Crowdfunding. No money or other consideration is being solicited. If sent, it will not be accepted. No offer to buy securities will be accepted. No part of the purchase price will be received until a Form C is filed and only through Wefunder’s platform. Any indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.

We're thankful for your interest in helping us build a more equitable world!