
Friday Favorites: Communication For the Win


Communication is a tricky beast. Done well, it can lead to honest relationships, a healthy and productive work environment, and a feeling of understood expectations. Done poorly, it can lead to resentment, anger, frustration, stilted relationships, and poor production at work.


Problem is, there are no clear-cut guidelines to tell you if you’re communicating well or communicating poorly. The only way to know for sure is to ask (in other words, to communicate about it).


If this is a problem you struggle with, then you’re certainly not alone! To start a dialog on this ever-important subject, we’re sharing posts from the past week that highlight communication in all of its forms. Get ready for more openness in your life and more productivity and happiness as a result!


Simple Phrases You Can Use for Better Interactions At the OfficeLifehacker
When it comes to verbal communications, good intentions get you nowhere. If you find that your words are often getting misconstrued at work, try using one of these phrases instead.


How Optimism Can Lead to Missed DeadlinesScience of Us
Everyone wants to look like they’ve got it all together – but conveying too much optimism can lead to missed deadlines. Here’s why you should always maintain realistic expectations.


A Tired Brain Is A More Creative Brain, Says ScienceFreelancers Union
Ever feel guilty for not being a chatty morning person at the office? You’re in luck! It turns out being tired can actually lead to more creativity, and thus more productivity.


How to Be More Productive and Eliminate Time Wasting Activities by Using the “Eisenhower Box”James Clear
How many days have you lost a ton of time because of a task that was said to “only take a minute?” Release your desire to quickly please at work and use this template to prioritize your day.


Avoid Regret with a Weekly Work/Life Check-In99U
It’s just as important to communicate with ourselves as it is with others. Read on to learn the power of checking in with yourself every week. Why not try it right now?