
Check your Email for a Wefunder Payout link!

founder @ Viroment

Published on Feb 19, 2021

By now all of you should have received an email from Wefunder with a link to access your interest payments for 2020 for the Viroment Capital campaign.  

Remember to check the SPAM folder.  If there are any issues please feel free to post here because others may have the same question and possible answers.

Here was the process told to us from Wefunder at the sign up (a year ago):

  • November 2020 Wefunder sends Viroment a bill for the interest payment
  • November /Early December 2020 Viroment wires in the funds to Wefunder
  • December 2020 investors receive funds back to their accounts via the same method it was tendered to Wefunder.

Sounds pretty simple - We were the only Debt deal on Wefunder so how could there be any confusion right?  

Well, here is how it played out!

  • Early November 2020- Where is this Bill? Not received - Viroment requests a bill 
  • Mid-November 2020 - We don't bill says Wefunder - Viroment needs to figure out what is owed and just send it in.  Hey, wait a minute!  Could you guys at least provide us the Excel spreadsheet so we can sort the 3 differing investor contract start dates properly?  "Sure thing,  We will hop right on it!" Wefunder said. WEEKS LATER after constant communications we received the spreadsheet (it is not the end of the year).
  • January 2021 - Viroment wires funds to Wefunder's escrow. 
  • February 17th, 2021 - Investors receive an email from Wefunder for a link allowing them access to their funds.  I don't want to speak poorly of the process because ultimately our company chose to be on this platform and it is our responsibility to ensure we are meeting and exceeding investor expectations. 

So what is the plan to make it right for the time the payments were kept from investors unfairly? 

We are kicking around 2 possibilities and will report back what we decide shortly.  We know what we want to do but need to make sure it is compliant.  

House Keeping:   We will continue to post only major construction milestones here as well as all financial updates here.  The weekly project updates can be found on the VIROMENT EQUITY landing page.  Head over there to follow if you have not already.