Viit Health
Non-Invasive Glucose & Biomarker Monitor for Wellness
Raised $250K or more from a venture firm
Our Team

Viit Health is back on WeFunder! We're here to complete our mission to deliver the future of point-of-care prevention and consumer healthcare: easier, faster and accessible wellness monitoring and disease prevention with - significantly improved - AI-assisted optical technology.
Bioviit® - our brand new device - is a unique portable biomarker monitor that uses light - not pricking or consumables - to accurately detect blood glucose, and also oxygen, pulse, temperature, blood pressure and other biomarkers to come.

With an increase in sedentary lifestyles and inequitable access to nutrition worldwide, Type II diabetes is a uniquely modern pandemic. There are more than 537 million diabetics worldwide, and there is 1 diabetes related death every 5 seconds. Furthermore, according to different studies, 1 in 2 people in the world already have glucose related problems and don’t know about it, which if left unchecked, could not only lead to diabetes, but also cardiovascular diseases, alzheimer’s or cancer.
Diabetes is a chronic condition requiring painful daily finger pricks or uncomfortable and expensive monitors with tiny needles to keep track of blood glucose levels, and given that diabetics are already prone to nerve pain in the extremities, traditional glucometers are particularly painful for many patients, causing a struggle to maintain adequate blood glucose monitoring protocols in more than 60% of diabetics, and naturally driving other people away from developing a healthy prevention practice by checking their blood glucose levels regularly.
The proprietary tech behind Bioviit® is complex, but what it offers is simple: fast, accurate, and painless biomarker readings. With Near Infrared Transmittance Spectroscopy (NIR), Photoplethysmography (PPG), Quantum Light Rotation (QLR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), Viit Health’s proprietary consumer healthcare technology can be used for wellness monitoring to improve nutrition, athletic performance, focus, energy optimization and prevent severe health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
There has recently been significant buzz in the non-invasive glucose detection space, and though certain technological approaches seem feasible, it’s important to note that none have been proven to work effectively nor have they made it to market. We expect to have the shortest and clearest path to market - end of 2024 - because of our flexibility, our commercial activation strategy towards point-of-care prevention and individual wellness, and most importantly, our preferable novel technology for accurately analyzing not only blood glucose, but potentially many more groundbreaking biomarkers like cholesterol or oxidative stress.

As Viit Health has improved and fine-tuned Bioviit® - which is expected to outperform it's predecesor (Viit Gluco) surpassing it's 93% accuracy for regular Blood Glucose levels - through more than 6 years of development and 13 clinical trials, we’ve achieved prestigious funding, institutional support and are currently undergoing final calibration and validation with Mexico’s most advanced research & healthcare organizations.

Bioviit® soon become available as a wellness and prevention device for as little as $350, and will be distributed via two primary channels to create the biggest impact and build a diverse revenue stream: 1) prevention campaigns and point-of-care wellness monitoring primarily among public institutions and private companies, and 2) wellness monitoring devices for personal use to improve metabolic health.
Prevention campaigns will require public health agencies to deploy massive glycemic level measurement infrastructure and be able to track people's progress and improvement overtime. Through early identification of people with pre-diabetes and those with consistent high sugar levels, we will help stop diabetes on its tracks, and assist in achieving Sustainable Goal #3 by 2030: Good Health and Wellbeing.

There is a massive need for Viit Health’s tech. According to an estimation made by the International Diabetes Federation, there will be more than 643 million diabetics by 2030, and 783 million by 2045. If simple, affordable and accurate prevention technology is implemented, those numbers could drop significantly, alleviating a +$966 billion dollar burden for the global healthcare industry.
Leading health experts and investors understand the true cost of diabetes and the need for better diagnosis and monitoring tools. It’s why Mexican and American leading scientists and institutions, entrepreneurship organizations, engineering companies and global social investors have lined up behind Viit’s work. It’s the public consumer healthcare breakthrough the world’s been waiting for.
ViiT Health is led by a rare team of financial savvy, scientific expertise, entrepreneurial moxy, and a desire to do good. By combining decades of corporate and scientific expertise with a modern sensibility for social impact entrepreneurship, our team is committed to our wellness consumers and investors alike.

Not only are we aiming to remove pain from biomarker detection and blood glucose tracking, but since Bioviit® works with novel optical techniques combined, which enable us to detect the full spectral footprint of the analyzed tissue, record its variations and analyze particular molecules, we are also paving the way for infinite consumer healthcare potential by measuring and tracking additional biomarkers, such as perfusion index, vascular aging, hydration, insulin, oxidative stress, cholesterol, triglycerides, and many more.
By the end of this year, Viit Health hopes to initially deploy Bioviit® as a prevention device for clinics, pharmacies, NGOs and governments in Mexico - counting 150 requested units to date but aiming for many more in order to tackle a $7B local market -, and shortly after it will be widely commercialized as a prevention device for organizational use in the US and Mexico. Once we establish commercial traction, Bioviit will be made available for personal use as a consumer healthcare device through existing wellness communities and well placed digital and physical points of sale. We’re very excited to make our device widely available to everyone very soon!

People deserve better options to track and monitor their health, and it’s a tragedy that so many people worldwide are suffering and dying from Type II diabetes for preventable and controllable reasons. Viit Health’s Bioviit® is here for the groundbreaking consumer healthcare tech development the world’s been waiting for.
Invest in the future of consumer healthcare. Invest in Viit Health.