
October Numbers & Progress

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Published on Nov 1, 2016

October is officially in the books, and Kibin is looking stronger than ever.

Here's what happened in October:

Revenue & Growth

  • October revenue came in at $86.3k - an all-time record
  • Essay database revenue swelled to more than $30k, 50% better than our previous record in April.
  • We added about 5,000 new essays to our database.
  • We qualified for, and opened, a $100,000 line of credit. We may or may not use this, but it's nice to have.


We also made some awesome progress on the product. Our search functionality was seriously lacking, making it difficult for students to find example essays in our expansive database. We spent the month reworking our search functionality that's hopefully much more user friendly and helpful. Give it a try and let us know what you think by visiting

Last Update & Campaign Closing

This will be our last public update. We've set our campaign close date for November 15th. That's just two weeks away.All future updates will only be for investors. We'd love to have you join us!