Rexis Biotech, Inc.

Making your drinks taste better, your medicine work better & your drugs more fun

Last Funded April 2024


raised from 213 investors


Cash flow positive in under 6 months with estimated gross revenue projection of USD $3.2 in 2023*
$450k initial seed round investment from Virgin Beverages, 3CHI Group, The Manning Foundation
Signed contracts in the first half of 2023 worth over USD $8,350,000
6 trade secret processes make up our highly defensible IP catalog

Featured Investors

Our Team


Welcome to Rexis, a generational opportunity to invest in a company that makes ingredients for consumer-packaged goods that are almost as fundamental to recipes as sugar, protein, and caffeine.

Investing in Rexis is not only an opportunity to own a piece of a groundbreaking opportunity, but it also offers you a front row seat as we help build and grow brands around the globe.

Here’s the problem…

The human body cannot efficiently absorb most plant-based ingredients. Things like caffeine, lion’s mane, CBD, THC [and many more] have very low bioavailability, which makes it difficult for your body to assimilate those ingredients into your bloodstream. So, even though there was a dosage on the front of the package, you potentially only received 10% or less of that ingredient into your system. 

These ingredients can also be very unstable, often losing 30% efficacy within the first three months, and can often leave a bitter or oily aftertaste in your mouth. 

The most fundamental needs of any consumer when eating or drinking a product is that: 

a.) It tastes good, and...

b.) It does what it’s supposed to.

If a brand can’t deliver on those two things, they’ve got nothing! 

Rexis is the solution!

Rexis’ biotechnology empowers brands to turn the rapidly growing industry of natural, plant-based consumables into products you’ll actually want to taste and drink; something you’ll inevitably crave. 

Our proprietary, patented technology allows ingredients to enter the blood-stream faster while tasting better; a dream team combination.  

In short, we make the “secret sauce”, or “the engine”, that empowers consumer products across various industries to become award winners, literally.

From cutting-edge technology to top-notch scientific expertise, we strive to create products that aren’t just better than the rest, but that we believe can change the world. 

Every hydrophobic molecule we choose to work with must have an underlying list of potential health benefits that support a range of issues from every-day ailments to diagnosed health deficiencies, and yes, even addiction.

As an emerging leader in the biotech industry, it’s mission-critical for us to constantly stay ahead of the curve. Given the dynamic and rapidly evolving categories in which we play, we recognize that having a competitive advantage is foundational to our success. Core differentiators of our products include:

We believe Rexis is poised to be the Nvidia or Intel of the greater CPG industry. We plan and anticipate for our technology to power branded products across multi-billion- and trillion-dollar industries with the potential to become the next category leader in each. 

In the US alone, we see addressable markets that already range into the billions.

As we expand globally, our Total Addressable Market (TAM) could be as big as the overall Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, including categories like food & beverage, alcohol, household goods, and beauty & personal care- which currently stands at $5.3 trillion (Source Report: Kearney).

Investing in Rexis may be like going back in time to invest in sugar and potentially benefiting from all the many products made using sugar as a key ingredient. Would you invest in sugar when it was first discovered?

Licensing Partners

*Forward looking projections cannot be guaranteed.

Retail Brands

Thanks to the hard work of our R&D team, in the coming months Rexis will be expanding its revenue streams by launching multiple new retail-facing brands with first-to-market products. These are products being sold in stores next to the likes of Pepsi, Skinny Girl and RedBull, as well as online, direct to consumers all over the world. 

*The above sales projections represent forward looking estimates that do not constitute a guarantee on the delivery of these numbers. 

We’re not just “fun in the sun”. Rexis’ third, and quickly emerging, division focuses on pharmaceutical-grade, prodrug products. 

While pharmaceutical development can often take years to develop into viable revenue streams, Rexis is optimistic about the approval and timely launch of several breakthrough next-gen pharmaceutical therapies in 2023 with plans to have these therapeutics available over-the-counter across the United States.

NX1 (pTeronsene)

In a double blind, placebo controlled study, 141 adult volunteer subjects were given our latest proprietary, breakthrough compound, pTeronsene, a tasteless, odorless edible liquid.  

All subject patients were tobacco smokers between the age of 18 and 66 years old with a median age of 47; all smoked between 10-25 cigarettes or nicotine vapes per day. 

The results were nothing short of astounding! 

Of the subjects who were given a placebo (73 subjects), only 2% said they remained satiated by the product 60 minutes past consumption. 

Those that were given a dose of NX1 (68 subjects) had the exact opposite reaction. Over 95% of these subjects reported a reduced or completely eliminated need to smoke; a breakthrough for smokers everywhere. 

CBD-Based Epilepsy Therapeutic

Currently, there is only one cannabinoid-based therapeutic that has been approved by the FDA for public use, Epidiolex. 

Epidiolex is approved for the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a disease that causes severe seizures; mostly within children under the age of 4 years old. While LGS is considered a rare affliction, it still affects nearly 1M children and adults worldwide. 

Epidiolex was originally created by GW Pharmaceuticals, which was recently acquired by Jazz Pharmaceuticals for $7.2B. The therapeutic typically retails for $1,800 a dose and generates nearly $1 billion in annual revenues. 

Rexis believes this type of life-changing medication should be both widely available and affordable to families dealing with an LGS-diagnosed child. We also believe it should be more effective, so we’ve created CX1-N1, an Epidiolex disruptor. In preliminary trials CX1-N1 proved to be 523% more effective than Epidiolex when compared with historical data.   

Over the past year, our team has been hard at work achieving some incredible milestones that have helped us make significant strides towards our mission. From inking game-changing partnerships to scaling our customer base and securing several international deals, we've already accomplished a lot. 

Several major milestones as listed below highlight our progress to-date and give you a real glimpse into the future of our company.

  • Currently projecting 2023 revenues of $14.7M. (not guaranteed)
  • Currently the largest cannabis beverage manufacture in the world; operational in 3 countries
  • Ownership stakes in several Hemp and THC manufacturing corporations - valued at more than $10.5m in annual revenues over the next 18 months. (not guaranteed)
  • Market ready pharmaceutical-grade therapeutics
  • Signed multi year revenue generating contracts with 7 of the countries most respected brands in less than a year

One of our core values as a company is to always under-promise and over-deliver in everything that we do. Over the past year we’ve achieved an increase in valuation - from $6.3M to approx. $12.05M in this round. 

This explosive growth was made possible by avoiding the pitfalls of our competitors and keeping our valuation both modest and attainable, while prioritizing expenditures that have the distinct outcome of increasing shareholder value.

It is our intention to use the proceeds of this Wefunder round for the expressed purposes of optimizing operations, increasing inventory production, launching strategic marketing tactics, and expediting the R&D of new products. 

Statement From The CEO

"I would like to personally thank you for your interest in Rexis Biotech. What you have read and seen above represents nearly two decades of research, development and investment into the future of plant-based medicine. This is an exciting time for us and our shareholders as we now step confidently into our next phase of growth.
Rexis has already begun innovating the impossible in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as with Consumer Packaged Goods across the globe. We are pioneering the next era of good-for-you products for several brands you know and love today, but also via hundreds of exciting new opportunities that didn't exist even 12 months ago. You're not going to want to miss what comes next.
Again, thank you for your support as we push forward, striving to create a better tomorrow for future generations.
We sincerely hope you will join us on our journey!"
- Keith Bushfield, CEO
