
The World's Stock Market for Real Estate

Last Funded June 2024




Over $50m in commercial and residential real estate committed to list on the Smartblocks platform
Team members have worked in senior roles at Zillow, Microsoft, Axon, and the Chicago Board of Trade
Combined exits from the founders and executive team is over $150 million.
Media Coverage in: Business Insider, Forbes, CoinDesk, Techcrunch, and several other Tier 1s.

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We’ve created The Coinbase for Real Estate

80% of Millennials and Gen Z can’t afford real estate and nearly 99.9% of people can’t invest in the $80 Trillion real estate market worldwide. We created a platform similar to Airnbnb that tokenizes any type of real estate from around the world and allows anyone to invest for as low as $50. Now we’re giving people access to real estate that otherwise couldn’t. 

Check out the tokenization FAQ for more information.

Buying Real Estate with AI-Powered Ease, Like Ordering a Book on Amazon

SmartBlocks Exchange leverages cutting-edge AI to redefine real estate and equity investments, addressing three core challenges: the complexity and high costs of transactions, limited global access to premier opportunities, and the traditional illiquidity of these assets. Our AI-driven platform simplifies the investment process, making it as easy as buying a book on Amazon.

Our vision integrates AI to ensure seamless transactions, enhance global accessibility to high-quality investment opportunities, and introduce liquidity through a secondary market. AI algorithms optimize the tokenization process and our partnerships with secondary markets, making real estate investments as liquid as stocks. SmartBlocks Exchange is not just a platform but a revolution in real estate investment, breaking down barriers with the power of AI.

For Investors:

  1. Lowered Entry Barriers: Real estate investing typically requires significant capital. Tokenization allows for fractional ownership, lowering the entry barrier and enabling more people to invest in real estate.
  2. Improved Liquidity: Investors in traditional real estate often face challenges when they want to exit their investment due to the illiquid nature of the asset. Tokenized real estate can be traded more easily, providing greater liquidity.
  3. Portfolio Diversification: Tokenization enables investors to diversify their portfolio by investing in multiple properties across different locations, reducing risk.
  4. Transparency and Security: The use of blockchain ensures that all transactions are transparent and secure, increasing trust in the investment.
  5. Real-Time Valuation: Unlike traditional real estate where valuations can be infrequent and outdated, tokenized assets can potentially offer real-time valuation, giving investors a more accurate picture of their investment's worth.
  6. Accessibility to Global Properties: Investors can access international real estate markets more easily, which was previously challenging due to various international laws and financial barriers.

For Developers:

  1. Access to Capital: Traditional financing methods can be slow and cumbersome, with a lot of red tape. Tokenization offers a more streamlined, efficient way to raise capital, broadening access to a wider range of investors.
  2. Global Investment Opportunities: Developers often face geographical limitations in attracting investment. Tokenization opens up global markets, allowing developers to reach international investors easily.
  3. Liquidity of Assets: Real estate is typically a highly illiquid asset. Through tokenization, developers can offer fractional ownership, enhancing the liquidity of their assets and making it easier to sell part of their stake without needing to find a buyer for the entire property.
  4. Reduced Transaction Costs: Traditional real estate transactions involve numerous intermediaries, leading to high costs. Tokenization can significantly reduce these costs by streamlining processes and reducing the need for middlemen.
  5. Regulatory Compliance and Transparency: Blockchain provides a transparent, immutable ledger for transactions, which can simplify compliance with various regulatory requirements and reduce the risk of fraud.

Our Product:

Smartblocks Exchange simplifies the process of real estate investment. Our platform's user-friendly interface allows investors to discover,  research, invest, and manage investments in tokenized properties easily. From the moment you sign up, you're minutes away from diversifying your real estate portfolio, with 24/7 access to your holdings.

