min $100
Pristine Aqua Farms will pay investors 10% of revenues each quarter until 100% of your principal is returned plus 200% on top.
The company already owns a vessel that is ready for service to tend to the aquaculture farm. The Aqua Culture Certificate # is No. 38-AQ-2040. Much of the labor for the aquaculture farm will be provided by the owner Dean Tsoupeis, his son Ari Tsoupeis, and hired local experienced bivalve fishermen. Co-Owner Josh Neese will provide key moment onsite supervision such as time of counting in the spat, culling intervals, and proper harvest time. It is expected that the harvest will be ready October of 2022. Current market conditions have premium oysters, such as our Pristine brand oyster, at a wholesale price of approximately $89 per 100 count. This provides for a very nice Gross Sales of $178,000 for the first year. Future plans are to own our own hatchery and nursery that will be first leased then bought from Clamtastic Seafood in Cedar Key FL.
Triploid Oyster spat will bought from Triple N farms in Baton Rouge , LA. Triploid production will entail spawning local Florida diploid female broodstock with contractually sourced tetraploid males. Larvae will be reared in static systems in the micro-hatchery for approximately two to three weeks from a fertilized egg to the pediveliger stage. At which time the larvae will be set (metamorphose from free swimming to affixed to substrate) on micro cultch for single shell production. After a 72-hour setting phase, seed will be graded at 300µm and moved to a flow- through nursery system where the post-set spat will begin feeding autonomously. Spat will remain in the nursery until they reach the R2 size which retains in a 2mm seed bag. As seed continues to grow and reaches the R2 size it will be transitioned from the nursery to the grow-out phase in the water lease until it is harvested at market size. At certain intervals the oyster bags must be brought out of the water and sized and culled. Then they are re-bagged in appropriate size bags and set back into the water. The full production cycle is anticipated to last between 10-12 months. Harvesting will take place in October of 2022. The use of the wet storage facility that is located at the Clamtastic Seafood facility will allow for Pristine Aqua Farms to take the crop directly to market and be sold to local restaurants as well as direct retail from our existing website. There will be a nominal tolling fee paid to Clamtastic for the use of the wet storage facility. We also sell fresh lobster, scallops, shrimp, Uni Sea Urchin, and other oysters on our website in an effort to build our customer base prior to harvest.
The submerged land lease is in Cedar Key, FL. Cedar Key is a quiet island community nestled among many tiny keys on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Long admired for its natural beauty and abundant supply of seafood, it is a tranquil village, rich with the almost forgotten history of old Florida. There are only approximately 800 fulltime residents. Cedar key is an estuary, protected by literally thousand of acres of National Forest. This unique place allows for the waters in the region to be pristine and always open for harvest. Today, about 150 growers harvest 100-125 million hard clams annually on over 1,000 acres of submerged land leases located off the coasts of Levy and Dixie Counties. The area’s warm waters and high natural productivity allow for fast growth and continuous production It is estimated that Cedar Key produces 90% or more of the state’s crop of clams with a gross revenue impact of $35 million to the region’s economy.
The location is relatively safe from hurricanes which is a major concern. The water lease itself is behind Dog Island which acts as a barrier island helping protect it from storms. The water quality is always amazing and full of rich nutrients and ample supply of algae. The waters look murky, and people often mistake that for poor water quality. Although it may not be desirable for swimming, its perfect for farming bivalves.
The water lease location is represented by the little red square. It is 2.2 acres of Water column and bottom lease.
Below is a picture of the Oyster Spat in the Bottle Nursery
Over the past decades there has been an increasing national demand for oysters. A once common happy hour staple enjoyed by the masses has evolved into a white tablecloth extravagance due to demand (Figure 1). Florida oysters were the embodiment of not only a delicacy but also a way of life. This is due to the decline of wild reefs and commercial harvests. Ultimately demand has outstripped supply. Oyster aquaculture not only provides an essential product to the market in a sustainable manner, but also relieves harvest pressures on wild stocks and allows for those population to rebound.
Harmful algal blooms, such as red tide (Karenia brevis), have all but render the commercial oyster fishery in central Florida non-existent. This has left a major gap in supply for a market that is worth more than $50,000,000. [JN1] Data indicates a national farmgate value exceeding $450M in oyster value by 2025 compared to less than $150M in 2008.
Central Florida has one of the highest concentrations of seafood restaurants in the United Sates, many of which offering shellfish that is outsourced when available. [JN2] The need for consistent products and at a consistent and reasonable price is essential to driving the economy. Pristine Oysters is focused on providing an authentic Fresh from Florida® product in mass volume to meet market demand.
PAF will be a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services – Division of Aquaculture state certified shellfish producer and HCAAP certified processor. Direct sales will include local restaurants and seafood markets in the Greater Tamp Bay area, Florida, and the southeast through licensed distributors. PAF will also distribute boutique packages directly to large market buyers in larger markets nationally. Our existing website currently generates a modest $1,500 per week with a 30% profit margin. Efforts are on the way with internet marketing and working with a local advertising firm to increase market visibility and penetration.
Dean Konstantinos Tsoupeis
• 1989 Founded Artistic Images Screen-printing and Embroidery
• 1992 Expanded Artistic images operations to 3 automatic printing
presses and 2 12 head embroidery machines. Established accounts with
Universal Studios, Bay Care Health Group, LifeStyles Family Fitness,
Panera Bread, Hooters, Checkers,CapCOM, Microsoft, and several other national
Advertising firms.
• 2000 Founded Equipment manufacturing refurbishing and sales
company for the screen-printing industry. Designed and built conveyor
dryers and refurbished automated screen printing machines.
Assets and customers sold off for a profit in 2006
• 2002 Founded Renewable Energy Systems Biodiesel Production Company.
Designed and built a biodiesel refinery capable of producing 500,000 gallons of
ASTM specified fuel per year.
• 2002 Sold Artistic Images for a profit. This company is still in business today.
• 2004 to Present Founded DTI Enterprise, Inc. D/B/A Culturing Solutions.
This company designs and builds photobioreactors for the mass cultivation of
algae for use in nutritional products, aquaculture, and as a feed stock for Biofuel.
There have been 12 installations in 8 different countries. This company has had
a high sales volume of $500k per year.
Other achievements
•Founded industry working group that achieved adding algae based fuels into
law for the Renewable energy Tax Credit in the Waxman_Hartley Energy Bill.
• Was partner in grant awarded from the Florida Renewable Energy Grant for
algae to energy.
• Mediated and presented at many panels at industry conferences.
Josh Neese
Neese has more than ten years of aquaculture industry experience, having
studied Fisheries and Aquaculture Biology for his B.S. and M.S. at the University
of West Florida. Upon graduating he workedin Grand Isle, LA with Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries as a fisheries and oyster aquaculture
biologist. He then moved on to Alabama DCNR-Marine Resources as the
hatchery manager of the Claude Peteet Mariculture Center in Gulf Shores, AL
producing red drum, Florida pompano, and southern flounder. Josh then
transitioned to the private sector returning to oyster aquaculture with Pensacola
Bay Oyster Company managing operations, sales and marketing, and R&D.
Prior to beginning his biological career, he received his B.A. from Huntingdon
College in Communication Studies and worked for Airgas in sales and
operations. This unique blend of biological expertise and commercial industry
experience coupled with the opportunity of a vastly undeveloped US oyster
aquaculture market is the driving factor in creating an oyster production
company founded on innovation, sustainability, anddisruption.