
Changes In NCAA will mean big $$$$ in the world of Student-athletes on Social Media

Published on Jul 29, 2021

By now you've probably heard of some of the recent changes that will allow for NCAA student athletes to earn income on their Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) and with this vast amount of money pouring in, you can bet that there will be a lot of need for brands/universities to not only worry about the authenticity of the athlete-influencer audience but also about the brand-safety components of what they are doing/saying off the field. This is where Kyndoo can really come in and save the day before the problem even happens. Because we've all seen this headline before in some capacity, "Young kid gets a bunch of money and fame and then does something really dumb and embarrasses the team/league/university/etc." the only difference is that history doesn't have to repeat itself when brands/schools use Kyndoo. We're excited to share some upcoming announcements on what Kyndoo is doing in to play in this sector more so stay tuned.