Proper Good

Proper Good Update #2

follower @ Proper Good

Published on Apr 2, 2020

Hello Everyone!

Lots of lovely updates to tell you - as you can imagine with everything going on at the moment there are lots of new challenges faced and obstacles to overcome, however, given that Proper Good produce shelf-stable, clean ingredient, affordable food items that are distributed via e-commerce, we are in a very interesting spot for launch and can provide the items consumers are currently looking for. 

Production Update - 3 of the 4 soups have been produced, the final item is scheduled for this Friday. ETA on all finished goods being in the warehouse is early next week.

Website - we have driven some initial traffic to the website to see how users are interacting, clicking, scrolling and so forth. Already many great insights and small adjustments are being made, this is to ensure we have a solid website with strong conversion numbers from a test so that when we drive larger amounts of traffic we have the best chances of gathering emails, add-to-carts and, of course, purchases :-) 

PR - Our PR efforts are off to a great start, we have had requests from over a dozen of the top publications in the business and have sent samples out to them. We hope many of these will come to fruition and we will have articles and write-ups in well respected journals in the comings weeks. 

Packaging - All boxes, labels, inserts, etc, have arrived and all fit correctly, as soon as the final soups arrive at the warehouse orders will begin shipping. The customers that have placed orders this week or last while in soft-launch have been updated with the short delay via email. We are seeing great interaction via email and text with the current customers which is very encouraging. 

WeFunder - This crowdfunding campaign comes to an end in a few weeks on April 17th - while we have hit the original goal it would be great to bring in more investors and brand advocates before we close. So with that in mind, please:

1. Share our WeFunder page to your friends, peers, company slack channels and similar, the crowdfunding dollars add up quickly and having many more people committing just $100 will be very beneficial for launch.

2. Like and follow across Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest, all @eatpropergood

Thank you again for your investments and support - an exciting launch ahead :-)

Chris & the Proper Good Team-