Invest in Repaired Nations One Africa, Inc.

One Africa Cooperative Conversion



reserved of a $50,000 goal
Priced Round
 $100  $90 pre-money valuation
Early Bird Bonus: The first $16K of investments will be at a $90 pre-money valuation
$100, $300, $500, $1K


People Centered Investments
5+ Years of Community Building
$500k+ Annual Budget
2020 USFWC Cross Sector Champion on Staff

Our Founder

One Africa Cooperative Development

The Opportunity

Located in the historic Central Region of Ghana in Elmina, One Africa Health Resort, Restaurant & Tours is situated between the historical monuments of the Elmina and Cape Coast Castle

There are twelve (12) beautifully decorated guest rooms, six (6) Chalets on the ocean and four (4) rooms on the garden side, and two (2) rooms in the museum, the Chalets are named after legendary Africans (i.e., Malik El Shabazz, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, the honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Queen Mother Moore and others who have historically contributed to the survival of our culture as Africans.

Repaired Nations One Africa, Inc., Repaired Nations' investment vehicle for this project, will convert this 30 year old restaurant & resort into a multi-stakeholder cooperative enterprise through investment & follow up funding to support worker-member education, operations & inventory. 

Multi-stakeholder cooperatives are co-ops that are owned and controlled by more than one type of membership class such as consumers, producers, workers, or community supporters. Stakeholders can be individuals or organizations such as non-profits, businesses, government agencies, or even other cooperatives. Through this business formation, all involved in the success of the business are able to have a say in the direction of the business and share in the value created by the enterprise. Primarily important in the development of this venture is creating living wage opportunities for Ghanaian workers and non-extractive investment opportunities for the African Diaspora.

About Repaired Nations Cooperative, Inc. ("Repaired Nations") and Repaired Nations One Africa, Inc., its Investment Vehicle

REPAIRED NATIONS is a pan-African network that provides the network, training, funding, & supportive-infrastructure to cultivate a successful pan-african cooperative ecosystem.  We are living potentiality: embodying an infinite sense of possibility.

REPAIRED NATIONS’ Collective Courage Book Club walks participants through the book, chapter by chapter every week, focusing on how different organizations and leaders have failed and succeeded. Repaired Nations staff & Fellow Cooperators will co-host the book club, helping us understand how to avoid pitfalls of the past, stand on the shoulders of our ancestors, and find best practices. 

REPAIRED NATIONS’ Work Based Learning navigates up to 12 Youth & Young Adults as a cohort through three, 3 month programs: starting with hands-on cooperative or legacy development for attendees of the Collective Courage Book Club; followed by a 3 month apprenticeship at a cooperative or collective; ending with an internship with REPAIRED NATIONS. The program will be centered around goal implementation, growing hard & soft work skills, collective governance, interpersonal development & gaining cooperative business acumen. The first phase at the bookclub requires those interested in developing cooperatives to devote 10 hours a week, including 2 weekly meetings and a bi-monthly cohort gathering. Those interested in legacy development will meet during the evenings approximately 3 times a week, in addition to the bi-monthly gathering.

REPAIRED NATIONS’ Annual Cooperatives Conference & Lets Build Sessions are an introduction to the core tenets of what Repaired Nations does: education, pan african connections, & building cooperatives. The conference is a cooperative action planned for October/November, where we highlight the actions of cooperatives across the Diaspora, share lessons from our cooperative network, and forefront the importance of art and music. The conference is organized and run cooperatively, and creates a space for people relatively new to cooperatives to learn cooperative principles in action.

REPAIRED NATIONS’ Seed Commons Technical Assistance & Loan Fund is the non-extractive funding pathway for all of the organization’s activity. We take people from beginning level education into increasingly technical information, supporting new & existing cooperatives to learn the skills necessary for sustainable businesses. 

REPAIRED NATIONS ONE AFRICA, INC., seeks to raise equity to successfully accomplish the One Africa project outlined above.
