My Dead Friend Zoe

🎖️ Huge Momentum for MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE

Paul Scanlan

Published 2 days ago

What a great start to the PVOD window of our film and thank you to those who helped pre-order last weekend. We're seeing great featuring on Amazon Prime and continue climbing up the rankings on Apple TV.

On top of the amazing news about our international rights deal, MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE was also #1 on Rotten Tomatoes' list of "Best New Movies of 2025" (as of 3/24/25). If for any reason you haven't had a chance to catch this incredible film that YOU were a part of making, grab a copy via the link below to watch at home.


Love the film as much as we do and want to help keep the momentum going?

  • Tell your friends.
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  • Pay it Forward.

Know a veteran who would like to watch? They can submit a request to see MDFZ for free courtesy of The Bob Woodruff Foundation Pay It Forward campaign.

Onward & Upward,

-Legion M Team

Liked by Kevin Brown, BENJAMIN KINCAID , Tom Wright, and 3 others

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💥Top Contributor
🌿Prolific Investor
Number One!!! Are you kidding me, right now??? This is PHENOMENAL!!! ....... Legion M is absolutely KILLING IT, right now. Take a moment, right now, all of you in the studio, right this minute, to pat yourselves on the back, share some high-fives all around, and congratulate each other for a KICK ASS JOB. ........ WOW!!!!!
This is great news. Totally awesome 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