Amnion Life LLC

Recent Interview With Our Founder, Dr. Amir Fassihi - Building A Foundation For Success.

Published on Mar 15, 2019

March 14th, 2019

David DeRam, the CEO of Greenlight Guru, interviews Amnion Life's founder to learn the keys to a successful operation.

How Greenlight Guru is Laying the Foundation for Success at Amnion Life:

"Here's a peek into the future. Take a look at how the leading medical device companies are operating. For the team at Amnion Life, working to address complications that impact 15 million children per year, the goal is to be a medical device company that will not be satisfied with being “good enough,” but instead to be on the leading edge--with True Quality acting as the foundation of everything they do. They tried implementing other QMS platforms, but found that their “bulkiness and clunkiness” weren’t intuitive for the unique needs of a medical device company. While many of these platforms claimed to have “out-of-the-box” functionality, these systems lacked industry-specific workflows. This meant that their team would need to dedicate additional time to learn, configure and validate the system."  

                   David DaRam CEO Greenlight Guru

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