bluShift Aerospace

SUCCESS! Peak thrust of 21,500 lbs from our rocket engine.

Sascha Deri

Published on May 4, 2023

Our engine test exceeded our expectations last night! While our last engine test produced a peak thrust of 10,000 lbs, last night we calculated a peak thrust of 21,500 lbs! This is a huge improvement and brings us that much closer to space. The engineers exhibited such profound patience and persistence last night and I am so proud of what they have accomplished. Onto the next!

kind regards,


Liked by Chris Elle Dove, Gloria S, Denise L Ventura, and 11 others

I'm so happy for you and your team! Wicked proud of you guys! 🤩
Thanks Denise!
Outstanding. Keep up the great work. You folks are the best.
Thank you so much!
Congratulations! What peak thrust is the goal?
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Ready for lift off. Bobby Gentry
Awesome. Wow huge difference. Great progress. Love it.
To the moon!
Looking up.
Fly Blue Shift Fly....reminding me that old 70's disco song Fly Robin, Fly. Go Blue Shift!
Nice job folks!!