min $250
If you invest, you're betting Viable Mining will be worth more than $4M in the future.
Unlike most Bitcoin miners, we don't pay for expensive, dirty, non-renewable electricity, bringing big profits hand in hand with social responsibility.
Bitcoin mining is currently not sustainable – the electricity it uses harms the environment and is extremely expensive.
By using solar power (100% renewable, clean, and cheap energy), Viable Mining solves all that is wrong with Bitcoin, and sets it up to be a Viable long-term global currency. Cheap electricity brings more profits to the bottom line than other Bitcoin mining companies and prevents us from being entangled in future regulation of Bitcoin miners – like in China and is currently being discussed in the US.
Our solar mining solution is simple and can be scaled out practically anywhere in the US, and even the world with access to sunlight (sorry Rjukan, Norway).
Panels installed by Solar Harmonics Inc. (co-founder, Jamie's long-running solar company).
We already have a long list of farmers who are excited to enter a 20 year land lease for our solar powered Bitcoin mine. These farmers can't grow their regular crops due to water shortages caused by climate change. Not only is this cleared farmland perfect for harnessing the sun’s power, but we are doing our part in supporting American farmers.
We have completed preliminary engineering on this site and it exceeds our total sunlight hours needed per year. In addition, we have met with a beekeeper who would like to set up bee hives near our solar panels to pollenate the nearby farmland and to produce honey.
There are many Bitcoin mining companies out there, but most of them just plug into the grid for the power to run their Bitcoin miners using expensive, dirty, electricity that produces greenhouse gasses and nuclear waste.
A handful of Bitcoin mining companies use hydro power, but this is not scalable like solar, since you must be near a hydro-electric plant. These companies still have to pay for their power (the biggest expense with Bitcoin mining), since they aren’t generating it themselves, with the exception of one company who purchased a 123-year-old hydroelectric plant about to be shut down (sounds safe, right?).
There are even less solar Bitcoin mining companies, in the US there is only 1 and it is a miniature proof of concept, scheduled to be built in about a year. In Spain, there is a company that uses solar to power its miners but rents that mining power out to individuals, so the mined bitcoins belong to the individuals, not the company.
We will mine Bitcoin using over 648 of the fastest ASICs – powered by the sun! Each year, we anticipate being able to sell just enough Bitcoin to cover our operating expenses, and to hodl (hold in crypto language) the rest.
In about 3-5 years, we will likely need to replace the ASICs we bought originally with the latest fastest ASICs. This way we stay competitive with other miners, to continue to earn the most Bitcoin possible. To upgrade, we will sell the old miners, which have a relatively high resale value, and sell some Bitcoin to cover the difference.
We can then keep repeating this process building up more and more Bitcoin, which could make the company extremely valuable, since the price of Bitcoin will likely continue to go up as it has been for the last 12 years. This increased value would mean a much higher stock price down the road, and would translate to huge shareholder value. Buying shares in Viable Mining now is like buying Bitcoin in 2009 when it was $0.0008!
These are forward-looking projections and can’t be guaranteed.
Jamie has extensive experience in the solar industry. For the last 14 years he has been installing solar in residential, commercial, and agricultural locations with his company, Solar Harmonics. Solar Harmonics has a great reputation, 5 stars on Yelp, and has an A+ BBB accreditation with 0 complaints!
Jamie is a California-licensed solar installation contractor and has been running a successful podcast for 6 years that focuses on answering peoples’ questions about going solar, since he is a leading industry expert. His team already has a solution and the ability to install the solar panels we need to power our Bitcoin mining farm.
Jamie was also the genius behind the solar powered Bitcoin mining farm. His home is outfitted with solar panels and in his garage, he has crypto mining equipment that has been mining for over 6 years producing thousands of dollars’ worth of free crypto! The idea came to him, why can’t we do this on a bigger scale? This started Viable Mining’s journey.
Josh has been a leader all his life starting as an Eagle Scout at 16, all the way through leading high performing teams of skilled and knowledge-based workers, as well as management teams from startups to a Fortune 500 company. Josh has lead teams as small as 2 and as large as 1,000. He also has a business management degree from Cornell University. Josh plans to hire and lead the managers and employees, building a high-performance team that will efficiently operate the Bitcoin mining farm.
Josh is known as the guy that gets stuff done, you have problems, he will get them solved. You have projects, he will lead them all simultaneously through successful completion. Another hat he wears is the data guy, analyzing big data to make key decisions. Tech issues, Josh has got you covered. He has lead IT departments and stays on top of current technology (including crypto!), using technology to his advantage, working smarter and more efficiently. Josh already has multiple plans (depending on supply chain restraints) on how to set up the Bitcoin mining farm.
Josh has been involved with crypto heavily in the last 4 years, mining, researching, and investing in multiple tokens making profits of 525% from his initial investments.
A solar-powered Bitcoin mine is expensive, but well worth it as a long term investment. our business model cost is $35M to build, and it will pay for itself in earned Bitcoin in a matter of years. To obtain this level of an investment, we plan to have a Secure Token Offering (STO), which is like an IPO. We will be creating and using a secure token that will be sold to accredited and institutional investors. Depending on how successful this campaign is, we may also reach out to angel, hedge fund, private equity, Bitcoin mining companies, and venture capital investors.