Joule Case

Breaking News - The Future of Joule Case

Published on Jan 25, 2023


This is it!

I've hardly been capable of keeping this announcement under wraps and now I'm so proud to finally unveil our new Grid Scale solution: The Olympus Power Platform.

This product will be our strategic focus for the next 5 years, as it presents the largest growth opportunity in the market and the largest customer relationships we have all revolved around these products.

This is the platform they've been asking us to produce and the Joule Case team delivered!

(Of course we'll still iterate on our smaller products for the existing use cases)

Reminder - there are only 6 days remaining to invest or increase your stake in the company!

And as always, let me know if you have any questions!


p.s. Wefunder is now offering IRA retirement investment options. Let us know if you would like more information on the process for investing in Joule Case within an IRA strategy.

The product is now live on our website for orders -- you can read more about it here, place an order or share it with a company with BIG POWER NEEDS.

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