Too Soon

Empower award-winning filmmakers to change the entertainment industry

Last Funded April 2024


raised from 111 investors


A romantic comedy about a young widow and widower who meet the day of their spouses’ funerals
Our goal is to raise $800k through crowdfunding in order to secure top talent.
Award-winning filmmakers - Austin Film Festival’s Screenwriters to Watch List
Previously worked with Imagine Dragons, MarVista, Tubi, Le Cours Florent, and more

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Connecting YOU to the Process of Filmmaking

So many of our favorite movies involve death, but very few of them show us how the lover left behind copes with the loss of their person. And no films (to our knowledge, at least) have told a story where both love interests have suffered that kind of loss. Too Soon will be one of the first films to tell this kind of story. Our plan to involve grief professionals and real life experiences in the creative process will bring authenticity to this romantic comedy about working through grief while finding love again.

With Too Soon, we also commit to approaching the film industry differently. We want to make it more ethical and equitable for those in front of and behind the camera.

The story follows Freya, a former singer-songwriter turned elementary music teacher, and Gus, a professional music producer. Both of them are coming off being caregivers, sorting through young widowhood, and figuring out how to solo-parent their young kids, Bianca and Julian.

Their families are trying to show up for them, but Freya’s mom, Wendy, is preoccupied with what other people are thinking and her sister, Elle, is a bit MIA. Meanwhile, Gus’s brother, Chuck, and his brother-in-law, Henry, are walking on eggshells and heaping on the pity.

It’s a lot. But with romance the furthest thing from their minds, Freya and Gus are able to cut through the noise and form an ad-hoc, music-therapy style support group. 

As they create and grow together over the period of a year, understanding each other’s grief and finding an audience for their music, they become more than just collaborators and eventually more than just friends, forcing them to face the music and ask, is it too soon?

Filling a Gap in Movies

Equality in Filmmaking

Previous Work

The Anxious Taxidermist:

An award-winning musical comedy about a young woman who uses her secret passion for taxidermy to cope with debilitating anxiety. 

Curated Series:

In this short-format comedy series, an aspiring mom influencer decides to livestream her home birth in a desperate attempt to boost her following.

Watch the Series


An immersive, highly physical adaptation of Tarzan of the Apes that utilizes aerial acrobatics and large-scale puppetry to explore themes of societal expectations and gender roles.

Low Budget, High Return Potential

Making movies has always been expensive. Many movies made in Hollywood cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make. Our creators, Jeff and Aurora, have made all of their previous projects on much smaller budgets, while still delivering high quality content. Romcom's are a genre that can be made less expensively and we believe that we can make Too Soon look and feel like a higher budget film for a fraction of the cost.

Once Too Soon is finished with post production, we plan to secure a talented marketing team to kick ass and take names... and also get everyone to watch our movie.

For the festival run we plan to hire a sales agent to help us secure the best distribution deal(s) possible. Those options include but are not limited to: Sale to a Distributor, Domestic Theatrical, PPV, SVOD, Pay TV, Cable, Network TV, Foreign Theatrical, Foreign SVOD, Foreign TV, Airline and Military.

After our festival run, if we are not able to secure a deal that we feel best represents our investor's interests we plan to pursue the fast-growing self-distribution model that is proving to be highly successful for many independent films.

We are currently securing financing before going into pre-production. If it takes longer than 3 months to secure our budget, the timeline will adjust accordingly.

There is high risk associated with investing in independent film and we cannot guarantee success. Do not invest anything you can't afford to lose. There is also great potential for reward and your investment could yield high return (not guaranteed). Even in these turbulent times, audiences are consuming more and more media and many buyers are looking to independent film to meet those demands.

Yes, as a genre film sharing a new and unique perspective, Too Soon has great potential to be successful. But more than that, it has a message that is needed today. Be part of bringing that message to the screen by joining us today.

If you have any questions or would like to meet with us to discuss your investment, send us an email: [email protected]
