Le Bread Xpress

First Micro Bakery installed at Prestigious Company

founder @ Le Bread Xpress

Published on Oct 27, 2019

We are very excited to announce that we have installed and launch the first micro-bakery in the world in a prestigious company in the Bay area...

This was done last Friday (October 25th ) and we have 5 more machines to install next week..

We are Live! this is exciting ..

UC Berkeley is coming next

And we have already received many requests from most major companies and businesses in the Peninsula:
Google, Facebook, Amazon, Stanford University, ....
Go Go Go...

We need now to hire more staffs, find a warehouse to ramp up operation.
Only few more weeks to get some shares in the company at a lower valuation ..

#tiredbutexcited #microbakery #BakeXpress #LeBreadXpress #croissant #pizza #Frenchfood

10 Machines arrived

Our Partner, Canteen/Compass ready to deliver the food

This is the largest food service company in the world

Some of our menu items at this location:

Liked by Vernon Jenkins, Edward Bursk, Sunil Patel, and 9 others