With just a few hours left to invest, I wanted to remind all our followers why they should support Aptera. Aside from being fully funded(we've raised over $2.5m over the last few months) and making a LOT of engineering progress(see our updates) Aptera is:
1. The most efficient vehicle platform ever offered: 1,000miles of range per charge, 100Wh/Mile energy use(more than 3X more efficient than the average EV), and charging of over 150miles overnight off a 110v outlet.
2. Powered by the SUN! 40+ miles per day of free solar charging means you may never have to plug in your Aptera for your daily driving needs.
3. Full of features with plenty of space for all your stuff and all the accessories you'd expect in any modern passenger car.
4. Really going to make an impact on how we use our resources. With smarter engineering, we can use way less energy per mile to travel and far less material to build our vehicles.
5. Ready for your next camping trip! While being recharged by the sun you can enjoy the outdoors and a comfortable sleeping environment. All as you charge all your electronics, cook food, and run the heat or AC if needed.
And we're JUST getting started!
Don't miss your opportunity to invest early in more efficient transportation!
Thanks for all your support! Share where you can! And we hope to see you all at our first public events this summer!