The beginnings of what would become D.I.R.T. take us back to 2020 when the two of us first met (virtually) in the early days of the pandemic. Over a shared love of pushing the boundaries, we embarked on our first endeavor together, Resounding. Resounding was established to push the technology of the time to its absolute limit and create live immersive binaural audio performances while still in lockdown.

For each show, we created a live radio play with binaural audio with our actors and technicians isolated in their own residences.
Performers would act with each other on Zoom while their audio was separately captured, mixed with music and sound effects, and streamed to audiences around the world. The binaural effect allowed us to give the audience the impression that if a character was blocked to cross a room their voice would travel and you could even hear their footsteps.
Our first show was Dracula, fitting for our Halloween performances, with Norm Lewis as the title character. We also performed a new adaptation of Treasure Island starring Rob McClure. (And the internet gods favored us because despite trying to achieve the impossible we never had a dropped connection that paused a show)

The venture was creatively fulfilling for everyone involved and allowed us to bypass the "zoom theater" that was rapidly growing stale. We even created custom cocktail recipes that the audience could make at home to drink along with the show! We were able to present audiences with something unique and thrilling when others were settling for what was we wanted to create what could be. That desire, as you'll see, has never left us.
As restrictions began to lift in early 2021 we moved out of our soundproof closets and into the real world. Resounding @ Radial Park allowed us to blend our binaural audio experience with in-real-life performances presented as public staged readings.

The shows were performed outside with audiences listening via silent disco headphones at socially distanced picnic tables or in their cars using their drive-in speakers. A massive projection screen allowed video effects and close-ups on the socially distanced actors' expressions.
Despite the cold April wind and rain the shows went on! Clueth (the first new play performed live in NYC during the pandemic), Beyond The Veil, and an adaptation of The Tempest were all presented to audiences who came out to enjoy live theater again on the banks of the East River in Queens.

Following the success of the performances at Radial Park and the continued lifting of restrictions, we soon found ourselves being hired to produce exciting virtual for outside clients.
Starting in December 2021, Rwe began producing holiday content for META's NY offices. First remotely - broadcasting a live holiday show with original music from the Chelsea Music Hall to META's employees...

And then in person with the Peanuts Re-Animated! A live performance of A Charlie Brown Christmas where the cartoon is shown on screen with the sound muted while live voice actors, a jazz trio, and a foley artist recreate the entire soundscape from scratch.

2022 is also where we started planning what would become D.I.R.T.
We knew we wanted to combine our love of live theater, boundary-pushing work, immersive experiences, and penchant for hospitality into one big project.
Knowing that the NY market is not welcoming or appreciative of work that challenges the current theater landscape, we realized we would have to find a new market to take out ideas.
We both had connections to Denver via family and friends and we'd always enjoyed our visits and various gigs based in the city. It was the Denver Immersive Gathering in 2022 that really clenched Denver's spot at the top of the list of places from which to launch our next immersive venture.
We met with so many people in the immersive space at the gathering, both local and national, and in every conversation we were told that Denver was gearing up to be the center of the immersive universe. We heard the call and we answered.
As soon as we left the gathering we started brainstorming, and after many drafts, we came up with the core principles of what our business is today.
Crucially, we also came up with the name - Denver Immersive Repertory Theater - or D.I.R.T., it felt like the perfect name for an experimental venture in a city with adventurous, exploratory origins. The history of Colorado tells us that if you dig in the dirt, you often find gold.
In late 2023 we begin a real estate blitz to find a new home for D.I.R.T. In one 48-hour trip we saw 7 different potential spaces.

In the end, the old Patagonia building on Blake Street, right in the heart of Downtown, won out.
With our new home identified, we began building out our team and budgets, and learning everything we could about the Denver market and this burgeoning industry. With time, dedication, focus, and hours and hours of zoom calls we put all of the pieces in place for what we know will be the next big thing in immersive, not just in Denver, but worldwide.
Our lease is signed. Our business plan is finalized. Our construction permits, well they are still being approved but we're on track and all signs point positively thanks to our experienced team of architects and advisors. We're ready, and so, we begin...

You're the first one here!
Early people don't usually get a prize, so here's a love letter from us.