Travelmate Robotics

Article, "is Google Going to buy Travelmate Robotics?" (click to read)

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Published on Aug 24, 2019

I came across another article recently that is likely to peak the interest of our investors. It's also likely to raise some questions. I wanted to clarify one point from there. While we are having discussions and have had calls with a google team, it has only been to discuss potential ways to collaborate.  Google has not talked to us about wanting to buy our company. 

I think that is just something that the author inferred himself. 

With that out of the way, it is an interesting article and worth a read:

Thank you very much to everyone who has invested in our company so far. We consider you as partners in our business and are ecstatic to have you be a part of our company! We will do our best to make sure that our business benefits everyone in our company.