Pit Liquor

Benzene Recall

Published on Mar 18, 2022

Sometimes it’s tough to be different, but when you look at the safety standards of the health and beauty industry—our brand is proud to be different.

During the pandemic, the FDA gave big deodorant companies a pass to include a small percentage of benzene in their products, due to supply chain issues. But even that allowance was exceeded, and recalls have been issued twice in the past few months for dangerous levels of carcinogens in mainstream deodorant. The problem here is that benzene isn’t just mildly dangerous, it’s a key ingredient in napalm (that’s the stuff they use to make bombs!). The very limited existing oversight of deodorant stepped aside and let poison right into the armpits of countless unknowing consumers.

It's stunning that this horror is reality. As a brand, we follow our own extremely rigorous standards. We don’t use synthetic ingredients, we use food grade ingredients that are sourced ethically and as locally as possible, we get to know our supply chain, and we don’t settle for the inadequate standards set by the health and beauty industry (or really anyone). That’s what makes our brand so different, and why we are standing here today. We’re done having poison casually slipped into our homes against our knowledge, and Pit Liquor is ready to grow and take on an industry flooded with calculated misinformation and dangerous lies.