
LPPFusion is hiring!

Eric J. Lerner

Published 3 days ago

LPPFusion is seeking to expand our staff. We have two openings.

First, we need a Laboratory Technician for an ongoing series of hands-on tasks at our Middlesex, NJ lab. Tasks include trouble-shooting, maintenance and repair and the construction of new parts and new instruments. Should be available for at least two days a week. FT position possible.

Requirements: we need someone with solid experience in an experimental lab and with high voltage equipment. Unlimited enthusiasm for fusion energy a must! Pulsed power experience desirable. We are a very small team, so you will be assisting with all aspects of the experiments, contributing your know-how to the success of mission to develop clean, cheap, safe, unlimited energy.

Second, we need a video editor. This is an online position, so applicants can be anywhere in the world. We are seeking a video editor for simple jobs—mostly eliminating glitches in talking heads and pasting in images and videos which we will provide. Quick turnaround essential. We are making exciting educational videos about fusion, cosmology, history of physics and other topics. We need about one video a week.

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We encourage qualified women and men of all backgrounds to apply. Competitive pay, health insurance and options plan. Please send resumes to fusionfan@lppfusion.com.

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Thank you
I hope this helps the pace of experimentation and funding.
Wish I wasn't 77 years old for the lab tech position. Sounds like fun!