Invest in National Soccer League™

"For The Fans, By The Fans: Where Passion Meets The Pitch In The American Soccer Revolution!"



reserved of a $50,000 goal
Future Equity
 $33M  $23.1M valuation cap
Early Bird Bonus: The first $100K of investments will be in a SAFE with a $23.1M valuation cap and 30% discount
$250, $500, $1K, $10K, $100K


The planets 1st fully independent professional soccer league, breaking free from the establishment.
Pioneering licensed teams over expensive U.S franchise model, giving ownership back to the people.
Introducing the world's first tour-based professional soccer league, bringing soccer to the fans.
Reviving America's original soccer teams, honouring the sport's deep heritage and legacy.

Featured Investors

Our Founder

"Are You Ready to Play Your Part in Democratizing Professional American Soccer? Seeking True Football Aficionados!

Scott "Matchmaker" Michaels felt a fire of disillusionment with American soccer. The sport he loved was marred by corporate greed, with profit margins overshadowing passion. The sacred pitch had become a battleground of interests, where the clinking of cash registers drowned out the roar of the crowd.

Scott refused to stand idly by. To him, soccer was a sacred bond uniting communities, not just a sport. He rebels against a system that outlawed meaningful fan ownership, relegating supporters to mere overcommercialised spectators.

In defiance, Scott birthed the National Soccer League (NSL)—a beacon of hope. He vowed to tear down barriers and wrest control of the game from corporate greed. For Scott, the NSL is more than just a league—it was a crusade to reclaim American soccer for the fans.

Scott's journey began as a fervent fan of the global competitive game, witnessing the deeply ingrained culture and traditions. This early exposure instilled in him a deep appreciation for soccer's essence and its uniting power.

Years later, with relentless drive and entrepreneurial acumen, Scott established a successful global soccer agency. He promoted the sport and has now dedicated himself to creating a top-quality soccer league in America. Central to his mission was prioritizing fan engagement, ensuring the NSL was driven by the passion of loyal supporters.

The NSL's strategy is clear: secure initial funding to re-establish iconic teams in key markets, engage stakeholders and partners, and create a real buzz around matches. The ultimate goal is to surpass US Soccer in audience size and become America's greatest domestic soccer league.

Community engagement was core to the NSL's mission. The league will tour many local communities throughout America, fostering connections and cultivating economic tourism value for America By empowering communities to take pride in their chosen teams, the NSL builds a strong foundation by bringing value and inclusivity to underserved communities;

Despite potential resistance from private entities like US Soccer and its affiliates, and the challenges of a shorter season, the NSL was poised to overcome these obstacles by being independent which allows innovative thinking and full commitment to fans. Scott "Matchmaker" Michaels emerged as the visionary leader ready to reshape American soccer, leading a new era defined by unity, excellence, and boundless opportunity.

Iconic Club Rebirth

The NSL envisions a vibrant future by reviving some of America’s most iconic soccer clubs, with federal trademark applications pending for renowned names such as the Los Angeles AztecsChicago StingWashington DiplomatsAtlanta Chiefs and more. By bringing these historic clubs back into the spotlight, the NSL aims to reignite the passion for soccer and enhance its global appeal.

Additionally, the league will reintroduce the Transatlantic Challenge Cup™, fostering cross-continental competition and attracting top teams from around the world. This initiative not only honors the rich heritage of American soccer but also promotes international engagement, elevating the sport to new heights.

Our vision is to democratize the NSL by welcoming other professional teams and instituting promotion and relegation, ushering in the authentic open system that American soccer enthusiasts have been yearning for.

Our Vison

As we grow, we envision an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and continued revenue diversification. Our comprehensive strategy includes tailored marketing campaigns, community outreach, and innovative digital platforms to enhance fan engagement and operational efficiency.

The Capital Strategy involves an initial funding round of $5 million, with subsequent multi-stage capital raises aligned with strategic milestones and market opportunities, aiming for a consistent 25% annual growth trajectory. By Year 5, the projected IPO valuation is estimated to reach approximately $781.3 million. This valuation is underpinned by strong financial performance, strategic market positioning, and significant growth potential.

Your Investment

Investing in the NSL isn't merely about supporting soccer; it's about shaping its future and amplifying the world's most beloved sport in the planet's largest sports market. Imagine a league that transcends mere matches, becoming a cultural phenomenon spanning borders. With over 3.5 billion passionate fans already engaged and over 80 million Americans interested in soccer as well as a projected 25% year-over-year growth, the NSL is poised for unprecedented success.

Join us on this groundbreaking journey to redefine the beautiful game in America. Envision American soccer talents rising to global stardom, propelled by the platform and resources of the NSL. Each investment fuels not just a league but a movement that will shape soccer's future for generations.

Now is the time for action. Soccer fans are called to rise and reclaim their sport. No longer mere spectators, it's time for fans to take their rightful place at soccer's helm.

By uniting and creating their own industry, prioritizing fans' needs, supporters will reshape the soccer landscape, ensuring the sport remains true to its roots. Together, they have the power to forge a new era of competitive soccer—one defined by passion, integrity, and sporting excellence.

With Scott leading the charge, the NSL is more than a dream—it's a movement. A movement to restore the soul of American soccer and place it in the hands of those who love it most: the fans.

With the NSL's swift expansion and increasing influence, there has never been a more thrilling opportunity to engage. As we continue to innovate and push boundaries, the possibilities are limitless. Invest in the NSL today and be part of an exceptional venture. Together, we'll make dreams a reality and revolutionize the world of soccer in America and beyond.

