Wefunder Blog

Joining the fight against coronavirus

Nick Tommarello

Published on Mar 25, 2020

Our entire society is now at war with the coronavirus.

Wefunder is focused on doing our part. We can’t match the heroism of our doctors and nurses, but we can help save more small businesses... and fund more startups with good ideas to reduce the massive disruption to our lives.

Here are some ways to help:

  • Share the Fight The Virus Challenge. We invest $50k to $1 million in startups working on biotechnology, remote education, senior care, manufacturing medical supplies, and more.
  • Invest in the Pandemic Fund so we can deliver more money, faster, to startups tackling the crisis.
  • Share the Disaster Loan Program with your favorite small business that needs more funding to survive the lockdowns.
  • Help a Startup. We’ll match you to a startup in the Fight the Virus Challenge. Can mentor, invest, find a cofounder, or collaborate on solving hard challenges.

The Wefunder community has already come together. While the stock market has crashed, our investments have doubled. People want to support the businesses and causes they care about. It’s inspiring. Thank you.

We’re doing this to make a difference, not to make a profit. We’ve entirely waived our fees for any startup that may save lives. For the coronavirus loan program, we’ve reduced fees 50% — enough to cover our costs.

If there is any other way we can help, please let us know. The entire Wefunder team wants our lives to have meaning, to help a cause greater than ourselves. We can’t fathom sitting on the sidelines during the crisis of our times.

Please stay safe.

Nicholas TommarelloCEO, Wefunder

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I'm proud to work at Wefunder in March 2020.
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As opposed to December 2018? ;)
This is great, we all have to do something at our power for sure. And I would appreciate it if you guys give more details about how Wefunder is doing during the crisis. We, as a new Wefunder, hesitate to launch our campaign because we are in dark now and don't know if it is the right time or not. Maybe a video briefing or online streaming conference?
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Investments on Wefunder are at an all time high. People want to help.  The best time to launch a campaign is when you need to fundraise.
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