Border X Brewing LLC

$150K Target Reached!

follower @ Border X Brewing LLC

Published on Sep 29, 2018

Border X Investor Familia,  

We are super proud to announce that we met our target of $150k yesterday, September 28th!  We are humbled by your support and confidence in us, and excited about taking this business to the next level!

A couple of updates;

- Investment window extended by 15 days. There was due to tremendous interest from many who have not yet invested. Our offering was up to $750k, so no change in terms.

- Scheduling a party to celebrate: There will be one party in October (potentially 20th), in San Diego as well as exclusive investor party in Bell in December when we open. 

- Investor perks will be prepared and we will announce how to pick up at brewery, or have us send them to you. 

Thank you again to all. There are great things ahead for all of us as we do something that has never been done before.


David Favela - CEO