Trillion Dollar Market Opportunity

The global real estate market is valued at a staggering $280 trillion. In just the USA and United Arab Emirates (UAE) markets alone is worth $65.7 trillion and $700 billion respectively. Therein lies an unprecedented opportunity. Smartblocks Exchange is strategically poised to capitalize on this immense potential, especially in the burgeoning real estate tokenization sector, projected to grow at a 23.2% CAGR and reach $8.3 billion by 2028.

This growth is propelled by favorable US tokenization trends, including increasing regulatory clarity and rising institutional adoption, positioning Smartblocks Exchange not just as a participant but as a driving force in the transformation of global real estate investments.

Future market growth is not guaranteed.

How We Make Money

Smartblocks Exchange has strategically designed a revenue model that capitalizes on the unique opportunities in the real estate tokenization market. Our income streams are diversified to ensure sustainability and growth, consolidated into four primary categories:

Platform Fees:

  • Listing Fees: We charge fees for real estate developers and owners to list and tokenize their properties on our platform.
  • Commission on Funds Raised: in the USA we charge a flat transaction fee, while outside the USA a commission is earned on the capital raised for each property or project listed, aligning our success with that of our clients.
  • Subscription Fees for Premium Features: Users can access enhanced platform features, such as advanced analytics and market insights, through a subscription model.

Lending and Borrowing of Asset-Backed Tokens (Phase 2):

  • In our second phase, we will introduce a DeFi element where users can lend or borrow against their tokenized real estate assets. This service will generate revenue through interest rate differentials and transaction fees.

Secondary Market for Traded Shares:

  • We facilitate a secondary market for the trading of real estate tokens, earning revenue through transaction fees. This not only provides liquidity for our users but also opens up a continuous revenue stream for Smartblocks Exchange.

Services Revenue:

  • Marketing and Awareness Services: We offer specialized marketing services to increase the visibility and appeal of listed properties.
  • Fundraising Assistance: For clients seeking to raise capital through tokenization, we provide tailored fundraising support, earning revenue for these value-added services.

This multifaceted approach to revenue ensures that Smartblocks Exchange taps into various aspects of the real estate tokenization ecosystem, from the initial listing and capital raising to the ongoing trading and leveraging of asset-backed tokens.

Who are our Competitors?

Smartblocks operates in a competitive landscape with a few key players, each with distinct approaches to real estate investment:

  1. is a primary competitor in the real estate tokenization space. Like Smartblocks, they focus on tokenizing commercial real estate, enabling investments in high-quality properties with blockchain technology. Their platform requires a minimum $25K investment in US properties and aims to create liquidity in the real estate market. However, unlike fractionalization models,'s tokenization approach potentially allows for secondary market trading and integration with DeFi platforms.
  2., BlocHome,, and These platforms offer fractional ownership in real estate, a model distinct from Smartblocks' tokenization approach. While they make real estate investment more accessible, their model does not facilitate secondary market trading or DeFi for borrowing or lending. These limitations restrict the liquidity and flexibility that tokenization platforms like Smartblocks and can offer to investors.
  3. RealT offers tokenized real estate ownership in multi-family and low-cost housing in the US that they purchase, renovate and manage.  Their marketplace is currently open to all but US investors.  
  4. Republic is an emerging competitor planning to offer tokenized real estate, with an expected launch date later this year.

Smartblocks' unique selling proposition lies in its ability to not only democratize real estate investment through tokenization but also to enhance liquidity and integrate with DeFi ecosystems, setting it apart from fractional ownership models.

Why We Are Different

SmartBlocks Exchange pioneers the integration of AI and blockchain technology in real estate tokenization, transforming how global audiences access a wide spectrum of properties. Our platform stands out by leveraging AI to streamline the connection between property owners worldwide and investors, enhancing the precision of property evaluations and ensuring a seamless tokenization process.

Unlike platforms such as or BlocHome, which are constrained by the necessity to acquire properties for tokenization, SmartBlocks empowers property owners to directly tokenize their assets. This AirBnB-esque model for real estate allows for unparalleled scalability and rapid portfolio diversification, setting a new benchmark for growth in the tokenization space.

