Rhino Hide

Building Concept

founder @ Rhino Hide

Published on Sep 23, 2020

Have you ever wondered how big a building would need to be to manufacture 6000 gallons of Rhino Hide per day? I have! 

The last few days I have been planning for the building we will need two years from now. That may seem like I am putting the cart before the horse but the fact is in order to be ready for our expected production volume in two years we need to start thinking about how we can keep up with demand now, because it will take two years to have the manufacturing facility ready. 

We have been working with one of our investors who owns a large construction company and also is ramping up to be our first nation-wide Certified Installer. I'll update you with the details as more information comes in. 

In the meantime check out this concept of the 30,000 square foot building we are planning to build...