New Videos: Evolution of Physics, Physics of Evolution

Eric J. Lerner
Published 2 days ago
Two more videos are online from the Evolution of Physics study group series. These are the first two that examine the revolution in physics starting at the end of the 19th century. Planck and the Quantum is here and X-rays and Radioactivity is here.
In addition, LPPFusion has released the second episode of the Cosmic Evolution series. This episode describes how the structure we see in the universe formed without a Big Bang, through the interaction of gravitation with electromagnetism See trillions of year of evolution compressed into eleven minutes!
Liked by Dewayne Higgs and George Simons

Alan Pence
Mar 22
Its great your into so many things. But I hope this isn't taking money or time away from LPPFusion. After all that is what I put money into and am hoping I did not Invest in a Dead Horse or even one with a broken leg.
Actually, our educational videos attract people who do invest. So they very much help the fusion effort. We'll be having a new report from the lab very shortly.
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Quantum physics is what is at the heart of all nuclear processes. For instance the fusion process is limited because of the Compton effect of electron heating. The size of the plasma in the pinch must be about one electron diameter. This allows for the maximum absorption of electron energy, but plasma flow is limited. However B-p fusion creates alpha particles, which are larger than electrons and have a higher heating affect. What if the alpha streams from say 3 reactors were used to heat another plasma pinch in a fourth reactor? I am guessing that would allow for almost constant fusion output.