
Use of Funds - Explained Further

Published on Apr 29

Dear Koru Community,

As we begin our campaign, we wanted to get ahead of the curiosity regarding the allocation of the funds we are raising. It’s essential for us to share not just our vision but how each dollar contributes to our success. Here's an expanded view of how we plan to deploy your investments to accelerate Koru’s growth and impact:

1. Marketing and Strategic Partnerships (45%)

Through our partnership with Blueprint Ventures, we have an aggressive 10-month marketing strategy designed to capitalize on our current momentum. We plan to enhance our digital presence and engage in targeted marketing campaigns that not only reach a wider audience but also attract key strategic partners. These efforts are about amplifying our message and creating networks that can support the growth trajectory we're looking for. For example, partnering with industry leaders in sustainability and technology can open new channels and provide us with critical market insights that drive both growth and innovation, while tapping into new potential clients.

2. Product Development (35%)

Product innovation is the cornerstone of Koru’s value proposition. The funds allocated here will fuel the development of new features and the refinement of our existing platform. We are particularly excited about integrating more sophisticated AI algorithms that enhance our predictive capabilities and tapping into several external APIs to further hone in on the unique offering we provide our clients. These advancements are in direct response to the feedback from our pilot users, ranging from small businesses to multibillion-dollar enterprises, that seek deeper insights and more advanced analytical tools.

3. Operations and Scaling (10%)

Operational support ensures that our team can deliver exceptional service without interruption. This funding supports critical roles in customer service, technology maintenance, and backend operations that keep our platform running smoothly. Investing here means we can scale without sacrificing the quality or security of our service, ensuring that as our user base grows, every interaction with Koru remains seamless and professional.

4. Reserve and Miscellaneous Expenses (10%)

A portion of the funds will be reserved for unforeseen expenses and to cover necessary operational costs such as platform fees. This buffer allows us to maintain flexibility and resilience, adapting quickly to new opportunities or market demands without compromising our operational integrity.

The funding we raise now is pivotal.

Investing in Koru means joining in our current momentum to build tools that empower businesses with the ability to greatly enhance their future successes. This is an opportunity to be part of something that goes beyond profit—a venture that's reshaping industries and enhancing how businesses connect and thrive.

Thank you for your support and belief in our mission. Together, we are paving the way for a future where every business, regardless of size, can access the partnerships they need to succeed. Let’s continue to make waves in the industry and turn our collective aspirations into reality.

Warm regards,

Team Koru