
Caribu: App Store 'Best of 2020' Winner

Maxeme Tuchman

Published on Dec 2, 2020

We can finally share the exciting news! Apple is celebrating Caribu as 1 of 15 amazing apps and games that inspired the world in 2020! We're 1 of 5 App Store 'Trend of the Year' winners as Apple focused on "Helpfulness" this year.

We'd love for you to help us share the good news! Below are some suggested social posts and you can use the image above. 

Excited to share that @Caribu is an App Store Trend of the Year winner! #BestOf2020 Want to have better video-calls with your kids and grandkids? Learn more at!

Apple celebrates @Caribu among 15 of the amazing apps and games that inspired the world in 2020! #BestOf2020 Learn more at!



Maxeme, please share your vision and/or plan for 3 years ahead.
Global domination. :)
Hello Maxeme Tuchman, how would able to receive some idea on how my investment has progressed since my initial investment ? Just looking for my own investment only, just want an idea. Not trying to cash out or any like that.  All the other comments shown below are saying how good/great job y'all are doing, Yes that is all good but that really doesn't show me any in numbers or tell the story !  I look forward to your response and some numbers that specifically talk to me about my investment. I will wait for your response.Thank you !Johnny A. Espinoza 
This is great news, but how do I find out about my investment? 
This is great, how do I find out about my $2,500.0 investment
my first startup. Bingo
congratulations this is Awesome but....Im not surprised. This has been my favorite startups out of 15.
Keep up the good work!
Great news, congratulations!!!What can you tell us about our investment?
congrats and keep up the good work. Thank for the update
Fantastic News!!!