QuickClass, Inc. (QCI)


Last Funded June 2023




Proven management w/ a previous successful venture & IPO that sold for $220M = to a 1,100% return
Responding to School's and District's need for anti-bullying, hazing, cyber-bullying etc. training
Recognition of and exposure to the Teenage Market w/over $265 Billion in direct & indirect spending
Successful development/launch of QuickClass High School platform, required & supplemental courses

Our Team

Protecting students and athletes from bullying and or hazing attacks should be everyone’s concern. Protecting and addressing the problems of bullying, hazing, sexting, cyber-bullying, etc. are a school's, their school district and athletic club’s responsibility since much of it originates on school grounds or a club’s facilities. Parents, administrators, coaches and teachers agree that training students to stop or avoid these harmful activities is what is needed, which is why schools, school districts and athletic clubs have turned to QuickClass, Inc. (QCI).

  • Mater Dei H.S. (CA) –Established parochial high school facing lawsuit after football hazing incident
  • Wall H.S.(NJ) – Six football players involved in locker room hazing incident
  • Gunn H.S. (CA) – Six students allege school failed to protect them from violent attacks and racist bullying
  • Danvers H.S. (MA) – Hockey team accused of hazing and racist incidents
  • Henry Lackey H.S. (MD) – Football hazing incident results in serious injuries
  • St. Edwards H.S. (OH) – Parochial high school facing lawsuit after cross country team hazing incidents

*Links for the preceding situations are available upon request.

These problems are real. In fact, as many as 160,000 students stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied! The cost to schools for students staying home for these reasons is over one billion dollars in student attendance reimbursements / revenue. This does not include the litigation costs associated from these violations of the law.

These resulting financial consequences are also very real, in fact so real that they have cost schools & school districts over $70 million in court judgments and settlements. In other words, as a result your tax dollars or charitable contributions are just flying away for no good reason!

As part of most litigation settlements, school districts must implement anti-bullying, hazing and sexual harassment training for students, faculty and staff.

All 50 states have passed anti-bullying, hazing, sexting and cyber-bullying laws, and while many have also mandated training of everyone concerned in addressing these problems, this mandated training did not include allocated funds / money for a training program! School and school district budgets are stretched to their limits and simply do not have the funds to create a comprehensive training program. This is why schools and school districts are turning to QCI.

Our solution is a “Private Labeled Training Portal” and course platform that includes “Required courses,” “Study Skills courses” and “Life Skills courses.” In order to offer schools a low cost solution, QCI utilizes a Sponsorship Advertising Revenue Program.

The cost of a QCI license agreement is $250 per year for a five (5) year exclusive agreement with a three (3) year auto renewal for a private-labeled portal and course program. Our license agreement provides for the “Required courses” as well as Study and Life Skills courses including additional services such as student Tracking, Reporting, Testing, and Course Completion / Timing Factors, all important elements in protecting a school / school district/ athletic club from potential legal challenges or costly litigation.

Advertising examples presented herein are “Forward-looking projections” and offer no guarantee of performance.

To truly protect the students / school / school district / youth club, certain courses are required of all students / athletes as part of the license agreement. The proof that important "Required Courses" such as bullying, hazing, sexting, cyber-bullying, etc. have been taken by the student / athlete is what we can offer each institution / club; that is, some protection from potential & significant lawsuits.

To accomplish this, schools, school districts and youth athletic clubs utilize their extracurricular activities as a means to assure that certain requirements are met. Since more than 80% of students participate in some form of school sponsored extracurricular activities, an organization is placed in perfect position to enforce their requirements.

Participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, drama, band, cheerleading, chess, etc. is a privilege; therefore, an organization is allowed to set their standards or requirements in order for student / athlete participation to take place.

Some of these requirements may include a minimum GPA, personal conduct or other specific training courses offered by QCI.

A student must adhere to these standards or requirements, or participation may be denied.

The following is a sample page of a private labeled high school "Required Courses Portal" from one of our accounts.

Today, our required course model consists of nine (9) courses with three (3) additional courses in development; Dangers of Using Social-Media, Dangers of Vaping, and Recognizing & Preventing Sexual Harassment.

Most schools and school districts are facing significant budget restraints that prohibits them from offering additional courses that are much needed by today’s students. Just imagine what the value of these Study Skills courses would have been while you were in high school and when you entered college. How much would you have paid for courses such as “How to write a Term Paper” or “Preparing for a Test?" As part of the QCI License Agreement, these courses are free to all students / teenage audience.

