
Question for Followers

founder @ UrgentEMS

Published on Nov 8, 2020

Well, we have been working diligently on the Wefunder for some time, demonstrating viable technologies, and lining up opportunities for a tangible more traditional clinic to be a subsidiary of UrgentEMS, Inc.  This clinic's focus will be to support the UrgentEMS network and become our testbed that generates revenue concurrently while we prove our business model.

We have had a lot of likes in recent weeks from many investors and other allied health providers.  While the likes are very encouraging, I would like some feedback on what more I can do to persuade your participation in our project.

We have made major strides in getting to this point, however, to implement any of this we must have the capital required:
1 office rent
2 acquisition of hardware
3 communication
4 insurance one thing you learn quickly in nothing happens without paying for insurance in healthcare.  While having a physician ready and willing to start seeing patients, clinical operations can not happen without paying for the overhead of malpractice insurance.  In truth this is one of the biggest drains on progress, insurance creates no value but if you do not have it you can not provide care.
5 we need basic payroll nothing happens even when exchanging equity without payroll.  I have found that equity is a very poor motivator for early start-up, now once we are operational and the stock is selling for more than "x", I am sure that will change.

We are in this for the long haul and are committed to success. We are ready to move towards actual clinical operations in the first quarter and charge for services, but this requires capital.  I am exhausted because I also work 160+ hours every two weeks on an ambulance treating patients plus working on furthering this business.

Feedback on and input to improve my work on this Wefunder is welcomed.

Matthew Lottinger