Tap Systems, Inc.

The next generation of input technology

Last Funded July 2024


raised from 3,367 investors


Notable Angel

Raised $25k or more from a notable angel investor

Repeat Founder

Founder has started a previous company funded with $2M+

Founders invented the Digital Camera Chip and Digital X-Ray Sensor with IPO and M&A experience
1st Gen product: Tap Strap. Sold 40,000+ units. 4+ stars on Amazon. $4,500,000 USD generated
2nd Gen - Flagship product: TapXR. Commercially available, Targeting Prosumers. $1B opportunity
3rd Gen OEM product: TapChip. Integration into smartwatch & fitness trackers. $50B opportunity

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AR and VR is a once in a lifetime opportunity - it is the next major computing platform.

Tap Systems is on a mission to revolutionize input.

Backed by over 5,000 investors, and over 40,000 customers, Tap Systems' pioneering approach to the world’s first all-in-one wearable keyboard, mouse and remote controller is on track to transform the $1 Trillion consumer electronics industry.

We’re giving people all over the world the ability to control all of their digital devices in a simple, fast and easy way. With Tap Systems, input isn’t just functional, it’s revolutionary.

Only 20% of people in the world can actually touch type. That means that 4 out of 5 people in the world have to hunt and peck each character on their keyboard. With Tap, everyone can touch-type with just a few minutes of practice.

Even as technology advances, digital and virtual devices such as SmartTVs, VR and MR devices still incorporate an ancient keyboard layout which requires the user to click several times just to move between letters before selecting the letter they want.

Despite rapid technological progress in the development of alternative input methods such as voice recognition, hand tracking and EMG, users are still stuck with sub par experiences which are inaccurate, fatiguing and frustrating.

The wide adoption of AR/VR/MR/XR is delayed simply because people are not able to extract more value out of these devices. While they willingly spend $500 - $3,500 per device, the complaint across the board is consistent - they lack basic input capabilities such as typing, scrolling through pages and selecting content with ease.

Our patented technology presents breakthroughs in hardware, software, sensors and artificial intelligence, delivering a new experience that redefines how people are able to interact with consumer electronics.

We’ve redesigned the user interface, allowing people to use familiar, simple, intuitive gestures to control any and all of their digital devices, all in the same comfortable, easy and ergonomic way.

The proprietary Tap input system has already been proven to work in thousands of different use cases, across hundreds of languages, applications and cultures. 

Our prototype - the Tap Strap has already sold over 40,000 units, generating over $4.5 million in sales while receiving a 4+ star rating on Amazon.

We are now shipping the TapXR - our flagship consumer product, a wrist worn wearable device that has been optimized to be worn for an entire day and be paired with multiple digital devices.

While TapXR holds the key for the future adoption of wearable screens such as AR glasses and VR headsets, it is already widely adopted across many popular categories such as gaming, digital art, manufacturing, frontline workers, professional presentations, travel and home office settings.

The tapping community has already created over 7,500 custom Tapping layouts that help users navigate through content, trigger key binds, macros and hotkey commands into popular software applications and personalize the way they interact with each and every electronic device they own.

We believe that the future is one of personalization, where each person can personalize not only what they wear, eat or drink, but also how they choose to interact with tools and devices around them.

TapXR provides a unique opportunity for users to embrace technology and have it working for them and not be dragged through tedious onboarding experience with each and every new device they purchase.

TapXR offers users the ability to simplify the most complex actions into simple, easy and intuitive finger gestures that we already do, all day, every day.

Our product is so intriguing and thought provoking that a simple search into YouTube will yield 100’s of results from articles on publications like The Wall Street Journal, Mashable, TechCrunch, Futurism to popular YouTubers like Linus Tech Tips, PixImperfect, Ergo Josh and many others.

People all over the world are realizing the untapped potential of consolidating all of their input devices into one, easy to use modality that wins over all of them combined.

Tappers not only (actually!) learn to “touch type” but they also achieve faster typing speeds!

Utilizing our highly optimized cognitive onboarding system, new Tappers begin typing complete words and sentences only a few short minutes after unboxing their TapXR.

We’ve observed thousands of people and have optimized our onboarding process to shorten the learning curve to be short, enjoyable and effective.

By utilizing advanced machine learning and AI neural networks, we’ve developed an alphabet learning algorithm that is unlike any other.

As humans’ relationship with technology grows deeper and deeper each year, so does our necessity to improve the way we interact with it. In the past few years, technology giants such as Meta, Apple, Google and Microsoft have poured billions of dollars into developing the next generation of personal computing, and acquiring several startups with unicorn valuations along the way.

What Apple did for mobile computing Tap Systems can do for consumer electronics. Our product has already been validated by more than 40,000 customers. The demand for input devices for AR and VR alone is expected to total over 100 million units in the next three years.

If Tap can achieve even a 1% market share, that would translate to 1 million units sold, which would set us on the road to a potential M&A or IPO.

Join us and invest alongside thousands of angel investors, seasoned entrepreneurs and digital creators.
