Invest in ARELLA

Mentorship that Empowers - CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT

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Our Team

Mentorship: Transforming Pain into Power

At Arella, we’re dedicated to transforming support for survivors of sexual assault through mentorship. Our mission is to empower survivors, turning their pain into power and driving systemic change. We aim to shift the narrative from silence and isolation to strength and collective action.

Invest in Arella to support our mission. While our nonprofit doesn’t offer financial returns, your investment will help fuel transformative programs and initiatives that make a real difference.

Why are we raising?

We’re at the threshold of a transformative journey, poised to amplify our impact and meet the escalating demand for sustainable survivor support. To accelerate our growth and optimize our operations in our first year, we’re seeking funding through WeFunder. Your investment will drive our strategic expansion, enhance operational scalability, and catalyze our mission to:

  1. Expand Mentorship Capacity: Scale our operations to connect more survivors with dedicated mentors, ensuring that we provide personalized, high-quality support across a growing network.
  2. Enhance Training and Resources: Invest in developing comprehensive training materials and support tools to improve the effectiveness of our mentorship program and elevate survivor support.
  3. Scale Operations: Build a strong team and infrastructure by recruiting part-time employees and key staff to manage and expand our mentorship program effectively.
  4. Increase Outreach and Partnerships: Broaden our outreach efforts to engage more survivors and establish strategic collaborations with local organizations to strengthen our support network.

By investing in Arella, you help us build a robust foundation for future innovations and systemic change. Join us in this pivotal first step to transform survivor support and create a more just and empowered community. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of countless families and the health of our future.

Our Story

The Spark of Inspiration: In the face of overwhelming statistics and heartbreaking stories of survivors feeling abandoned, Arella was born out of a deep commitment to make a difference. We saw that traditional support systems were often fragmented, leaving survivors with inadequate resources and a lack of meaningful connection. It was clear to us that a new approach was needed—one that focuses on empowerment, positive change, and real, lasting impact.

Current Landscape

Prevalence of Sexual Assault

  • "1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men in the U.S. have been raped at some point in their lives." - National Sexual Violence Resource Center

Gap in Services

  • "Only 1 in 5 survivors get the support they need, revealing a critical gap in available services." - RAINN

Barriers to Reporting

  • "63% of sexual assaults go unreported due to fears of disbelief, shame, or privacy concerns." - Bureau of Justice Statistics

Economic Impact

  • "The annual cost of sexual violence in the U.S. is $3.1 billion, covering medical care, lost productivity, and criminal justice expenses." - National Center for Injury Prevention and Control

Impact on Education and Employment

  • "22% of survivors report significant impacts on their work performance and education." - National Institute of Justice

Impact on Mental Health

  • "Sexual violence can lead to long-term mental health issues, including PTSD, depression, and anxiety." - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Long-Term Health Outcomes

  • "Survivors are 2 to 3 times more likely to face chronic health issues, such as cardiovascular disease and obesity." - Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Support and Recovery

  • "Survivors receiving support and counseling are more likely to achieve better mental health outcomes and recovery." - National Institute of Justice

Effectiveness of Peer Support

  • "Peer support programs significantly reduce isolation and enhance resilience among survivors." -American Journal of Community

Effectiveness of Mentorship Programs

  • "Mentorship programs enhance self-efficacy, reduce isolation, and support personal growth." - Journal of Mentoring & Tutoring

Community Impact

  • "Communities with strong survivor support systems experience fewer trauma-related outcomes and improved well-being." - Public Health Reports

Need for Specialized Services

  • "Just 10% of survivors have access to specialized counseling and support services tailored to their needs." - RAINN

Impact of Community-Based Interventions

  • "Community-based programs addressing sexual violence have led to a 30% reduction in assault incidents in targeted areas." - Journal of Interpersonal Violence

With so much data and numerous organizations tackling these issues, what distinguishes Arella in making a significant impact and driving systemic change?

The answer is our approach to turning survivors' pain into advocacy through a powerful community. While survivors' stories often become statistics with no further action, Arella aims to transform data from mere numbers into compelling human experiences, shedding light on the aftermath and empowering survivors to advocate for legal reforms and a safer society.

Systemic change happens not only within Arella but also through friends and family who may not have personally experienced sexual assault but recognize the injustice and are motivated to contribute. By building a powerful community and using survivors' stories to unite on policies collectively, we create a community ready to act. This influence extends to securing the support of local leaders to advance our vision of changing laws, enacting policies that support survivors, and imposing harsher punishments for offenders.


The Arella Approach: Our approach at Arella turns survivors' pain into powerful advocacy through close, trust-based mentorships. At the heart of our mentorship program, designed to provide survivors with more than just support; we offer a path to empowerment. Our 6-month mentorship program, with bi-monthly meetings, offers more than support—it provides a path to empowerment. Each survivor is paired with a dedicated mentor who delivers personalized, compassionate guidance and actionable steps toward recovery and advocacy.

Through deep relationships and trust, we ensure that data represents real people and community members. Most importantly, we empower survivors to advocate for themselves with the backing of a dedicated community. Our commitment transforms survivor pain into meaningful action, essential for changing laws and creating a safer, more just society.

Arella is on a mission, and it starts with survivors building trust within themselves and with others to become empowered to address their pain and drive change.

Looking Ahead to Year Two:

Innovating for Impact: To complement our mentorship program, we are pioneering the development of cutting-edge tools to enhance survivor support. Our Arella app will be a game-changer—providing a confidential and user-friendly platform where survivors can connect with mentors, access essential resources, and report incidents with ease. This app represents a significant leap forward in addressing the under-reporting of sexual assaults and ensuring survivors have immediate access to the support they need.

And Year Three:

Driving Systemic Change: Our vision extends beyond individual support to encompass broader societal change. We leverage the stories and data collected through our mentorship and app to advocate for meaningful legislative reforms. By transforming personal experiences into powerful narratives for change, Arella is influencing policy and working towards a safer, more just society.

A Call to Action:

Arella’s mission is fueled by the belief that together, we can make a profound difference. We invite you to join us in this vital work—whether by supporting our mentorship program, investing in our innovative tools, or championing systemic change. Your involvement will help us expand our reach, enhance our resources, and drive the impact needed to ensure that every survivor is supported and empowered. Together, We Can Make a Difference.
