
Back In Black: Black MS Resin Gets a Facelift

Most of your remember Black MS Resin. It was the first opaque black resin available on the professional consumer market. Well, after consistent user feedback, a couple months of development, and a couple rounds of beta testing, we’re happy to announce a new and improved Black MS Resin!

Less Clouding

One of the more notable downsides of the original MS Black was the vat clouding. Resin clouding is a common issue amongst vat based printers. However, the black caused slightly quicker clouding than other materials. The updated formula features significantly less clouding.

Clouding Test MS Resin

To test clouding, we printed 100 micron bars, 800 layers tall on various printers. This was made to mimic consistent printing on the same area of a vat over time. The new MS Black resulted in 6x less clouding than the original Black MS Resin.

Higher Detail


Printed on Form1+

The new MS Resin features higher detail than the original version. We utilize a number prints to measure the X and Y accuracy of our resin on various systems. This includes the chip above, where we measure the accuracy of certain pre-determined spaces. The new MS Resin, on the left, outperformed the original Black Resin, which already displayed some of the best detail at this level of the market.


Printed on B9 Creator


Printed on B9 Creator

Same Color, Price & Compatibility

The new formula maintained the midnight black color that customers loved at the same price as the original. The resin is also fully compatible with systems it had been used on in the past. With the help of some amazing beta testers, we’ve gathered settings for the Form1, Form1+, B9 Creator, and even the Autodesk Spark.

As always, you can find our resins in our store

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