Invest in SmartGurlz

Award-winning robotics and e-learning (Peloton Meets EdTech)


of a $50,000 goal
Priced Round
Pitch Video
Investor Panel


Notable Angel

Raised $25k or more from a notable angel investor

NEW ROUND! $2.7M raised. Join investors Morgan Stanley and NYU
Proven through Covid-19 - More than $2M in revenue with a 4+ rating on Amazon.
Covid-19 Program - Educated nearly 1,000 kids via e-learning during the pandemic.
Beat 40,000 companies to land ABC's Shark Tank and received an offer from Daymond John

Our Team

During Covid-19, we were able to show that STEM education is important to families - regardless of race or gender. It’s not just a huge opportunity… it's a mission to bridge the diversity gap in technology during a unique time in history.

Named BEST 'Home-school' STEM Camp During Covid-19 Closures

The mission of SmartGurlz has always been to engage and educate girls and minorities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).

Award-winning SmartGurlz stepped up to plate during the Covid-19 pandemic and is proud to announce that its Smart Buddies live remote learning program was named one of the Best STEM Camps by Good Housekeeping, Parade, Daily Mom, Romper, Fox News, Good Morning Los Angeles and many others. In addition, Good Morning, America named our camp one of the best gifts to give during the pandemic. 

Our duty has always been to help kids - and a global pandemic was not going to get in our way!

Nearly 1,000 children attended our remote camp this summer and the success will lead us to create a new platform for remote learning. The team is applying for grant funding from the National Science Foundation and Department of Education for a new platform. BlackGirlsCode also did a Smart Buddies camp during the Covid-19 closures this summer.  

Smart Buddies Live is an amazing concept to keep kids learning this summer, 
                                                          Steve Greenberg, Gadget Guy for Good Morning America

Not only did we sell Smart Buddies products, but we also got to meet thousands of families who needed help and home-schooling during Covid-19.

SmartGurlz is more than just a fast-growing company, we are a movement of loyal customers who believe that kids need more than just exposure – they want tailored products that excite, ignite and engage.

The Story of SmartGurlz

We started with an appearance on ABC's Shark Tank and taught Sir Richard Branson to code. It's been an amazing journey, and we've only just begun.  Since then we have taught more than 35,000 kids how to code and made headlines along the way. 

CEO and co-founder, Sharmi Albrechtsen's 8-year old daughter was struggling in math and computer science and one of her main comments was “When am I ever going to use this?” All of the products on the market were masculine with tank-like wheels, blades and bazookas and it was sending her the message: 'this is for boys'.

This is when she had an ‘aha’ moment that a product geared towards her play patterns such as role model play and creative storytelling. With Smart Buddies our focus is on ensuring kids of color see themselves in STEM. 

The Solution

While SmartGurlz's robots, apps and dolls have been popular for at-home learning and playing - last year the company along with Pitsco Education created a joint venture for a new product line aimed at schools and education including girls and boys. With diversity being a major theme in education, the time is right for Smart Buddies. Smart Buddies is backed by research to show that in order to engage more young kids, we need to address their preferred learning styles and brain function. 

More than coding: reading, math, SEL and Career Pathways

Unlike other STEM robots, Smart Buddies has a literacy component with 8-books, social-emotional learning and Career Pathways.

A Growing ED TECH Company with a Covid-19 response

Thanks to Shark Tank, we had an amazing bumper year in 2017 when we aired on national television with 9 million viewers. Otherwise, SmartGurlz has been experiencing a healthy revenue growth and despite Covid-19 ..... 2020 has been a fantastic launch year for our new schools' program, Smart Buddies which we launched as a virtual program.

Hear from parents and kids who attended our award-winning Smart Buddies camps this summer.

Consistent Growth 

Note: this slide contains forward-looking projections which cannot be guaranteed. 

Smart Buddies: Excited about launching into a $40 Billion School Market

While Covid-19 school closures paused our 2020 launch into the school's market, both our exclusive partner, Pitsco Education and our sales team is excited about 2021 because now schools will want successful hybrid (in-class and remote) solutions and we can offer one!

More than 250 students in 10 schools in Florida and Texas have now been through the SmartBuddies schools pilot program -- the only coding program targeted at diversity and inclusion in coding and STEM.  

Pitsco Education worked with LEGO for more than a decade introducing Mindstorms to schools across America and SmartGurlz is honored that they have chosen us as a partner.

Both Pitsco and SmartGurlz have great expectations for our 2021 relaunch into the school's market.

Pitsco Promotion Video to Schools

Join investors like Morgan Stanley and NYU Investment Fund

Impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. Impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return.

2021: The Future is Mars

SmartGurlz is working on a new consumer franchise and product line that includes our own entertainment/content, robots, figures and apps that is based around Mars exploration and female empowerment in STEM

We are currently in dialogue with NASA to close a deal for an educational collaboration and have also received a contract to work with Jeff 'Swampy' Marsh Executive Producer of Disney's Phineas and Ferb to move forward with a sizzle for a new animated series. 

Girls Meet Mars Product for 2022

SmartGurlz has prototypes in the pipeline for this new consumer product line that includes our own entertainment/content, robots, figures and apps. Inspired by American Girl doll model (girls collect and play for 3 years) below is a video, of our new range that is customizable and will allow of accessories and a Life Time Revenue for $400-$600.