The following is a sample of a private labeled high school "Study Skills Courses Portal" from one of our accounts.

Life Skills training for teenagers is long overdue, especially as they handle the challenges of today and as they prepare to enter adulthood. Soon they will be entering their post-secondary education and will be faced with decisions in which they have received zero training; for example, managing money.

The QCI course on managing money addresses the fact that while teens are spending a substantial amount of money, they have a very limited understanding of personal finance basics, like what the difference is between debit and credit cards. A poll from ING Direct and Capital One found that 87 percent of teens say they know little to nothing about managing money. Many teens said that they have received little training on how to handle their finances, which could explain why they struggle to understand certain basic concepts, even in college. This QCI course is free to students under a high school license agreement.

The following is a sample of a private labeled high school "Life Skills Courses Portal" from one of our accounts.

Just as the case of Study Skills, most schools and school districts are facing significant budget restraints that prohibits them from offering Life Skills courses; which is why, in association with its required Study and Life Skills courses, schools, school districts and youth athletic clubs are turning to QuickClass.

We have developed a well-received and unique high school “private labeled portal and course program” as its method for distributing its courses to its targeted audience. The QCI private labeling template creates a sense of ownership by the schools, school districts, youth athletic clubs and our intended target audience: the teenager.

Our “private labeled template model” allows us to efficiently design the entire portal and course platform to maximize the advertising opportunity for local, regional and national sponsor advertisers to the teenage target audience.

Our training courses were designed to be consistent for every licensed account. Our content was developed & created by experienced academic professors, teachers, researchers, and follows the best in subject learning, understanding and presentation in accordance with established subject matter information learning principles and standards.*

Our learning / training paradigm is based upon a "working knowledge" or the 80/20-rule, where 80% of the performance is dictated by 20% of the factors driving that performance. This is why the courses are presented and understood within 30 – 45 minutes. The courses convey a practical working knowledge; which means the student's ability to view, understand and immediately use newly acquired information. This is accomplished through a short, concise and to-the-point learning presentation. This is of particular value as it applies to required, and/or valuable study, life or leadership skills.

In conjunction with the obvious need for the aforementioned training, is the recognition of the significant commercial size and value of the Teenage Market. e.g.

          •      According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, there are over 22,000 high schools in the United States serving up to 20 million high school students

         •      These millions of teenagers represent the QCI advertising and viewing target audience

    What is even more exciting is the resulting financial impact in today’s teenage market.

    The Teenage Market represents direct and indirect spending of over $264 Billion every year.

    That’s more than what some Third World countries spend as a whole. This reveals the significant financial impact that the teenage market has on the U.S. economy.

    Understanding the teenage market with regards to their likes, spending habits, preferences, trends, buying tendencies and family spending can be very challenging because the market is so diverse.

    Meeting this information challenge is impossible unless one has means to obtain, organize and analyze sufficient data to reach an acceptable level of understanding.

    We have met this challenge with our ability to gather this information through our private labeled portal and course license program. We do this through metadata mining while maintaining our stated student - privacy policy.

    We have the ability to tap into this teenage market by gathering this information through its portal & “required,” Study and Life Skills course license program. We do this through metadata mining while maintaining our stated student - privacy policy.

    Our data mining will allow us to secure “aggregate” information from our teenage audience regarding their likes, spending habits, preferences, trends, buying tendencies etc.

    This knowledge and information is very valuable to advertisers interested or desiring to reach this target audience.

    Unless an individual reveals their age, companies such as Google, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat can only guesstimate if an individual is a teenager. That is not the case with our company, our licensed accounts are high schools; therefore, our target audience is identified as the teenage market. Furthermore, sites are legally precluded from gathering specific information from underage individuals. This issue does not apply to us as explained in our privacy policy: https://quickclass.com/tos.html

    Accurate, collected and organized data in association with its pertinent analysis is relevant information to any sponsor advertiser wishing to market their goods and or services to the teenage audience.

    Our metadata model has been developed to meet this requirement with our collection, organizing, analysis and reporting of data needs in association with our licensed high schools / school districts / youth athletic clubs.

    In association with our license agreements, students and athletes participate in taking the “Required” as well as the “Study and Life Skills courses” thus allowing QCI to commence its teenage data collection mining activities. This data mining model is also a key element of our Revenue Model.

