That was the topic of our last social media posts this week (please see below if you have not yet checked out our accounts), so we figured we would shed more light on what "people" means for us in this Saturday Update.

Let's first quickly go back 4.5 years ago when we were getting ready to launch Wilcuma. Just a small team of partners, but one of our very first own assignments was to put together a detailed employee handbook and training & service manuals. Two interesting highlights:

- Every time there is a "what" throughout these HR guidelines and P&P's, it always comes along with a "how" and a "why."

- You won't find any "don't do this" or "it is not allowed to" in theses documents. We do have rules, but we try and explain everything with a constructive approach, encouraging self-thinking and common sense.

With EL CONDOR, we will finally have our first opportunity to put those HR principles into practice and help define new ways of dealing with what is the greatest asset of the hospitality industry, namely its people.

- On-going training, from day 1 and throughout employment, with the idea that we should all understand each other's jobs and truly learn something everyday, from a pure business standpoint but also for sake of general knowledge. From one position to another, our job descriptions are actually very similar, based on the simple fact it is about what needs to be done in the moment, while thinking big picture.

- Genuine involvement of everyone as brand ambassadors of the company/concept they work at. It starts with a thorough interview process, which does include different team members so they have a say in who their future co-workers are. At every stage and different levels, everybody knows they are part of the decision process, empowered to do what is right and get better at we do.

- A much more fair model than a tip system, that, even if not everybody is yet ready to admit it, frankly is broken. Pay above minimum wage and revenue sharing are the foundations of our compensation program. We believe it is an excellent way to motivate, make sure all positions are treated equally and take real ownership of our own business as a team (no discrimination possible, for instance).

- Creative benefit programs, including health insurance regardless of the size of the business and however we find solutions to implement it. All employees deserve the best, safest conditions possible while at work, as well as options to maintain a well-balanced life outside of work. Their well-being and performance depend on these programs.

- Finally (for the sake of this short update) this mind set applies to the whole ecosystem: landlords are business partners, suppliers and vendors are our best allies, investors deserve total transparency, guests obviously remain at the core, and our teams act accordingly for our common best interest.

- Overall we do not see why the hospitality industry would not be able to compete with best-in-class sectors when it comes to taking care of its people. There are many groups out here leading the way, but since we have the great chance to start from a blank page, let's give it our best shot and make it extra special!

As always, please feel free to reach out if you want to learn more about this or anything else regarding the project and/or our company.

Thank you for your attention!

As of today:

12% invested - 26 investors - 50 days/7 weeks to go

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