Invest in Rob Ryan- The Storytellers Company

Invest in More, Positive, Human Entrepreneurial Storytelling

Friends Invest First
Public Launch on Sep 30 @ 9:00 PM ET
Custom Contract
Membership units in an LLC. $3mm post-money valuation
Early Bird Bonus:
$1K, $2.5K, $5K, $10K


4x founder/CEO. 36 year, Global Career leader in entrepreneurship.
Built network of 6,255+ mentors, served 7,120+ entrepreneurs across 130+ countries, 100+ industries.
Podcaster with 110+ episodes over 4 years + a new weekly YouTube show.
Public speaker with 300+ speeches in 20 countries + 19,900+ followers across all platforms.

Featured Investor

Our Founder

Invest in the future earnings, media ventures and creations of an expert and creator who's creating buzz in the City of Angels

Investment powered by INSPIRR- Invest in Human Potential

Background: INSPIRR is a platform that supports investments in individuals with large upside potential. Engineered by experts, this investment provides downside protection to reduce risk of loss of principal, combined with upside exposure to provide an attractive risk-adjusted return potential to investors. Over $2 million has been invested in similarly structured deals with excellent results to date.

Who is Rob Ryan?

What people say about Rob:

  • "He has boundless energy, but he also knows how to focus it when necessary and how to use it in such innovative ways"
  • “His outstanding ability to connect with people. He is a very good mentor and teacher. He is someone who "walks the talk"
  • “When he is speaking to a group of students, or any other group, he excites them and makes them believe they can achieve their dreams."
  • 10/10 on Leadership...Innovators such as Rob comes up with new ideas, turn them into reality, get them into the market, and then later operate as CEO and face of the company who is also focused on strategic planning and strategic marketing."
  • “He is passionate about social justice, about helping people who are physically, mentally, economically, educationally, or otherwise disadvantaged."

More in the attached Memo.

Why is Rob raising funds?

With a vision to create a unique storytelling production company, named, "The Storytellers Company," to find and produce the undiscovered entrepreneurial stories of others across multiple media formats. By Investing here, Rob and You have a creative head-start on this company building, by launching and growing his already existing portfolio of initial projects and opportunities, including but not limited to the following;

  1. His 110+ episode existing podcast (Entrepreneurial Thinkers, with Rob Ryan + Stoppage Time with Rob Ryan);
  2. Creating and publishing his first book via a deal on offer from one of Latin America's leading literary agencies;
  3. Creation and pilot production of a unique TV show series here in Southern California;
  4. Creation of various "Live Event" projects and booking ongoing public speaking opportunities on the backs of the first book being published.

This investment will enable Rob to step away from his work as CEO of his consultancy, GrowthHax, to dedicate himself full-time to the formation and growth of the Storytellers Company business, with the support of his small but talented part-time team that works with him already. 

For details on the exact use of funds, see Fund Allocations in the attached Memo below.

What does it mean to invest in Rob?

By funding his creative vision and projects, investors can share in Rob's future success.

You'll get equity in the future earnings generated by Rob's multi-media endeavors for the next 10 years. In addition, your investment will be backed by an income share agreement with Rob which states he'll repay 1x your investment amount regardless of his creator career. That means your investment is protected even if his path evolves. See the attached Memo for details.

✔️ Lead investor secured.

A first check has been written by William Stringer, signaling his belief in Rob and this opportunity. 

Who will monitor and support the investment?

Post investment through WeFunder, Inspirr will monitor and report on the progress of the company, creative projects, and Rob's income level, ensuring transparency into the value of the equity and the possible income share payments that could be owed.

What are the terms of the investment?

For a USD 300,000 total Investment, Rob is offering 1x Income Share Agreement + 10% Equity in all business and creative projects started by Rob over the next 10 years.

NOTE: The percentage of the offering you receive as an investor will be equivalent to your investment amount divided by the full $300,000. (i.e. If investor invests $3,000, they are entitled to 1% of the offering, or 0.1% Equity in all business and creative projects started by Rob over the next 10 years.)

What kind of returns can I expect?

*Model assumptions in 'Future Earnings’ section

*  Return assumptions are speculative and not guaranteed


Upside - Books, TV shows, podcasts, newsletters, public Speaking, and live events are pursued and start to generate income in Y2 (50% of average), then remain steady Y3-Y15. Assumptions from comparable personal media brands.

Base - Books, TV shows, and podcasts are pursued and start to generate income in Y2 (50% of average), each channel grows for 3 years before plateauing to a sustainable 5% over Y6-Y15.

Downside - New media income streams are not pursued or do not generate income. Rob’s annual income is sustained by Growthhax (existing business) or other new professional opportunities at his current salary level, slowly growing at 5% year over year over the 15 years.

Projected Creator Earnings

* Newsletter- 10% social audience (1,938 x $5 per month subs example)

** Live Events- $5k (low end) $25k-30k (ideal) clear per event (150 person) ($50k) x 6 per year

Data from comparable personal media brands. Conservative average annual figures were used to calculate projected returns. For assumptions and details on streams, see the attached Memo.

How will Rob monetize?

  • Distribution rights for Television content produced through "The Storytellers Company."
  • Branded Sponsor/Partner Revenues across Audio/Video Podcasts, Television, Print, Digital and Live projects.
  • Book Sale Revenues + related Public Speaking/Host Opportunities
  • Social Media Growth & Commercialized Content on YouTube Revenue model driven by ad-based click-thru rates per thousand views & Sponsor revenues.
  • Sponsored Custom Content (Corp/Communities). Paid Content creation or Promotional opportunities with corporate clients or Brand Partners.

For benchmark earnings from each stream, see Memo Attached below in Learn More.

What will Rob be spending on?

  • Book creation and launch: $10K will fully fund and enable the first book project with the Literary Agency (PIA) in Mexico City, contracted for co-creation, marketing, ghostwriting, and distribution across 30,000 stores, Amazon, and Audible (Amazon’s platform.)
  • Pilot TV show project: $25K is the initial budget to film a single pilot episode, then break that footage into a series of marketable reels/content, using those reels to sell potential network/streamer distribution, and future sponsors, and explore separate full television financing investors. $15k per episode bootstrap budgets are predicted for follow-on episodes. The long-term goal is the filming of 2 full seasons (10-13 eps each). Full production would be funded separately from this capital campaign- initial targets: local PBS (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) SoCal affiliates, linear cable networks, Netflix, or AppleTV.
  • Podcast + Brand Expansion & Monetization: Thoughtfully expand and add to the existing Audio and Video podcast brands, while exploring brand partnerships, sponsor revenues, and optimizing monetization strategies for Rob’s brand, and the collective brand value of the book deal, TV show, podcast expansion, and paid speaking opportunities and events under “The Storytellers Company” production umbrella.
  • Base income: A modest but stable monthly income/salary for Rob, to sharpen his focus and eliminate the daily distraction of any non-media company-related consulting work.
  • Bookkeeping & Part-time staff: hiring a third-party resource to support financial management and operations and continued leverage of a talented part-time team that works with Rob through his GrowthHax consultancy.

Learn More

Creative Samples


MentorsToday demo reel (Mentors Today Podcast) which is now “Entrepreneurial Thinkers, With Rob Ryan.":

Entrepreneurial Thinkers: The 2024 rebrand/relaunch of the show formerly known as "Mentors Today".

Youtube Channels

Youtube Channel Rob Ryan: A series of experimental short videos centered on the Los Angeles Entrepreneurial community, tested and published in 2021-22.

Youtube Channel Entrepreneurial Thinkers: The 2024 rebrand/relaunch.

