New Century Cyber Technologies, Inc.

The Right Time to Invest in the eSports Industry is Now!

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The eSports market is one of the fastest growing markets in the world with over 600 million dollars in revenue and showing an incredible 41% growth from 2016 to 2017. Considering the eSports market originated in 2015, such growth is remarkable. In 2015, the eSports revenues were valued at $325 million, at $493 million in 2016, and $696 million in 2017. The projections for 2020 show eSports revenues reaching $1.5 billion. This unprecedented growth is significant because of the incredible transformation from a simple gathering of friends into a worldwide sensation.

In 2015, New Century Cyber Technologies, Inc., developed the world's first iCTABLE eSports Machine, a unique multi-monitor computer desk that is tailor made for this new market! in 2016, we launched the first test models that quickly sold out. After a successful launch, we prepared a new, more compact eSports MachineiCTABLE Combat. iCTABLE Combat retains trademark iCTABLE features like durability, ergonomic, and adaptability, but comes at a lower price point. 

In conjunction with Enigmatica, a new generation wireless/wired keyboard, New Century Cyber Technologies, Inc. becomes like Nike or Adidas for an eSports industry.  With the passing of the JOBS Act, New Century Cyber Technologies, Inc. offers a once in a lifetime opportunity to become an early-stage investor in a dynamic company and benefit from the company's robust growth.

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