World Tree

Voila! World Tree launches a new partnership that starts on Pearl Street

Published on Oct 20, 2021

Sometimes fate opens unexpected doorways to opportunity. This one in particular, is located on Pearl Street in New York City at the Securities & Exchange Commission. 

In our webinar today, World Tree’s Doug Willmore and designer Katrien Van Der Schueren announced the unveiling of a new art installment directly outside the building SEC calls home. The artwork is crafted from Empress Splendor, sourced from President Jimmy Carter’s farm. The work will be officially installed on Pearl Street, New York, early in November. 

Katrien’s company Voila! Creative Studio, creates beautiful design work using materials that have been sustainably sourced. This is what she had to say about Empress wood:  

“I was amazed that after working with wood for years and years that I never heard of this wood before. The fact that it is a lightweight hardwood and obviously the beautiful story as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint dramatically, it is a wonder wood.” 

In a move with massive implications for fighting climate change, the SEC is shortly expected to share new rule making on climate disclosures, the first update in over a decade. The move is expected to spur a flurry of activity, including billions more flowing to "nature-based investments" to offset carbon emissions by scores of companies aiming to achieve Net-Zero. 

Thanks to innovators like Katrien and our family of farmers and investors, World Tree is ready to be part of this new future.  

Watch the webinar to hear the whole story: from the day World Tree first met President Carter to our new partnership with Voila! Creative Studio. The webinar also includes a ‘sneak preview’ of the artwork.