    No company can exist without revenues and we are no different. We generate our revenue from four sources:

    It is through our “Required Course Model” that enables us to generate the core of our revenue through “Sponsorship Advertising” on our licensed schools, school districts, and youth athletic clubs.

    As previously stated, under our “REQUIRED COURSE MODEL” specific courses are required in the QCI License Agreement. As a result, sponsors/advertisers are guaranteed that their advertisements will be seen by the our targeted audience: i.e. teenagers.

    As mentioned in the “Required Courses” section, a student must adhere to their school’s standards or requirements, or participation may be denied.

    Schools, school districts and youth athletic clubs may extend their course requirements to include participation and completion on a quarterly, semi-annual or annual training basis as well as the passing of tests in association with this training.

    This is why the QCI Required Course Model has proven to be successful in assisting the education market in setting, maintaining and meeting their new and established training requirements. The required course model is also what makes QCI attractive to the advertising marketplace because it guarantees to advertising sponsor student/teenage viewership.

    Definition of Sponsorship Advertising:sponsorship advertising is a type of advertising where a company pays to be associated with or in support of a specific activity, program, venue or event.

    In fact, sponsorship advertising is very prevalent with high school sporting teams, sports tournaments, high school activities and other community events.

    The Sponsor’s idea is to get their name out and be viewed positively as a result of their participation and support of an activity, program venue or event.

    There is already substantial interest in the “TEENAGE” market, as evidenced by these advertisers of high school events.

    In essence, the sponsor desires to become part of or a member of your community through their sponsorship of positive result activities.

    One way to produce a positive result is through sponsorship content advertising that reflects well upon the sponsor.

    For us this is done with an introduction to a course consisting of entertaining content of 3 – 4 minutes as part of the required course content.

    Though not associated with QuickClass; the following video of a TextEd course produced by Alcone Marketing Group is an example of the type of entertaining introduction to our required courses.

    This type of content/video thus produces a positive effect upon the viewer which translates to a positive image of the course sponsor.

    Since its founding in 1907, Boys Republic has guided more than 32,000 at-risk teenage boys and girls at separate and multiple campuses. Michael's years of involvement with Boy's republic is what inspired him to commence the creation of our company; QuickClass

    Surveying the youth landscape, we discovered very real problems that have existed for a long time. Furthermore, with the advent of technology, these problems have increased in their scope, ramifications/effects upon our youth and families.

    In response, we gathered a team of educators, web designers, programmers and marketeers to address these issues. We determined that training and education was an important key in addressing these problems. As a result, QuickClass was further defined.

    After developing our concept on paper, we built our platform and courses. Once fully developed, our next step was to beta test our product with well recognized academic/athletic high schools. After receiving feedback from our beta schools, we added additional features and content. We also brought in some private schools, such as parochial schools, in addition to our original beta schools, to test our model.

    We were satisfied with our initial success and felt we were well on our way! However, in working with our beta schools, they advised us of new and additional problems they were encountering on their campuses. Therefore, with an open door policy with our licensed schools we welcomed any suggestions or needs for the creation of new courses to address new issues or problems that were arising on their campuses, e.g. dangers of vaping and sexual harassment.

    This is one of our strengths… to continuously be a work in progress. Having the advantage and capability to immediately respond to our customer’s/school’s needs  for additional courses to address problems on their campus or venue with our content development team and our trademarked course design template model is a true blessing to our Company.

    The result is a financial benefit to our Company. This is because any customized course becomes an exclusive part of our content library and is copyrightable. But most important is the fact that if one school is experiencing a problem, in all likelihood, so are others. With the increased library of courses, we become more attractive to schools and sponsorship advertisers, thus increasing our margin of success.

    Once our marketing team visited some of our licensed school accounts and clubs, we recognized that their athletic venues had secured various sponsorship advertisements; from the scoreboard being donated by Home Depot to athletic uniforms being donated by Adidas, UnderArmour or Nike etc.

    What we learned from this observation and research was that regional, national and multi-national brands are anxious to become school or athletic sponsors. We learned that these companies are constantly looking for new venues wherein they may promote their brands and or products to the teenage audience.

    We knew then and now that we had a match! With our teenage/athletic captive audience, we could offer ourselves as a new sponsorship advertising venue. We immediately created our list of targeted sponsor advertisers.