We excel in liquidity and financial innovation by integrating properties into the digital asset ecosystem, offering secondary market trading and DEFI-based lending solutions. This approach not only positions property tokens as valuable investments but also as keys to global borrowing opportunities, offering unmatched financial flexibility to our investors.

Each listing on SmartBlocks is meticulously vetted through AI-driven analytics for financial viability, legal integrity, and value assessment, ensuring the highest quality standards. By combining AI's analytical prowess with blockchain's transparency, SmartBlocks is crafting a future where real estate tokenization is the epitome of reliability, excellence, and limitless expansion."

Tokenization vs. Real Estate Fractionalization:

At the heart of Smartblocks Exchange is the innovative concept of real estate tokenization, which provides several key advantages over traditional fractionalization. REITs and LLCs allow multiple investors to own fractional shares of properties, but that’s just part of the equation. Digital ownership, represented as tokens on the blockchain, is far more liquid and affords more efficient access to capital and new pools of investors. This distinction is not merely technical; it revolutionizes how investors interact with their real estate investments.

Why Tokenization is Superior:

Enhanced Liquidity through Secondary Market Trading:

  • Fractionalization: Individual investments lack a fluid secondary market, making it challenging for investors to sell their shares quickly without significant discounts or lengthy waits.
  • Tokenization Advantage: Tokenization enables the trading of real estate tokens on secondary markets 24/7, similar to stocks. This not only enhances liquidity but also provides real-time price discovery, allowing investors to buy and sell tokens easily, reflecting market conditions and the underlying value of their investments.

DeFi Integration for Borrowing and Lending:

  • Fractionalization: Few options for integrated borrowing and lending mechanisms, limiting investors' ability to leverage their investments or earn interest on idle capital.
  • Tokenization Advantage: Real estate assets can seamlessly integrate into the DeFi ecosystem. Investors can use their tokens as collateral for loans or lend their tokens to earn interest, all without intermediaries. This opens up a world of financial services traditionally reserved for institutional investors, including liquidity pools, yield farming, and more.

Smart Contracts and Automated Compliance:

  • Fractionalization: Managing fractional ownership can be administratively burdensome, requiring manual oversight for compliance, dividend distribution, and transaction processing.
  • Tokenization Advantage: Tokenization leverages smart contracts on the blockchain, automating many of these processes. Smart contracts can enforce compliance, execute dividend distributions, and facilitate transactions automatically, reducing administrative overhead and enhancing security.

Global Accessibility and Inclusion:

  • Fractionalization Limitation: Fractional platforms often face geographical and regulatory barriers that limit investor participation.
  • Tokenization Advantage: Tokenization, facilitated by blockchain technology, transcends these barriers, offering global accessibility. Investors from anywhere in the world can participate without the need for intermediaries, democratizing access to real estate investment opportunities.

Transparency and Security:

  • Fractionalization Limitation: Traditional fractional ownership can sometimes lack transparency regarding property management, financial health, and ownership records.

Tokenization Advantage:

  • Blockchain technology ensures that every transaction and ownership record is immutable and transparent. Investors have real-time access to property performance, management activities, and their ownership stake, all secured by blockchain's tamper-proof nature.

Where We Are Today

Future portfolio returns not guaranteed

Use of Funds

  • Product Development (40%): This chunk of the funding goes towards making our platform better, safer, and more mobile-friendly. It's about building the tech that makes real estate tokenization as easy as online shopping.
  • Market Expansion (30%): We're going global! This part of the budget is for spreading the word in new markets, especially focusing on the UAE and USA initially. It’s about getting more properties and investors on board.
  • Operations (20%): The day-to-day running of SmartBlocks. From paying our hardworking team to keeping the lights on, this ensures the business operates without a hitch.
  • Legal and Compliance (10%): Real estate and tokens are both heavily regulated. This ensures we do everything by the book, keeping our platform and your investments secure.

