Neurohacker Collective

Neurohacker Collective Hits Half A Million.

founder @ Neurohacker Collective

Published on Oct 4, 2017

Two months ago to the day, Neurohacker Collective was posting our first update after the launch of our WeFunder campaign. We were confident in our business model and mission, but there still is that moment where the Wefunder counter is at zero dollars, and ever hitting a million looks a bit like standing at base camp of Everest. 


We knew of the 86 startups that at least managed to raise 25,000 on WeFunder, only 9 had reached a million, and only 15 had reached half a million. 

...we're pleased to announce, there's now a 16th. 

As I write you, Neurohacker Collective hovers almost exactly at the half a million dollar mark of Wefunder investment capital, with slightly over a half a million when counting pending investments yet to post. 

This pace averages over 8 thousand dollars of investment per day since the launch of our campaign. But we're not resting on our laurels. 

Just in the two months since our campaign began, we've accumulated major PR from feature articles in Buzzfeed and nationally televised sports like NBC's Spartan Race coverage. We've expanded distribution through Amazon and dramatically expanded our Channel Partner program. We've assembled a citizen science list of over 1,000 volunteers for future product testing and began educational content such as our podcast Collective Insights.  In short, we're taking Qualia and Neurohacker Collective from a promising upstart to the nationally recognized leader in mental wellness products. And just in the past week, we had the 2nd highest traffic day in the history of our website. 

If you've already invested, the evidence is gathering to warrant an increase in investment. And if you've yet to invest, now is the time to join our growing community and invest in this clear and concrete momentum. 

We're halfway up the mountain. Get a larger stake while you still can, and we'll see you at the summit!