⚡Everydae ⚡

🤔 What is this photo about? Hint: it's something our competitors don't do (and it's what sets us apart at Everydae). Read on!

founder @ ⚡Everydae ⚡

Published on Apr 16, 2020

Did you know, you only need to know roughly half of the topics on the SAT to get a 700 on the math section?! 

Super cool right? Especially when 800 is a perfect score. At Everydae, we know EXACTLY which skills you need to learn to get the score you want.

It’s because we do something that most other companies don’t do: we take past tests and we pull them apart, question by question to find out:

1) How often that question type appears on the test;
2) Whether that question type is foundational to other questions; and
3) How that question type maps to different goal scores.

What we’ve learned is that test taking techniques taught by traditional SAT test prep companies are becoming less and less applicable with each new test.

We also found out that some of the topics we’d long dismissed as “unimportant” were actually giving students the biggest bang for their buck in terms of return on their study time!

All of this is part of our grander plan of building a “Learning Genome” for each student.

By analyzing your performance and goals, and combining it with our intimate knowledge of each subject, we become the go-to company for students that want to maximize results in the minimum amount of time.

I could honestly talk for hours about this stuff! But instead I’ll sign off by saying: if you believe that the secret sauce to a unicorn company is how the team approaches problems (and the impressive tech we’re building under the hood!) then we’re the ones to back.

~Stay safe out there,

CEO, Everydae