Think of it as building a solid foundation (Product Development), opening doors in new neighborhoods (Market Expansion), keeping the house in order (Operations), and making sure we're good neighbors by following the rules (Legal and Compliance).

$1.235M of the round is being raised via Wefunder

Financial Projections

SmartBlocks Exchange's financial trajectory is on a remarkable ascent, with revenues projected to skyrocket from $155,000 in Year 1 to over $10 million by Year 3. After a strategic initial investment phase, we're set to hit profitability within just 18 months, paving the way for robust Year 2 profits of $305,123 and soaring to nearly $3 million in profits by Year 3. This exponential growth reflects not only SmartBlocks' innovative market approach but also a steadfast commitment to operational excellence and sustainable scalability.

Future financial projections are not guaranteed.

Our Team

The Smartblocks team is uniquely positioned to drive the company's success, leveraging a blend of expertise in AI, blockchain, marketing, and operational management. Mark Fidelman, the co-founder, brings over 20 years of experience in real estate development, 15 years in marketing and 7 years in blockchain technology, with a specific focus on real estate tokenization. His leadership is instrumental in steering Smartblocks towards innovative solutions in the tokenization space.

Jas Dhillon, an AI Specialist with a background at Microsoft and Franklin Templeton, leads AI development. His role is critical in achieving a 90% accuracy milestone for investment recommendations.  Dhillon (with Fidelman) also created the world's first SaaS platform for construction management which was later sold.

Sid Belzberg, the CTO, has a robust background in financial markets and blockchain, dedicating his expertise to ensuring secure, compliant smart contracts for Ethereum integration. His background includes building the Chicago Board of Trade Hybrid financial system. This technical foundation is vital for the platform's integrity and user trust.

Jim Pakulis, the COO, with 30 years in emerging sectors and real estate development, oversees project operations. His experience ensures the project meets its key milestones, contributing to a seamless transition from development to market. Their combined expertise and strategic roles underscore Smartblocks' potential for success in the real estate tokenization market.

Tyler Moyniham, Vice President of Business Development was instrumental in developing partnerships at the world's largest real estate site.


Below are some recent press mentions about founder Mark Fidelman and Smartblocks. As we ramp up with funding, we will be focusing more on user acquisition media.



Consumer Affairs

Go Banking Rates

Business Insider


Yahoo Finance


(1) Is Tokenization Different from Cryptocurrency?

Tokenization, while utilizing the same foundational blockchain technology as cryptocurrencies, stands distinct in its nature and application. Firstly, tokenization is inherently secure; all tokens are whitelisted, ensuring that they cannot be hacked or stolen without immediate and effective recourse.

This level of security is paramount in maintaining the integrity and trust in the tokenization process. Secondly, unlike many cryptocurrencies, tokenized assets are backed by tangible, valuable real estate properties, providing a concrete asset base and intrinsic value to each token. This backing by real-world assets offers a stability and reassurance often absent in the volatile crypto market.

Lastly, tokenization adheres to a strict legal process, aligning with regulatory frameworks and legal standards. This compliance ensures that tokenization is not just technologically sound but also legally robust, further distinguishing it from the broader, often unregulated, crypto space. In essence, while tokenization and cryptocurrencies share technological roots, their applications, security measures, asset backing, and legal adherence set tokenization apart as a more secure, tangible, and compliant financial instrument.

(2) What is DEFI and How does DEFI work within Tokenization?

DEFI, or Decentralized Finance, is a system that lets you do financial activities like borrowing and lending directly over the internet, using technology to replace traditional banks. In the context of real estate tokenization, DEFI allows you to use your property tokens (which represent your share of ownership in a property) as collateral to borrow money. So, if you own tokens in a building, you can get a loan based on the value of those tokens without having to sell them. This means you still own your share and any future profits it may make, like rent payments, while also getting the money you need right now. It's like having a cake (your investment) and eating it too (getting a loan), all while keeping your slice of the cake safe for future enjoyment.

