Joule Case

Joule Case Powers Largest Food Truck Rally in Idaho

Published on May 26, 2022

On May 21st, Joule Case partnered with the Southern Idaho Food Truck Association to power the inaugural Food Truck Feastival.

 This was the largest food truck rally ever in the state of Idaho with 18 trucks participating—all powered by clean Joule Case batteries! This may also have been the largest food truck rally powered by batteries in the World. We’re still checking on that, but we’ve never heard of it before…

 Hosted by the Boise Hawks at Memorial Stadium, over 2,700 guests picked the food trucks clean—they were completely sold out by the end of the event. In addition to the 18 food trucks, there was a beer garden and a live music stage that featured three bands. 


Joule Case provided power for all food trucks for the entire duration of the event. Over 5 hours of clean, quiet, generator-free power. Grid-scale needs like this present an opportunity for us to deploy our 540kWh battery trailer that we affectionately call ‘Bertha’. As you can imagine, not all food trucks are the same. Each truck, with different needs and built by different people, have a variety of power connections that our team needed to account for. For example, six of the trucks required 50 Amps high power, while the others required 30 Amps. 


Overall, the logistical hurdles were handled in stride by our team of experts and the operators were thrilled:

“We routinely trip circuit breakers when getting shore power from breweries. Your power had no issues!” – Rhett Atagi, Bochi Bochi

“I could hear the music! It was actually kind of eerie to have all of these trucks and no generators!” – Christine Hummer, Fusion Frites

We couldn't be more excited to continue to grow the brand, it's events like these that really help spread awareness and it's a great experience.

What do you think?

As always, let me know if you have any questions!