    To attract these sponsorship advertisers, we knew we had to have proof of concept. This proof is based upon the following:

    Advertising is based on the audience. Whereas Sponsorship advertising is about goodwill, the sponsor still wants to know if the targeted audience will see their brand. Each minute a required course is viewed, our sponsor knows that their brand/product/service has be seen by our teenage audience. This knowledge is what leads to our revenue stream and is what makes us so attractive to them and our investors!

    Our Return on Investment philosophy aligns with our set of beliefs and principles that should lead an investor to QuickClass. This philosophy is more a set of guidelines and strategies that takes into account one's goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, and expectations. Central to this is our commitment to like-minded investors who want to make a difference, while also securing a substantial return on their investment.

    We generally believe that investors practice value investing and therefore, we state that our investment offer is worthy of their consideration. When investors recognize after their due diligence, that a potential investment opportunity in their opinion is underpriced, then that investor may have a reasonable expectation for an acceptable or significant return on investment (ROI).

    Furthermore, we believe that our investors will use fundamental analysis when investing in our company. This analysis is driven by an easily understandable product/service, targeted market, business plan, and financial model including supporting assumptions.*

    Lastly, we believe that our investors are socially responsible investors (SRI). Our investor will recognize that ours is a socially responsible investment opportunity that is focused on the youth of America and therefore their investment will assist in producing a positive impact on society and the youth environment.

    According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary, “valuation” is defined as “the estimated or determined market value of a thing.” Therefore, valuation is a subjective action.

    When investing capital in a business, there are multiple means whereby a valuation of a business is reached, however, in the end, it is what someone is willing to accept.

    We value our company based upon a combination of invested capital to date, revenues and progress to date, our business and financial model, the execution of our plan, industry, our product and our management team. All of this has been presented in this presentation, including the availability to review our Confidential Business Plan and Confidential Financial Model with Assumptions. The availability of these confidential documents is based upon a written request and execution of our non-disclosure agreement.

    We believe when all is considered, the valuation of our current offering, is a conservative one. The valuation is based upon the criteria presented herein and presents a substantial opportunity for its increase as we execute our financial model and stated business plan.

    Forward-looking projections cannot be guaranteed.

    A profitable exit investor strategy is based upon three defined achievable goals:

           •      Initial entry into the public markets (IPO)

           •      Sale at a profitable valuation

           •      Declaration and receipt of dividends

    We subscribe to the belief that with all things being equal, that is, market conditions, optimal execution of one’s plan, timing and the right banking team an entry to the public markets would be the most optimal path to bring the best ROI to our investors.

    In taking our Company public, the Company is placed in the best position to commence negotiations for a sale price when approached by an interested buyer. The reasoning is that the initial discussions regarding a sale price would be commensurate with the public market’s valuation. This is why it is our opinion that a public offering would place our investor in the optimal position. The subsequent sale price negotiations would include future value, sales, licensing contracts in progress etc, thus making the stock price the principal factor versus some arbitrary business pricing model such as a multiple of sales, a multiple of EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) etc.

    With our founder’s past history, successful IPO and subsequent sale of his previous venture, our team would be led by a knowledgeable team leader as well as our board of directors, advisors, bankers and other involved parties that would represent the best interests of our investors and Company.

    Forward-looking projections cannot be guaranteed,

    American angel investor and venture capitalist, Dave Berkus, asked the question: “Once again, is it the jockey or the horse? Early-stage investors have been arguing over this for years. Do they bet on the entrepreneur (jockey) or the business idea and plan (the horse)?

    Our founder’s last company’s initial offering was priced at $1.50 per share, experienced its successful IPO at $9.00 per share, and was subsequently sold for $221M to a Fortune Top 50 Company. That represents a 1,100% Return on Investment (ROI) for its initial investors. To us, that’s a successful jockey

    When adding our business model to our management team, advisory board members, directors and investors, one can see we have a very strong combination of jockey and horse. To us, that’s a successful combination that should place a smile on the face of our company’s investors.

    Our Company has a proven track record. With our unique model, we have fulfilled the obvious need in the school and youth athletic club marketplace as evidenced by a sample of the following list of highly respected licensed accounts:

    Last and equally important, you will be making a socially responsible investment in a company that is helping the teenagers of our country. This means you and your investment are part of the solution to some major problems facing our youth!

    Our team looks forward to building your company to a successful outcome that has the possibility of matching or exceeding the return on investment of 1,100% that our founder achieved in his previous venture.

    That certainly, at a minimum, is our goal.

    We look forward to welcoming you to our team of investors!
