Armbrust American

Getting your investor bonus

founder @ Armbrust American

Published on Nov 10, 2020

Hello everyone, 

In just a month we have achieved what most companies try to do in years: raised over $645,000.00 from 850 other people like you (another several hundred thousand from some big-time investors). 

A lot of people have been asking how they get their investor bonuses like Free 50 pack of masks, 20% off products, factory visits, and swag--and I'm glad you've asked. 

We are waiting until we hit the SEC REG-C limit of $1,070,000 before "soft closing" the round and giving out bonuses. The rest is not because we are cheap :) but because it's a lot of work to make sure all of our investors are taken care of, and we want to do it in one batch. 

We are very close to hitting our goal and handing out bonuses. 

Here are 7 things that can do right now to help us get their faster. 

Even doing just one will help, and if we all did just a few, I think we'd hit our goal before Thanksgiving. 

Thanks again for helping to bring strategic manufacturing back to the United States.